Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 07:05 Müntefering: Each individual has the responsibility +++



Franz Müntefering: “We have to go ahead with this.”

(Photo: Picture Alliance / dpa)

Former SPD president Franz Müntefering sees everyone in Germany as responsible for the pandemic. “The vast majority of the population trusts that politicians will do everything possible to find sensible solutions,” Müntefering said. However, political responsibility does not relieve everyone of responsibility. “The risk of contagion does not end when politicians decide, but when everyone contributes to not being infected and neither does others.” The majority, basically everyone, should have the courage to say: “We have to move forward with this, we have to contain the pandemic and try to protect jobs, the economy and the welfare state and health of every human being.”

+++ 06:35 More than 48,000 new infections in India +++
India reports 48,268 new infections in the last 24 hours. The total number rose to 8.1 million, according to data from the Health Ministry on Saturday. India has the highest number of cases in the world after the United States. The number of deaths increased by 551 to a total of 121,641.

+++ 05:23 Positive effect: low record for antibiotic prescriptions +++
According to the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), fewer antibiotics were prescribed during the first Corona wave in spring than during 20 years. This was the result of an assessment of drug prescriptions for the more than five million TK policyholders. The number of antibiotic prescriptions issued fell by 43 percent in April and May compared to the same period a year earlier. Extrapolated to the approximately 34 million employees subject to social security contributions in Germany, around 11.7 daily doses were prescribed. In the same period of the previous year, it was extrapolated to 20.5 million. Measures to contain the corona pandemic also contributed to the fact that other infectious diseases were less able to spread.

+++ 04:56 The EU is working on a standardized digital input system +++
By the end of the year, the EU should have a common digital registration system for entry. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides announced. Eleven EU countries currently have or are working on national digital registration systems. The EU Commission started a pilot project in November, on data protection issues that should be clarified.

+++ 04:14 Belgians can only receive one guest +++
Due to the dramatically growing number of new corona infections, Belgium is tightening lockdown measures again. As of Monday, essential stores do not have to close again, as Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced. More restrictions also apply to private homes: when the adjustment takes effect, only one guest will be allowed to visit them. The government encouraged workers to work from home whenever possible. “It’s a lockdown, but a lockdown that allows factories to run and schools to reopen cautiously,” said Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke.

+++ 03:23 USA has the next record number of new infections +++
A few days before the US presidential elections, a record number of new coronavirus infections were registered in the country for the second day in a row. As announced by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, 94,125 new cases of infection were recorded in 24 hours. In addition, another 919 deaths were recorded. The latest count broke the previous day’s record with more than 91,000 new coronavirus infections reported. A total of 9,034,295 million people have been infected with the coronavirus in the United States since the pandemic began. The total number of deaths rose to 229,544.

+++ 02:42 patients should be distributed throughout Germany +++
The federal and state governments want to distribute intensive care patients suffering from Covid-19 between federal states if capacities are in short supply. “If a situation develops that forces people to move beyond neighboring countries or regions, the so-called cloverleaf principle applies,” says the concept of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which is available to the newspapers of the Funke media group. . Therefore, only the two most populous federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria form their own regions. Read more about it here.

+++ 02:11 Johnson is considering a partial lockdown for England +++
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering a new strict partial lockdown on England in the fight against the crown pandemic. The Times reported that Johnson would announce the new corona measures on Monday. Consequently, everything must be closed except stores and vital educational institutions, such as schools, kindergartens and universities. The new restrictions could apply from Wednesday until December 1. Each part of the country in Great Britain with a total of almost 67 million inhabitants decides its own measures in the crisis of the Crown. Until now, Johnson had opposed calls for the reintroduction of crown measures at the national level. Now, however, in view of the soaring number of cases, concerns are growing that hospitals may be overloaded.

+++ 02:04 MV expels its tourists +++
MV expels its tourists, they have to leave the state no later than November 5. This was announced by Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig after a cabinet meeting. In principle, as of November 2, no more guests will be admitted for tourist purposes during the rest of the month. “Of course, guests who are already there have time to travel back,” Schwesig said. Therefore, this applies to all reservations made up to and including Friday. If you book accommodation later, you must leave before next Monday. Read more about it here.

+++ 01:43 Brinkhaus: Nobody can guarantee relaxation in December +++
Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus does not want to guarantee that the partial shutdown will end in December. “The plan is to relax in December. No one can guarantee that,” Brinkhaus told the Funke media group newspapers. “But the fact is: without doing something, we certainly won’t have a good December. We have to fight.” With a view to further tightening, up to and including curfews, he said: “A lot will depend on whether everyone agrees. Then we will have a good chance of being able to do it without further tightening. But if people do their thing across the board. , we can get one problem. “

+++ 01:23 Czech Republic extends state of emergency +++
The Czech Parliament approves the extension of the state of emergency until 20 November. This creates the legal framework for the government to restrict the freedom of movement of citizens or production in factories if necessary.

+++ 00:54 Poland closes all cemeteries +++
Cemeteries in Poland will be closed on All Saints’ Day today, Sunday and Monday. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki justified the move with the rapid rise in infections. Furthermore, the government asks people to work from home whenever possible.

+++ 00:17 Slovakia tests the entire population +++
After an initial pilot test last weekend, nationwide crown tests for the entire population begin today in Slovakia. To prevent the virus from spreading rapidly, Prime Minister Igor Matovic wants to subject all citizens over the age of ten to free rapid tests this weekend and next. Matovic sees the massive tests as a model for other countries if they are successful. The Eastern European country of around 5.4 million people had survived the first corona wave well, but since September, as in almost all parts of Europe, the number of infections has been rising steadily. A nationwide overnight curfew and other restrictions have been in place since last weekend.

+++ 23:52 Corona escalation, but US wants to allow cruises again +++
Since mid-March, cruises from US ports have been banned due to the corona pandemic, now things should start slowly again. The CDC’s health authority announced Friday that it would relax its strict “no-sail order” and presented a set of rules for a gradual return to operations. In light of new corona escalations in parts of the United States, the timing of the CDC’s move is surprising. According to US media reports, Director Robert Redfield would have liked to extend the ban, but the industry is said to have managed to attract a US government task force led by Vice President Mike Pence to his side through increased lobbying.

+++ 23:20 British accelerated vaccine tests +++
According to a media report, the British Medicines Agency MHRA has started an accelerated testing procedure for corona vaccine candidates from Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer, as well as British pharmaceutical company Astrazeneca. Astrazeneca as well as Pfizer and its German partner Biontech are among the leading companies in the race for a coronavirus vaccine, along with the American biotech group Moderna.

+++ 22:56 France reports almost 50,000 new cases +++
The number of new infections in France rises to 49,215 in 24 hours. That’s an increase of around 1,500 more than the day before. The number of deaths increased by 256 to a total of 36,565.

+++ 22:20 After infection: Spahn wants to return to the ministry on Monday +++
According to Health Minister Jens Spahn, Germany will accept crown patients from other EU countries whenever possible. This applies to countries like the Czech Republic or Belgium, but also to others that would ask for help. The Federal Foreign Office announced that two crown intensive care patients from the Netherlands and Belgium are currently being treated in German clinics. Spahn, infected with the corona virus, also said he would return to work at his ministry on Monday. “I’m – toi toi toi – pretty well. The symptoms have subsided.”

+++ 22:00 highs: Spain moves away from a hard blockade +++
Despite the new infection records, Spain wants to contain the pandemic without a new lockdown with an extremely strict curfew. The total lockdown, as was the case for months in the Corona hotspot in the spring, is not provided for in the new emergency decree, Health Minister Salvador Illa said. “And I am convinced that, thanks to the current measures, a total curfew will not be necessary,” the minister told reporters in Madrid on Friday. With 25,595 new infections in 24 hours, it was the highest value since the outbreak of the pandemic. The total number of infections by the Sars-CoV-2 virus thus approaches the 1.2 million mark in the country with 47 million inhabitants. In Western Europe, only France has a higher value.

You can read about the most important developments on the current situation regarding the global coronavirus pandemic here.
