Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 08:13 Over 188,000 new infections and 2,810 more deaths in the US +++


+++ 08:13 Over 188,000 new infections and 2,810 more deaths in the US +++

In the United States, the number of confirmed coronavirus infections increased by at least 188,680 new cases to 18.6 million in 24 hours. The number of deaths increased from 2,810 to 329,143.

+++ 07:38 Brits need a corona test to enter the US +++
British citizens will need to submit a negative corona test in the future if they want to enter the US A corresponding regulation will apply from Monday, the US disease protection agency CDC announced. A Cornavirus mutation said to be significantly more contagious is widespread in Britain.

+++ 07:03 Expert: vaccination will not affect the epidemic for now +++
According to Kiel infection doctor Professor Helmut Fickenscher, the start of the crown vaccination on Sunday throughout Germany “will not affect the epidemic for the time being. “This is simply because we have too many people to vaccinate and we will not have enough vaccines available for a long time,” Fickenscher said. According to Fickenscher, a favorable crown development in 2021 depends on whether the extensive vaccination of the population, whether of 60 or 80 percent, is completed before the winter of 2021/2022. Before Easter, Fickenscher does not expect a significant relaxation of crown requirements. Perhaps some industries could reopen sooner. But you only expect relevant relaxation in everyday life when it’s much hotter. So you want spring to start early and warm.

+++ 06:33 RKI counts more than 25,500 new infections +++
German health authorities reported 25,533 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within 24 hours. In addition, 412 deaths were recorded, the RKI announced. However, the figures are only partially comparable with the values ​​of the previous week. The RKI expected fewer tests and fewer reports from health authorities during the holidays. The number of new infections reported to health authorities within seven days per 100,000 population (seven-day incidence) is currently 188.8. A high of 197.6 was reached on Tuesday. Saxony achieved by far the highest value: there, the seven-day incidence is 441.3, that is, more than double the national average. Thuringia follows with a value of 320.6. The lowest value is recorded in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 87.1.

+++ 06:11 South Korea reports maximum value for new infections +++
South Korea reports a new record for infections. The disease center announced that 1,241 new infections were recorded. In total, South Korea has more than 54,770 corona infections and more than 773 related deaths. In the spring, the country was still unanimously praised for its handling of the viral disease.

+++ 05:54 Müller calls for a greater contribution from billionaires to finance the consequences of the crown +++
Development Minister Gerd Müller calls for a greater contribution from billionaires to finance the consequences of the crown. “I think it would be appropriate that the super-rich winners of the crisis now voluntarily participate in the financing of the crisis management,” the CSU politician told the “Funke Mediengruppe” newspapers. “My suggestion is that you contribute to a solidarity fund, for example at the United Nations. Or directly support the Covax global vaccination platform or the World Food Program.” This could provide missing funds, for example for the global Covid 19 vaccination campaign or food security in refugee camps.

+++ 02:30 Christmas traffic: many trains are only 1/3 occupied +++
In the pandemic, the usual Christmas train fever in Germany has not materialized until now. The company expects an average train utilization of 35 to 40 percent for all Christmas trips, a spokesperson said Thursday night. In all modes of transport, this is about 60 percent below the level of the previous year. To better comply with the distance rules, the railway still uses around 100 special trains. By the end of the year, passengers would have an additional 13,000 seats available.

+++ 00:06 Brazil reports nearly 190,000 new infections +++
The Brazilian Ministry of Health has reported 58,428 new infections. This brings the total number of infections to 7.423 million. The number of deaths increased by 762 to 189,982 in 24 hours. After the United States, Brazil has the highest number of infections and deaths in the world from the corona pandemic.

+++ 23:25 Initiator of “lateral thinking” Ballweg: accept the ban on demonstrations in Berlin +++
The initiator of “Think outside the box”, Michael Ballweg, has asked people to respect the ban on thinking outside the box in Berlin at the end of the year. In a video message posted on the Internet on Christmas Eve, he asked to “accept the ban on demonstrations in Berlin and not go to Berlin on December 30, December 31 and January 1.” On Wednesday it became known that the “lateral thinking” demonstration scheduled for December 30 in Berlin had been banned.

+++ 22:25 More than 600,000 Britons already vaccinated +++
In the UK, more than 600,000 citizens have so far received a vaccine with the active ingredient Biontech / Pfizer against the coronavirus. The Ministry of Health announced.

+++ 21:20 Current data status in Germany: more than 28,000 new cases reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 1,604,781. As can be seen from the information from 15 state authorities evaluated by, 28,726 new cases were added. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 597 to 29,127. Currently, some 386,000 people are infected. The state of Bremen has not released any data. At the state level, no new information will be announced there until Monday.

The infection rate (R value) is determined by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) at 0.87indicated (previous day: 0.83). This means that on average 100 Infected 87 infect other people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 0.97 (Previous day: 0.92). According to Divi-Register, there are currently 5,354 Covid-19 patients treated in intensive care, 2,832 of whom are ventilated. Around 5016 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can find more information about the most important corona data here Read.

+++ 20:59 Bishops Bätzing and Bedford-Strohm: “Be considerate, protect life” +++
The two most important German bishops of the Evangelical and Catholic Churches addressed the ARD television audience for the first time with a “Word on Christmas Eve.” It was a special Christmas, declared the president of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, and the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, Georg Bätzing, on the night after the “Tagesschau”, a Christmas with the corona virus. “It has brought immeasurable suffering to humanity, also here in Germany.” The pandemic had shown people their own vulnerability and made many think. The current situation can be understood as an invitation to a conscious life and a call to a new solidarity. “It is good if we consider each other these days and protect human life,” emphasized Bätzing and Bedford-Strohm.

+++ 19:19 Mexico and Chile begin with vaccination +++
Mexico and Chile were the first countries in Latin America to begin vaccinating the population. The start of vaccination in Mexico was broadcast live during the morning press conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The head of nursing of the intensive care unit of the Rubén Leñero hospital in Mexico City was the first Mexican woman to receive the corona vaccine, according to the Mexican newspaper “El Universal” – and thus also the first Latin American woman. Shortly after Ramírez, Zulema Riquelme received the first vaccination in Chile. “So that everyone gets vaccinated,” the Chilean newspaper “La Tercera” quoted Riquelme, who works at the “Metropolitan Hospital” in Santiago de Chile.

+++ 18:29 Bulgaria allows flights to Great Britain again +++
Bulgaria has again allowed flights to and from the UK. This made it possible for the planes with returnees to land again in the EU country. The flight stopover that came into effect on Monday due to the coronavirus mutation was lifted after three days. According to a regulation by Health Minister Kostadin Angelow, passengers on a first plane from London were screened for the corona virus with rapid tests at the airport. A total of eight UK aircraft are expected for the day.

You can read more information about the most important corona data here.

Read more news from the day before here.
