Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 06:43 Only Rhineland-Palatinate is below the upper limit of 50 +++


In the current virus situation, there is only one federal state at the moment, with its number of cases below the upper limit of 50 newly recorded corona infections in seven days per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the latest RKI data, Rhineland-Palatinate (49.7) is still below the threshold of 50. According to RKI data, Thuringia still has the highest number of cases in a country comparison. There the value remains at 126.5. The Free State is therefore the only federal state that is above the 100 mark. It is best seen in Schleswig-Holstein, which is just above 50 (50.1). With the exception of the northernmost federal state and Hamburg, all federal states show increased values.

+++ 06:28 The head of government of India can be effectively publicly vaccinated +++
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been publicly vaccinated against the corona virus. The 70-year-old prime minister posted a photo on Twitter showing a syringe attached to his left arm. According to the entry, it was the first dose of the vaccine. Modi wrote: “I appeal to all who have the right to vaccination: Let’s rid India of Covid-19 together!”

With a population of 1.3 billion, India has the second best-known corona case after the United States in absolute terms. Crown numbers were relatively low until recently. Around 10,000 new infections were recorded each day, while at last summer’s weddings it was nearly 100,000 a day. However, as the number of cases decreased, so did people’s caution, and recently more infectious corona mutants have also been discovered. More recently, there has been an increase in the number of cases in the metropolis of Mumbai and other regions of the country.

+++ 05:55 RKI reports a value of 65.8 – 7-day incidence continues to increase +++
German health authorities reported 4,732 new coronavirus infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, 60 more deaths were recorded in 24 hours. This is evident in the RKI figures. Exactly a week ago, the RKI had recorded 4,369 new infections and 62 new deaths in one day. On Monday, the number of cases reported by the RKI is usually lower, not least because fewer tests are done on weekends.

According to the RKI, the number of new infections reported in seven days per 100,000 population (seven-day incidence) was 65.8 nationwide on Monday morning and therefore higher than the day before ( 63.8). Four weeks ago, on February 1, the incidence had been 91. Its previous peak was reached on December 22 at 197.6.

Note: The RKI figures generally differ slightly from the case data that reports daily at night. The data team of has direct access to the registration figures of the federal states, published by the ministries and local authorities. The RKI, on the other hand, is linked to legally prescribed reporting channels, which can lead to a delay.

In addition, the respective daily values ​​map different recording periods: the ntv assessment collects the country information published at night and uses it to calculate a daily status of the number of reported cases, which is generally published as of 8 pm The RKI’s recording system, on the other hand, takes into account incoming reports up to midnight, and the current status of the data is announced the next morning.

+++ 05:16 Austrian government decides on new actions +++
Three weeks after the opening of all the shops, the Austrian government is deciding today on the further course. More recently, the restart of the catering and hospitality industry occurred in the hall before Easter. However, the Minister of Health, Rudolf Anschober of the Greens, described the evolution of the number of new infections as a “worrying turnaround”. The seven-day incidence in Austria is currently around 160. Recently, the number of new infections among young people has increased significantly.

+++ 04:30 Maas insured: No border controls with France +++
Despite the classification of the French border region of Moselle as an area with particularly dangerous coronavirus variants, there should be no stationary border controls there. Federal Chancellor Heiko Maas assures it. “Hardly any other region is characterized by cross-border life and work like the one between the Saar and the Moselle. Therefore, I have only approved the measures on the condition that there are no new border controls,” said the politician of the SPD. Classification as a virus variant area is primarily associated with a more stringent testing requirement for travelers. Public transport is also prohibited, although there are exceptions.

+++ 03:53 More than 20 million people vaccinated in Great Britain +++
In the UK, more than 20 million of the 66 million residents have received at least one dose of vaccine to protect against Covid-19. It was “a great national achievement,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. He thanked the health workers involved in the vaccination campaign for their “tireless work.” All adults in the country must be offered a vaccination offer before the end of July.

+++ 02:52 Returning federal official wishes to vaccinate poll workers +++
Returning federal officer Georg Thiel puts into play a preferred vaccine of volunteer poll workers for federal elections. He addressed the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Neue Berliner Redaktionsgesellschaft newspapers report. “Given that a higher percentage of mail-in ballots can be expected due to the pandemic, more poll workers will likely be needed,” Thiel said. The ministry has yet to comment.

+++ 02:10 Golden Globes in Corona-Modus +++
This year there are no stars filling the red carpet: the Golden Globe gala takes place in Corona mode. Shortly before the 78th Globe Trophy ceremony, nominated stars such as Carey Mulligan, Leslie Odom Jr. and Kate Hudson got in the mood for the show with a live broadcast. Comedians Tina Fey and Amy Poehler will host the ceremony on separate stages. Nominees will be included in the largely virtual show from venues around the world.

+++ 01:41 Head of Charité: I need federal committee for crisis plans +++
The leadership of the Berlin Charité advocates for a national committee of experts to better prepare Germany for pandemic emergencies. “As a society, after the crown crisis at the federal level, we should commission a group of experts to draw cross-sectoral lessons,” Charité CEO Heyo Kroemer told “Tagesspiegel.” “Together we would have to clarify what should be done differently. What processes, what authorizations, what supplies have been tested, what was missing?” According to Kroemers, the appropriate committee should include experts from the business, political and health sectors.

+++ 00:31 Giffey asks for relaxation +++
Federal Minister for Family Franziska Giffey is calling for the crown’s restrictions to be relaxed with a view to federal-state talks next Wednesday. “It is very clear to me that there must be opening steps. The new advances in the approval of self-tests and vaccines that have begun are providing a tailwind for this,” the SPD politician said, quoting the “Handelsblatt.” However, you are certainly not responsible for reopening everything at the same time. According to the report, Giffey rejects an extension of the lockdown until April. Retail is already grappling with big existential fears and you also have to watch out for time after Corona.

+++ 23:45 London pools billions for retail and hospitality +++
The British government wants to support businesses in the retail and hospitality sector with an aid package worth five billion pounds (about 5.8 billion euros). British Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak announced on Sky News. Individual businesses could be supported by one-time payments of up to £ 18,000 (around € 21,000). Some 650,000 companies across the country are expected to benefit from this.

+++ 22:54 Head of Chancery: Secure additional opening steps with tests +++
The head of the chancellery, Helge Braun, has indicated that the federal and state governments could decide on new opening steps in the executive round on March 3. In the coming days it will be discussed how the additional contacts provoked by him can be made safe by trying much more and more easily, said the CDU politician in the ARD. “Each opening must be contrasted with something that stabilizes the number of infections,” explained Braun.

+++ 22:28 South Africa loosens lockdown due to economic concern +++
South Africa is loosening its lockdown measures on the fewest recently reported corona cases. This was announced by the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa. Among other things, the curfew will be shortened and restrictions on meetings and the sale of alcohol will be relaxed, Ramaphosa said in a televised speech. The easing is expected to increase consumer spending and a steady recovery in the job market, Ramaphosa said. “All of our efforts must be directed toward economic growth.”

+++ 22:00 Lauterbach proposes a new vaccination and testing strategy +++
According to a report by “Spiegel”, SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach suggests that the second dose of vaccination should only be given at the end of the allowed range in order to vaccinate more people more quickly. In addition, he advocates a testing program whereby everyone in schools and businesses must take a quick test at least once a week with the help of trained staff. Anyone with a negative result should be able to enter stores for one day with the test. This allows stores to open quickly, of course they still require a mask; at the same time, however, infections are prevented, “Spiegel” quotes Lauterbach.

+++ 21:45 Only 44 regions are below the 35 +++ limit
Depending on the country, there are only 44 regions in Germany with an incidence of 7 days out of a maximum of 35. Yesterday there were 55 and in the previous week there were already 78 regions.

+++ 21:13 Current data in Germany: 6772 new cases reported +++
The number of coronavirus infections reported in Germany has increased 2,444,696 uploaded. As can be seen from the information from the state authorities evaluated by, this occurred 6772 new cases added. The number of deaths related to the infection increased by 98 in 70,081. Around are currently infected 124,223 People.

The infection rate (R value) is determined by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 1.15 specified (previous day: 1.12). That means that on average 100 Infected 115 infect other people with Sars-CoV-2. 7-day R-value is currently included 1.08 (The previous day: 1.11). According to Divi-Register currently in Germany 2840 Covid-19 patients treated in intensive care, 1658 of which are ventilated. Round 5166 Intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can find more information about the most important Corona data here Read.

Read the developments of the previous day here.
