Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 05:55 RKI reports over 20,000 new infections +++ for the first time


In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has recorded more than 20,000 new infections for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the RKI, the health authorities reported 21,506 cases in 24 hours (as of November 6 at 12 am). According to this, at least 619,089 people in this country have been found to be infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Therefore, the number of deaths related to a corona infection is 11,096. That’s 166 more cases than the day before. It is also the fourth day in a row that the RKI has recorded more than 100 deaths from Covid 19. The RKI estimates the number of people who have recovered in Germany at around 402,500.

+++ 05:20 new infections in the US hit a new high +++
The number of new infections is higher than ever in the United States. After a sad new record was reached yesterday with 108,000 new infections reported, by the New York Times tally, another 112,654 cases were added in the past 24 hours. 1,032 people died of or with Covid-19.

+++ 04:52 Nine residents of Norderstedt have already died +++
At the Steertpogghof home for the elderly and elderly in Norderstedt, two other residents died from Covid-19. There are a total of nine dead there. According to the Segeberg district, there are two women aged 84 and 87. According to previous information, at least 33 residents and 9 employees were infected in Steertpogghof alone. The total number of people who died of or with Covid-19 in the Segeberg district increased to 16. A total of 22 people in the district are currently being treated at a clinic for Covid-19. A patient is in the intensive care unit.

+++ 03:59 NRW supports cinemas with 15 million euros +++
In the crisis of the Crown, North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting the state cinemas with 15 million euros. The state chancery announced that the budget committee of the state parliament approved the money. It will be paid from January 2021. All cinemas can submit applications, from a small art cinema with a theater to a large cinema center. In the first half of 2020, the number of visitors to NRW cinemas fell from more than 11 million to around 5.4 million compared to the same period last year. According to the film funding agency, sales fell from more than 95 million euros to about 46 million euros.

+++ 03:13 More than 100 arrests for lockdown violations in London +++
British police arrested 104 people in London for violating the new lockdown requirements. More arrests are expected as the deployment of the officers continues into the evening, police said. A crowd gathered in the center of the British capital and dangerously ignored the new contact restrictions. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has again ordered a lockdown for England in the fight against the second wave of coronavirus, which took effect on Thursday.

+++ 02:30 Estonian government plan restrictions +++
Estonia is getting away with the pandemic reasonably well so far. But because the number of infections is also increasing here, the government is working out new protection measures. “There will certainly be certain restrictions,” Prime Minister Jüri Ratas said. In any case, it is convenient to check the limits of participants for the events and it is better not to hold Christmas parties. The government will also discuss the possible introduction of a mask requirement on local public transportation, Ratas said. The measures will be discussed this week and next. Estonia, with its 1.3 million inhabitants, has so far recorded 5,464 confirmed corona infections and 73 virus-related deaths. According to the EU authority ECDC, the Baltic state is currently one of the least affected countries in Europe. Estonia is the only EU country that is still considered “risk free” on the German government’s crown risk list.

+++ 01:44 DGB wants to resume special protection against dismissal for tenants +++
In view of the new partial closure in Germany, the DGB calls for the special protection against dismissal for tenants to be reissued. It was “a huge mistake” for the federal government to let the termination moratorium due to the crown pandemic expire on June 30, the German Trade Union Confederation writes in a position paper. In it, he calls for the resumption of protection against dismissal of rental and leasing relationships in case of arrears in payments caused by the Crown crisis. Also, unlike the spring regulations, rent refunds should not be allowed to accrue interest. In addition, the DGB requires special regulation for long-term debtors, which should avoid turning off electricity, gas, water and telecommunications. Evictions must also be suspended.

+++ 01:15 The Bundestag postpones the census due to the pandemic +++
The census planned for next year will be postponed until 2022 due to the corona pandemic. The Bundestag decided that. Because staff had to be withdrawn to support health authorities, statistical offices could not have prepared the “2021 census” as planned, it was said to justify. Ten years after the last major census, a lot of data about Germany should be updated. The statisticians not only wanted to collect information on the number of people, but also on their employment and living conditions.

+++ 00:22 90 percent of testing labs can report results to Corona +++ app
The digitization of corona labs in Germany has come a long way in the last three months. A total of 169 established laboratories report their testing capabilities to the Robert Koch Institute, the Federal Ministry of Health announced. A spokesperson said 152 established labs are now connected to the Corona warning app. That corresponds to 90 percent of established testing capabilities. In August, only about half of the labs were able to send test results digitally to users of the official Corona warning app. About 2.8 million test results were streamed digitally on Tuesday,

+++ 23:48 Latvia with a record number of new infections +++
In Latvia, the number of new corona infections reached a record high for the second day in a row. In the Baltic country of the EU, 367 positive tests were registered in 24 hours, according to the health authority. The previous high value the day before was 313. Latvia, with its nearly 1.9 million inhabitants, has so far recorded 7,119 confirmed coronavirus infections and 85 virus-related deaths. The daily number of infections had increased significantly recently, but more were also tested. According to the EU authority ECDC, development in the Baltic state is currently even better than in Germany. In view of the increasing number of infections, the Riga government wants to decide on a possible corona emergency on Friday.

+++ 23:02 Slovenian police dissolve violent protests against the crown +++
Slovenian police used water cannons to break up a demonstration against the crown restrictions decided by the government. Earlier, protesters led by left-wing groups had thrown cobblestones and flares at police officers in front of the parliament building in Ljubljana and shot them, the STA news agency reported. At least three people, including a police officer, were injured. Several hundred people demonstrated. For the first time since riots caused by corruption allegations in 2012, water cannons were used again in Slovenia, according to the report. In the morning, the cabinet of Conservative Prime Minister Janez Jansa extended the country’s existing blockade for another ten days. That was expected because the small EU country with its two million inhabitants continues to struggle with a high rate of coronavirus infection.

+++ 22:52 The Rhineland-Palatinate Hospitality Association advises against legal action against partial closure +++
The Dehoga Rhineland-Palatinate hotel association warns its closed member companies against lawsuits against the closure of the Crown part. Dehoga chairman Gereon Haumann said politicians would at least make up for the massive encroachment on landlords’ fundamental rights and the resulting loss of sales. proposed precautionary measures and lawsuits to bring them to justice. “

+++ 22:14 Seven federal states report four-digit numbers of new infections +++
A total of seven federal states register four-digit numbers for new coronavirus infections. Most new cases are reported in North Rhine-Westphalia with 5,067. In Bavaria there are 3,766 cases, in Baden-Württemberg a little over 2,500. In Hesse there are just under 1,700. Saxony, Lower Saxony and Berlin remain below than 1500 cases. The fewest new infections are again registered in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where 135 Covid 19 patients were added.

+++ 21:43 British Chancellor Raab in self-isolation +++
According to his office, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is isolating himself. You learned that someone you were in close contact with recently tested positive. Raab will continue his work in his quarantine.

+++ 21:32 About 106,500 new cases in the US +++
The U.S. disease protection agency, CDC, recorded 106,537 new infections in 24 hours. In total, around 9.464 million people have been shown to have contracted the corona virus. The number of deaths increased from 1,141 to 233,129. CDC numbers may differ from cases reported by individual states.

+++ 20:58 Current data status in Germany: 20,594 new infections reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 608,059. As can be seen from the information from state authorities evaluated by, 20,594 new cases were added in 24 hours. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 112 to 10,996. Currently, some 211,000 people are infected. The Schleswig-Holstein figures are currently missing and have not yet been transmitted.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 0.79 (previous day: 0.81). This means that, on average, 100 people infected another 79 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 0.93 (previous day: 0.92). According to the Divi Register, 2,653 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 1,422 of whom are ventilated. Around 6,894 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

Update 21:53: Schleswig-Holstein reports 220 new cases and two deaths from corona overnight. This brings the number of new infections in Germany to a total of 20,814 and the number of deaths to 114 compared to the previous day.

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