Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 06:09 RKI Reports 800 New Corona +++ Deaths


+++ 06:09 RKI reports 800 new corona deaths +++

The number of new coronavirus infections remains high. German health authorities send 32,195 new cases and 802 deaths to the Robert Koch Institute in one day, the RKI announced. The RKI has counted 1,587,115 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic. The total number of people who have died from an infection or are suffering from it is 28,770. Around 1,184,400 are estimated to have recovered.

The number of new infections reported to health authorities in seven days per 100,000 population (seven-day incidence) is 196.2. A high of 197.6 was reached on Tuesday. Saxony reached by far the highest value: there the seven-day incidence is 425.7, more than double the national average. With the R value, the RKI sees a “recent slightly downward trend” in its management report on Wednesday night. The seven-day national R-value is 0.92 (previous day: 0.95). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 92 more people.

Note: RKI figures tend to differ slightly from case data that daily reports at night. The data team has direct access to federal state registration figures published by ministries and local authorities. The RKI, on the other hand, is subject to legally prescribed reporting channels, which can lead to a delay.

+++ 05:50 Israel imposes third-party blockade +++
In view of the renewed increase in the number of crown in Israel, a third partial blockade will be imposed on the country starting Sunday. The government decided to do this that night. The partial block should be applied initially for two weeks. If the daily new infections do not fall below 1000 per day, the partial blockage could extend two more weeks. As of Sunday, it is forbidden, among other things, to stay in the houses of other people who do not belong to the family nucleus.

+++ 05:05 New virus variant detected in Singapore +++
The most contagious variant of the coronavirus, which first appeared in the UK, has now been detected in Singapore as well. The Ministry of Health reports eleven known cases.

+++ 04:25 City and Municipal Association asks for billions for the interior of cities +++
The German Association of Cities and Municipalities calls for a “five-point plan to save city centers” to invest billions in revitalizing these places. “If we are not careful, we will no longer recognize our communities after the pandemic,” General Manager Gerd Landsberg told the Funke media group newspapers. In many places, more closings and vacancies can be expected. Therefore, the federal and state governments are called to support the municipalities.

+++ 03:13 Rio seals Copacabana due to Corona +++
After the cancellation of the New Year’s Eve party in Copacabana and the alternative virtual celebration planned for the turn of the year, Rio de Janeiro is blocking the Copacabana district on this day to avoid crowds. Brazilian television reported that only residents would have access, citing Jorge Felippe, who is mayor after the arrest of Marcelo Crivella on suspicion of corruption. The report is also considering closing the city to tour buses. The New Year’s Eve party in Rio is one of the most famous in the world, attracting millions of tourists to the port city every year.

Here you can read more about it.

+++ 02:07 The medical president warns about the false safety of rapid tests +++
The president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, has called on the population to abide by the crown’s rules even when rapid tests are used. These tests would be justified in the fight against pandemics under medical supervision and with professional sampling, he told the “Rheinische Post”. “But I caution against a pseudo-certainty of the results of these tests: a negative result, for example, before family celebrations, should not encourage careless handling.” Negative test results are always just a snapshot and can be positive the next day.

+++ 00:40 Corona Labs may run fewer tests on Christmas week +++
Corona labs in Germany have significantly lower testing capacities than usual during Christmas week, as evident from the Robert Koch Institute’s status report on Wednesday night. Based on this, labs can perform around 1.2 million PCR tests in week 52 (Dec 21-Dec 27). For comparison: in week 51, almost 1.6 million tests were carried out in Germany. But there would still be room for improvement, because the capacities were significantly higher, around 2.0 million.

+++ 00:04 More than a million US citizens vaccinated against Covid-19 +++
According to health authorities, more than a million people in the US have already been vaccinated against Covid-19. “America reached an early but important milestone today,” said CDC Health Director Robert Redfield. “More than a million people received their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.” Government adviser Moncef Slaoui admitted in a virtual press conference that it was “unlikely” that the originally set goal of vaccinating 20 million people in the United States by year-end would be achieved.

Here you can read more about it.

+++ 23:26 Lower Saxony allows free choice of vaccination center +++
In Lower Saxony, the state government allows the corona vaccination center to be freely chosen. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Social Affairs told the “Nordsee-Zeitung” in Bremerhaven that the nearest vaccination center to them was proposed to the people. “In principle, you can also choose any other vaccination center in Lower Saxony,” he added. Vaccinations in Lower Saxony will start on Sunday in Cloppenburg and Bad Rothenfelde near Osnabrück. The first deployment of a mobile vaccination team in a nursing home in Bad Rothenfelde is accompanied by Prime Minister Stephan Weil and Minister of Social Affairs Carola Reimann (both SPD).

+++ 22:35 Canada extends air traffic stop with Great Britain +++
Canada has extended the suspension of flights to and from the United Kingdom for two weeks until January 6. The reason is concerns about the highly infectious new strain of coronavirus that has appeared there, says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Canada had issued the flight ban on Sunday night for an initial 72-hour period. The extension is necessary “to prevent this new variant of Covid-19 from spreading in Canada,” Trudeau said.

+++ 22:15 Virologist Priesemann advises “Christmas Bubble” with associated household +++
Virologist Viola Priesemann advises a Christmas bubble: If you are looking for a partner home and only come across this home during the holidays, you can cut the virus. “As long as neither household affects the other, it is a dead end for the virus,” the expert wrote on Twitter. According to Priesmann, one should avoid meeting two different homes at Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It’s not a good idea. “At Christmas, you can unknowingly contract the virus. A week later, on New Year’s Eve, you have just gone through the incubation phase and can transmit the virus.”

+++ 21:53 More than 30,000 new infections in Germany – 925 deaths +++
With 30,302 new infections, the federal states again report a significant increase in the number of cases compared to the previous week. According to’s assessment of the country’s data, there were 3,984 fewer cases reported last Wednesday. The number of deaths also remains high. After peaking on Tuesday, countries recorded 925 Covid-19-related deaths, the second highest since the pandemic began.

The seven-day R-value nationwide continues to decline and, according to RKI’s situation report on Wednesday night, is now 0.92 (previous day: 0.95). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 92 more people. The value represents the appearance of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

You can read more about the most important corona data here.

Read more news from the day before here.
