Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 07:10 Virologist Streeck: There may be surprises with vaccine testing +++


Virologist Hendrik Streeck looks forward to the upcoming fall season. “In many cities, during the fall and winter, we will remove 50 to 100 residents from new infections,” said the director of the Institute of Virology at the Bonn University Hospital at RTL. He warned not to raise any fear in society. “There is a lot of warning about it, but if you notice it constantly, these warnings are no longer noticeable,” said the virologist. It is much more important to think of solutions and “caveats that really work.” Streeck also commented on the topic of vaccines in the RTL interview. In his opinion, it is very difficult to predict when a vaccine will be available. “Especially in the last phase, there are surprises that are often not expected,” he says. Even if there is a vaccine, it does not always work for a vaccine to eradicate the virus, “to make it disappear from the world.” That was only successful once, with smallpox. But science has been working on this for decades too.

+++ 06:10 Karliczek: Teachers should be the first to vaccinate +++
According to Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek, teachers should be the first to get vaccinated against the coronavirus if the vaccine is available. “As federal Minister of Education, I would like teachers to be among the first to receive a vaccine due to their large number of contacts at school, especially if they belong to a risk group,” the CDU politician told the network publishing house Germany. That would eliminate teachers’ understandable concerns about infection, he said. Preferential vaccination for teachers would also help keep schools running, which is so important to society.

+++ 05:22 The number of robberies could fall to an all-time low due to Corona +++
The General Association of the German Insurance Industry (GDV) expects the number of thefts this year to be significantly lower due to the Corona crisis. “The falls in Germany could fall to a new all-time low in 2020,” says GDV Managing Director Jörg Asmussen of “Bild”. The development of the first half of the year suggests that the number of recessions is the lowest since the statistics began in 1981. The main reason is likely to be the pandemic, Asmussen says. “Many people were at home due to the home office, short-term work, and vacationing at home.” In 2019, insurers recorded 95,000 thefts and damages for around 300 million euros.

+++ 04:53 GdP: Too understaffed for corona control of returning travelers +++
The application of quarantine for travelers returning from risk areas in the Schengen area at German airports could cause massive problems. “Currently we can only do an identity check at entry checks. When travelers from non-Schengen countries come to us, our colleagues will check whether the departure card data and the travel ID match,” says the union vice president police officer in the Federal Police, Sven Hüber, the “Rheinische Post”. The cards would then be sent to the health authorities. According to Hüber, it already becomes problematic for travelers arriving in Germany from Schengen countries. “From a legal point of view, we are only allowed to verify if there is suspicion of unauthorized entry. Otherwise it will be difficult. In addition, it must be made clear that at this moment we do not have the personnel capacity or the adequate infrastructure in the airports to check passengers on so-called domestic flights.. “

+++ 04:27 State aid for US airlines +++
The United States government has reached an agreement with seven of the country’s major airlines on state financial assistance in the Corona crisis. As announced by the Treasury Department, an agreement was reached on the allocation of funds from an industry aid package in the amount of $ 25 billion. This aid for airlines was approved by Congress in late March as part of the gigantic anti-crisis program of the Crown with a historical record volume of 2.2 trillion dollars. Since July, airlines have been negotiating the terms of the loans with the government.

+++ 04:04 Göring-Eckardt criticizes the federal and state governments for “not looking forward” +++
The leader of the green parliamentary group Katrin Göring-Eckardt accuses the federal and state governments of not acting proactively in the Corona crisis after the Prime Minister’s Conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel. “The federal and state governments are not acting with foresight in the Crown crisis. They seem once again surprised that the cold season and the next holidays are just around the corner,” says Göring-Eckardt of the “Rheinische Post” . “This driving at first glance is incomprehensible.”

+++ 03:18 GlaxoSmithKline boss expects a vaccine in 2021 +++
Pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline is confident that a coronavirus vaccine will be available in 2021. “I share the optimism that we will have a solution next year,” says Executive Director Emma Walmsley. GlaxoSmithKline is developing a vaccine with its French partner Sanofi. In case of positive results in a clinical study, they point to the approval of the vaccine in the first half of 2021, according to previous information.

+++ 02:29 Regeneron applies for emergency US approval for antibody combination +++
The American biotechnology company Regeneron Pharmaceuticals is applying in the United States for emergency approval of the experimental antibody combination REGN-COV2. The drug is said to reduce viral load and relieve symptoms. Test results from the first 275 test patients would show the greatest benefit in infected people whose immune systems had not yet formed its own antibodies before treatment, the drug company explains. This suggests that the treatment could help patients whose own immune systems are not strong enough to fight the virus. “We hope this data supports an emergency approval from the US Food and Drug Administration,” said George Yancopoulos, Regeneron’s chief scientist.

+++ 01:40 Italy’s economy is contracting more than expected +++
According to official estimates, the Italian economy will contract more than expected. GDP is now forecast to fall by nine percent after minus eight percent in April, the Finance Ministry announced. At 10.8 percent, the national deficit will be lower than previously expected by 11.9 percent. However, the key figure for next year increased to 7.0 percent after 5.7 percent of GDP. So the deficit should be 4.7 percent in 2022 and 3.0 percent in 2023, he said.

+++ 00:52 Brazil reports a total of almost 143,000 deaths +++
The corona virus continues to spread in Brazil. The Ministry of Health reports 32,058 new infections. This brings the total number of infections to more than 4.7 million. The number of deaths increased from 863 to 142,921 in 24 hours. Brazil has the highest number of infections and deaths in the coronavirus pandemic after the United States and India.

+++ 00:01 Due to Crown Crisis: Disney is cutting 28,000 jobs +++
The entertainment group is cutting around 28,000 jobs in its amusement park division due to the coronavirus pandemic. Most of the employees affected by a layoff are part-time workers, the US company said. The crown crisis is causing difficulties for Disney. From April to June, the company posted a loss of $ 4.7 billion. With the exception of Disneyland in California, the company has reopened all theme parks.

+++ 23:25 Curevac begins the next phase of vaccine study +++
Tübingen biotech company Curevac announces the next step in testing its CVnCoV vaccine candidate. The first participant in a phase 2a clinical study had been vaccinated, according to the newcomer. The study will be carried out in Peru and Panama with a total of 690 healthy participants. First data is expected in the fourth quarter.

+++ 10:44 pm North Korea: Coronavirus under control +++
North Korea has the pandemic “under safe and stable control,” according to its ambassador to the UN, Kim Song. This is due to the “forward-thinking leadership of the government” of the country, Kim explained to the General Assembly.

The most important news of the previous day on the current situation of the global coronavirus pandemic can be found in here.
