Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 06:28 Slide icon Hackl calls criticism of his hometown Berchtesgaden “excessive” +++


National criticism of his hometown Berchtesgaden sees Olympic luge champion Georg Hackl as clearly overstated. A two-week lockdown has been imposed on his hometown since Monday. The district currently has the highest incidence value nationally. “Germany points the finger at us. What is happening here right now can happen anywhere,” said the two-time World Cup winner. Hackl believes that the problem was not caused by locals, but by rampant summer tourism. “I can assure you that most of the locals have adhered to the rules of the crown very consistently over the past few weeks,” he said. But “when many people gather in a confined space, things get complicated, and now we have the salad.”

+++ 06:08 More infections in the cabinet? Concern after positive Spahn +++ test
After the infection of the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, of the CDU, the results of the tests of the other members of the cabinet are expected today. According to information from the daily “Bild”, all those who attended the cabinet meeting at the Foreign Ministry with him yesterday should take the test. SPD Family Minister Franziska Giffey had already tested negative on a rapid test Wednesday afternoon, a spokeswoman said. Another quick test should follow. Giffey sat on the podium with Spahn for a long time at a press conference last Friday. The cabinet as a whole must not go into quarantine.

+++ 05:37 Health insurance doctors: influenza vaccination first for risk group +++
The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians is calling for flu vaccination to prioritize people over 60 and those with chronic illnesses. If there were still any vaccines left, others could be vaccinated at a lower level, such as healthcare workers or educators, KBV Vice President Stephan Hofmeister said. “Healthy people are not the ones who should mainly get vaccinated against influenza now. It’s like every year.” In some doctor’s offices there was a recent high demand for flu vaccines, so the currently available doses became scarce.

+++ 05:18 FDP requests a statement from the Merkel government +++
The parliamentary group FDP demands a statement from the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel on the policy of the crown. Its parliamentary director, Marco Buschmann, told the Germany publishing network in view of the rumors of Merkel’s remarks in the last meeting with the prime minister: “When talking about calamity, the public has the right to know what that means.” . The place where politics is communicated to the public is parliament. According to the report, he wrote to the Chancellery requesting the government’s statement for the next week’s Bundestag session. Merkel should explain how she views the situation, what is behind the image of “calamity”, what measures she considers necessary and which of them failed because of the prime minister.

+++ 04:34 RKI reports 10,000 new infections in one day for the first time +++
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of new infections in Germany has risen to more than 10,000 cases in one day for the first time since the start of the pandemic. According to early morning data, 11,287 new cases of infection were registered the previous day. The previous record was 7830 infections in one day and was reported by the RKI last Friday.

+++ 03:57 Medical Association: Merkel scenario with more than 19,000 new realistic infections +++
The director of the public health service physicians association does not consider Chancellor Angela Merkel’s scenario that the number of new infections in Germany could rise to more than 19,000 is exaggerated. “The way things are going right now, I think it’s a realistic assessment,” Ute Teichert, president of the Federal Association of Public Health Service Physicians, told the Funke media group newspapers. If the number of infections rose sharply in one region in a short period of time, such as in the Berchtesgadener Land district, health authorities “quickly reached the limit of excessive demands,” Teichert said. He admitted that, especially in regions with many infections, not all contact persons can currently be traced.

+++ 03:05 SPD: Mask and curfew requirement in Infection Protection Act +++
The SPD parliamentary group seeks changes to the law as soon as possible to further involve parliament in Corona decisions. “We want to make sure that the Bundestag has the final say on the most important decisions and that the government has sufficient powers to issue ordinances,” said “Welt’s legal policy spokesman Johannes Fechner.” “We are currently discussing this intensively with our coalition partner and we want to get to changes in the law as soon as possible.” Specifically, they want to “anchor standard measures like the mandatory mask or curfew in the Infection Protection Act so that there is a national legal framework for the federal states,” Fechner said.

+++ 02:28 More than 40,000 patients in US clinics +++
According to a tally by the Reuters news agency, the number of corona patients in hospitals in the US has risen to more than 40,000 for the first time since August. The clinics report 40,264 sick people who must be treated as inpatients. This corresponds to a 36 percent increase in the number of patients during the last four weeks. In October, 16 states reported hospital admissions records for Covid-19, including Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The number of hospital stays is a fixed parameter to assess the pandemic, since it is independent of the number of corona tests.

+++ 01:05 Uniform Rules for Planned Nursing Homes +++
The federal government authorized care representative wants to provide uniform rules for nursing homes in the near future. “In a few weeks, well before Christmas, we will present, with the support of Health Minister Jens Spahn and the Robert Koch Institute, a brochure to give the mosaic more uniformity and transparency,” said Andreas Westerfellhaus of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. He also told ARD: “Rapid tests should also be included.” In the newspaper he explained: “The framework will be underpinned by scientific principles and will give security to the institutions that use it. We are working at full speed because time is of the essence.”

+++ 23:55 Spahn comments on his infection +++
The federal Minister of Health himself, Jens Spahn, commented on his corona infection at night. “Thanks for all the good wishes,” he tweeted. “I am in home isolation and I am recovering with only cold symptoms.” He wished everyone he came in contact with to stay healthy. “Let’s keep taking care of each other!” More than 1000 users reply to the tweet in an hour. Many politicians had already sent recovery wishes via Twitter, including Friedrich Merz, who is running for president of the CDU. Spahn was the first federal government minister to test positive for Corona today.

+++ 22:12 Negative rapid test from Family Minister Giffey +++
Family Minister Franziska Giffey tested negative for Corona. As a spokeswoman said, it was a quick test. Another will follow. Previously, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn was the first federal government minister to test positive. He had participated in the cabinet meeting at the Federal Chancellery that morning and spoke to Giffey on the sidelines, as the photos show. The reason for the family minister’s test was, above all, the joint press conference last Friday on the situation of daycare centers in the pandemic, he said. Giffey had sat on the podium with the Minister of Health for a long time.

+++ 21:40 For the first time more than 9000 new infections in Germany +++
German health authorities have reported a new record in new daily infections. As the information from 15 state authorities evaluated by shows, 9,411 new cases were added in 24 hours. The number of infection-related deaths increased by 30 to 9,886. Currently, some 76,000 people are infected. The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.09 (previous day: 1.25). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 109 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.17 (previous day: 1.23).

+++ 20:48 deaths in Astrazeneca vaccine study +++
A test person died during the study of a corona vaccine by the pharmaceutical company Astrazeneca in Brazil. This was confirmed by the Brazilian health authority Anvisa. The British-Swedish group developed the vaccine in collaboration with the University of Oxford. According to its own information, Anvisa had already been informed of this on Monday. The recommendation is to continue testing. The case is currently under review and data on the volunteers must be kept confidential. According to the television station “CNN Brasil”, the deceased is a 28-year-old man from Rio de Janeiro who died of complications related to Covid-19. The Brazilian newspaper “O Globo” reported, instead, citing sources who did not want to be identified for legal reasons that the volunteer in question had not received the vaccine but a placebo. Initially, neither the laboratory nor the test centers nor Anvisa officially commented on this issue. AstraZeneca temporarily halted the clinical trial of its promising corona vaccine in September, apparently not for the first time.

You can read the most important developments on the current situation regarding the global coronavirus pandemic here.
