Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 06:14 police union considers new rules difficult to control +++


+++ 06:14 the police union finds the new rules difficult to control +++

According to the German Police Union, the new restrictions on freedom of movement in the Corona crisis can, at best, be controlled randomly. “The police can only control a particular area, not at the national level,” said Federal President Rainer Wendt of the German press agency in Berlin. People already followed many rules. “But for that to work, you need deterrent fines.”

+++ 05:32 RKI reports 1019 new deaths +++
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 21,237 new corona infections in one day. In addition, 1,019 new deaths were recorded in 24 hours, as announced by the RKI in the morning. The peak of 1,129 new deaths was reached on December 30. For new infections registered within 24 hours, the highest value was reported on December 18, at 33,777, but it contained 3,500 late reports.

+++ 04:27 Australia prefers to start vaccination +++
Australia is advancing the start of the general vaccination by two weeks until the beginning of March. The Health Ministry announced it at the request of the Reuters news agency. Australia has so far recorded some 28,500 infections and 909 deaths.

+++ 03:17 Grammy Awards postponed +++
Postponement of the crown for the Grammy gala: The delivery of the music awards, scheduled for the end of January, will not take place until mid-March. This was announced by the Recording Academy. After consultations with health experts on the acute situation of the crown in Los Angeles and discussions with the invited artists, the association made this decision, the message said. The Grammys are among the most coveted music awards in the world. The nominations were announced in November. The 63rd awards ceremony is scheduled for March 14.

+++ 02:06 US judge examines postponement of executions +++
A federal judge in the United States is considering postponing two executions because those convicted are sick with Covid. Their attorneys say the two men’s damaged lungs would cause them unreasonable agony when the fatal injections were administered. Executions are scheduled for January 14 and 15. Joe Biden is scheduled to be sworn in as the new president on January 20. He has announced that he wants to abolish the death penalty at the federal level.

+++ 00:54 Thuringia and Saxony prefer winter holidays +++
Thuringia and Saxony will prefer winter holidays, and in Saxony it will be reduced to one week. Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow and Education Minister Christian Piwarz announced it on Tuesday night. Thuringia moves its winter vacation from February to the last week of January. Instead of February 8 as planned, they should start on January 25. This means that the holidays fall into the extended shutdown period, in which there should be no classroom teaching.

+++ 23:40 Merkel advises to increase vaccine production +++
Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to discuss with the responsible ministers on Wednesday how more vaccines can be produced. Health Minister Jens Spahn, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier, Chancellor’s Head Helge Braun and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz will participate, as Spahn’s spokesman announced. After Corona’s summit with the Prime Minister, Merkel assured that the production of more vaccines would not fail because of the state. Health Minister Spahn was recently criticized for acquiring the corona vaccine from Biontech, including from coalition partner SPD. There are reports that not enough vaccines have been ordered. On Wednesday noon, Spahn wants to report on the status of the vaccines.

+++ 22:15 SPD President: Reliable digital educational offerings needed immediately +++
After the lockdown was extended, the two leaders of the SPD party, Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borjans, called for a reliable digital educational offering for all students. “It must now be ensured that all pupils and schools in Germany receive a reliable and digitally supported educational offer,” Esken and Walter-Borjans wrote in a statement to RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND). It is “the task of our educational system that educational opportunities are not further removed because of Corona.”

+++ 21:49 Baden-Württemberg is considering opening the school in January +++
Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann may want to reopen primary schools and kindergartens in the state from January 18. Openness is the goal if it is justifiable in view of the number of infections, said the Green politician at night in Stuttgart. For high school students there will only be distance learning in January.

+++ 21:12 Number of reported corona deaths rises to new daily high +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 1,803,952. As can be seen from information from state authorities evaluated by, 16,350 new cases were added. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 1,133 to 36,235. Around 326,512 people are currently infected.

There are easily understandable reasons why the number of cases on at night is usually higher than the values ​​reported by the RKI: when assessing the data situation, uses the information provided by the health authorities and the ministries of the federal states. There, the figures, regardless of the formal notification channels of the Infection Protection Act, are updated during the day and therefore reach the public faster than through the official RKI statistics. evaluates this information, compares it with the RKI figures and, in the case of current developments, also includes individual notifications from governments or state ministries. On this basis, an up-to-date overview image is created, showing the current development faster than the RKI publications.

Read more news from the day before here.
