Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 08:11 Bayerischer Landkreis exceeds seven-day incidence of 400 +++


In Germany, 373 regions exceed the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. That’s two more regions than the day before. This means that 90 percent of the German regions are still considered Corona hotspots. This is the result of the latest data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) (November 15, 12:00 am). Consequently, of the 412 regions identified by the RKI (including boroughs, independent cities, and Berlin districts), only 16 are below the warning threshold of 35 new infections. They are four less than on Saturday. The Bavarian district of Freyung-Grafen, with an enormously high incidence in seven days of 404.5 (previous day: 361.1) new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the Berlin district of Mitte (359.8 | 325.9) and the Traunstein District in Bavaria (340.6 | 375.6). According to the RKI, Dessau-Roßlau (13.7 | 13.7) still has the lowest incidence value of seven days in Saxony-Anhalt. According to the information, the city is the only German region with a value lower than 25.

+++ 08:04 Association of cities and municipalities against early flexibilization +++
The Association of Towns and Municipalities is against a too early relaxation. The number of infections is still too high and contact tracing is not successful across the board, CEO Gerd Landsberg tells the “Funke Mediengruppe” newspapers. The closure of gastronomy and culture is hard. But this is precisely what leads to a significant reduction in people-to-people contacts. It is important to explain the factual arguments for the necessity of the measures. “Only if we earn the trust of the people will we get through the winter safely.

+++ 07:15 am Lauterbach criticizes RKI’s “inefficient” strategy +++
SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach has again criticized the strategy of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in the corona pandemic. “I am convinced that the current form is inefficient. We waste a lot of time following individual contacts,” he told the Funke media group newspapers. “You get to these too late, after they have already been able to infect many others. On the contrary, you also contact people who were not infected at all.” The epidemiologist demanded that one should concentrate on isolating the super-propagating events. Lauterbach had already made similar statements several times. In addition, the SPD politician requested that the duration of the quarantine be shortened. “14 days is too long, there is no medical justification for this. I think it makes sense to reduce the quarantine to ten days, with the option to freely test after five days.”

+++ 06:20 Educational researchers: older students must study from home before March +++
In the debate over school closures due to the corona infection situation, Kiel-based education psychologist and researcher Olaf Köller campaigned for at least older students to receive digital instruction from home. Distance education programs should be established in the long term until the end of March and not just until Christmas, said Köller, who contributed to several statements by the National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, on the corona pandemic. In view of the current situation, the younger classes should be reduced again and the distances between them increased. “As long as we do not have mass vaccinations and it is cold and winter, the infection process will continue to be problematic,” said Köller. On Monday, heads of government at the federal and state levels will discuss the current situation and how to deal with the corona pandemic in a video link. The central question is whether the current restrictions on public life should be broadened or broadened. In light of the growing number of corona cases and quarantine orders for teachers and students, it could also be about how schools can be kept open. The scientist Köller gave several reasons for his proposal. On the one hand, older students could cope with distance learning for several weeks better than younger ones. On the other hand, they do not have to be cared for by their parents.

+++ 05:49 RKI: Almost 17,000 new infections in Germany +++
In Germany, almost 17,000 new infections were recorded in one day. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Sunday morning, citing information from health authorities, 16,947 new cases of infection were registered in one day. The day before, there were more than 22,000 new infections. Since not all health authorities transmit data on weekends, the number of cases reported by the RKI is usually lower on Sundays and Mondays than on other days of the week.

+++ 05:26 World Medical Association: more restrictions than facilities +++
Despite the partial closure, the president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, warned that German hospitals will be overloaded. “If things continue as they are now, we will have to deal with massive staff problems and the worst of the bed shortage,” he told the “Augsburger Allgemeine.” So far, we have seen a flattening of the rise in new infections, but not a bending of the infection curve downward. “So, this is my forecast, we will have to talk more about additional restrictions than about easing,” he emphasized.

+++ 04:54 Altmaier suggests lessons in restaurants and hotels +++
Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier has proposed school lessons in closed restaurants and hotels to better comply with distance rules. He would like “the physical possibilities of the municipalities to be exploited even better,” said the CDU politician from “Bild am Sonntag”. “In classrooms, it is often difficult to maintain sufficient distance,” Altmaier said, justifying his approach. “I would appreciate if the lessons took place, for example, in community centers, cultural centers or in the unused rooms of restaurants and hotels.”

+++ 04:04 More than a million cases in Mexico +++
Mexico has more than a million infections. In one day, the number increased by 5,860 to a total of 1,003,253 cases, reports the Ministry of Health. The number of deaths increases from 635 to 98,259. Health experts assume that there are also a large number of unreported cases of infections.

+++ 03:15 Vaccination centers in Schleswig-Holstein ready for use in mid-December +++
According to Prime Minister Daniel Günther, the Schleswig-Holstein vaccination centers will be operational in all districts and urban districts by mid-December. “We do not know if a vaccine will be available in December. One thing is clear: mass vaccination must not fail due to lack of space,” the CDU politician told “Spiegel.” On the question of who should be vaccinated first, he explained that the German Ethics Council had a list of priorities that the federal state would strictly adhere to. This list states that, for example, older people would get vaccinated first, then medical staff and nurses who treated corona patients.

+++ 02:08 churches take on 1 billion less church taxes +++
Due to the pandemic, according to a media report, large churches in Germany expect significantly lower tax revenues. These could decrease by more than one billion euros, reports the “Welt am Sonntag” after a survey. That would be less than around eight percent, and therefore double that of the 2009 financial crisis. The church’s tax revenue would therefore be € 11.69 billion in 2020, after € 12.71 billion. from the previous year. In 2019, the Catholic Church contributed 6.76 billion euros and the Evangelical Church 5.95 billion euros. According to the newspaper, the Evangelical Church in Germany is assuming a decrease in tax revenue of eight to eleven percent. Catholic dioceses speak of declines between 4 and 13 percent. The church tax is eight to nine percent of the salary and income tax. If, as in the Corona crisis, more people take short-term jobs or even become unemployed, the church’s tax revenue will also decline.

+++ 01:32 Altmaier expects months of restrictions +++
Economy Minister Peter Altmaier has yet to see any significant success in the partial lockdown. “The provisional balance also includes the fact that the number of infections is still too high. Much higher even than two weeks ago,” said “Bild am Sonntag” CDU politician. “Despite all efforts, a change for the better has not yet been achieved,” Altmaier said. You see little scope to open restaurants and cinemas. “We are not out of the woods yet.” Germany could not afford a “yo-yo shutdown” with a constant opening and closing of the economy. According to Altmaier, he expects the Germans will have to restrict themselves well beyond December. “We will have to live with significant precautions and restrictions for at least the next four to five months.” Read more about it here.

+++ 01:00 Brazil reports a sharp increase in new infections +++
In Brazil, according to the Ministry of Health, another 38,307 people were infected with the virus within 24 hours on Saturday. On Friday it was 29,070. Overall, the number who tested positive is just under 5.85 million. The number of deaths increases by 921 to 165,658.

+++ 00:13 Altmaier: choosing Biden as a new beginning in the fight against the virus +++
Federal Finance Minister Peter Altmaier also sees the election of Joe Biden as president of the United States as an opportunity for a fresh start in the fight against the virus. “We have to use the worldwide enthusiasm for Biden’s electoral victory for a new global start in the fight against the pandemic,” says the “Bild am Sonntag” CDU politician, according to the preliminary report. Crown policy suffers greatly from the fact that highly contradictory strategies are being pursued around the world. “Joe Biden, on the other hand, has very similar concepts to Europeans.”

+++ 23:06 Only in North Rhine-Westphalia 5,352 new infections are reported +++
In their daily reports, five federal states have again posted four-digit growth: North Rhine-Westphalia leads the field with 5,352 new infections by a wide margin. They are followed by Bavaria (3953), Baden-Württemberg (2122), Lower Saxony (1482) and Hesse (1074). More than three-quarters of the newly reported infections nationwide were found in these five countries.

+++ 22:19 The number of new infections in France is again increasing significantly +++
The number of new infections in France is again increasing dramatically. The Ministry of Health announced that there were last 32,095 new cases. On Friday it was 23,794, but on Thursday it was 33,172. The number of people who died in a clinic increased from 359 to 44,246 in one day.

+++ 21:20 Current data in Germany: 17,968 new infections and 146 deaths +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 780,677. As can be seen from information from state authorities evaluated by, 17,968 new cases were added in 24 hours. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 146 to 12,432. Around 278,675 people are currently infected.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.11 (previous day: 0.92). This means that a hundred people infect an average of 111 more people with Sars-CoV-2. The last time the R value was above 1 on November 9. The 7-day R value is currently 1.05 (previous day: 0.99). The value represents the appearance of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides. According to the Divi Register, 3,325 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 1,876 of whom are ventilated. Around 6,500 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can find the full crown indicator for Saturday, November 14 here.
