Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 05:45 RKI reports over 14,000 new infections +++


+++ 05:45 RKI reports more than 14,000 new infections +++

The number of new corona infections in Germany remains at a high level. Health authorities reported 14,054 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 24 hours. In the previous week there were 13,604 new cases on Tuesday. The previous peak was reached on November 20 with 23,648 reported cases. The RKI also recorded 423 new deaths in one day, 35 more than in the previous week. Higher death rates were expected after the sharp increase in new infections.

+++ 05:27 Lauterbach: “We shouldn’t get used to 500 deaths a day” +++
SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach calls for a tough lockdown in view of the growing number of infections. “We should send the schools within four weeks of the Christmas break, ideally within the next week and then through the first week of January inclusive,” Lauterbach told the “Rheinische Post.” In his opinion, retail should also close after Christmas. “On New Year’s Eve, the contact ban should not be relaxed. We must take advantage of the Christmas season to interrupt the pandemic and we must not get used to the 500 daily deaths of Covid.

+++ 05:09 School closings: 320 million students are unable to attend classes +++
Around 320 million children and young people around the world have had to stay home since December 1 because their schools are closed due to the crown. This is reported by the children’s aid organization Unicef, citing Unesco data. This affects almost one in five school-age children worldwide. Compared with November 1, the number of boys and girls affected by school closures increased again by almost 90 million. UNICEF complained that the closures had devastated children’s learning, mental and physical well-being, nutrition and safety.

+++ 04:11 The government of Japan launches a new stimulus package +++
Japan plans to launch a new stimulus package on Wednesday to combat the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The head of state, Yoshihide Suga, announced a new aid worth 708,000 million dollars. The package is expected to include subsidies and incentives to stimulate green investment and corporate digitization spending, two stated goals of the Japanese prime minister. Japan had previously tried to cushion the effects of the pandemic on households and businesses with two aid packages totaling $ 2.2 trillion. Apparently successful: GDP grew faster in the third quarter than was initially assumed.

+++ 03:37 South Korea ensures 34 million vaccination units +++
The South Korean government signs supply contracts with four leading vaccine manufacturers. AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and the Pfizer / Biontech partnership are expected to provide 34 million units of vaccines. Additional doses for an additional 10 million people will be obtained through the World Health Organization’s Covax global vaccine project. The government does not want to buy vaccines from Russia or China.

+++ 02:54 American citizens should get vaccinated free +++
The White House has reiterated that Americans do not have to pay for coronavirus vaccines. “No American will have to pay a penny out of pocket,” a senior US government official told reporters. US President Donald Trump wanted to sign an order Tuesday at a meeting on “Operation Warp Speed” at the White House, according to which US stocks of coronavirus vaccine would initially benefit its own population. Operation Warp Speed ​​is the White House vaccination project. The vaccines are also planned to be donated to the poorest countries. However, a prerequisite is the priority supply of the US population.

+++ 01:49 Johnson: Start of comprehensive corona vaccination “big step” +++
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has hailed the start of widespread corona vaccination in his country as a “great step forward”. “I am very proud of the scientists who developed the vaccine, the citizens who participated in the trials and the NHS (national health service) who worked tirelessly to prepare for delivery,” Johnson said. Britain wants to start vaccinations across the board this Tuesday, even earlier than the EU. The UK wants to be the first country to use the vaccine from Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer.

+++ 00:58 Spahn does not rule out a harder block +++
Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn believes that stricter contact restrictions are necessary if the high number of corona infections does not decrease in the near future. “The approach, short and comprehensive, to really make a difference, is probably the most successful. If we don’t get there with the development of the next week or two until Christmas, then we have to discuss it,” Spahn told the television station. Phoenix Citizens would also understand more tougher measures over a shorter period of time “as a sideways movement in the number of infections with a huge amount of fatigue.” The minister did not rule out the possibility of another lockdown on retail.

+++ 00:17 Ramelow: Another unnecessary federal-state meeting before Christmas +++
Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow is opposed to further federal and state consultations before Christmas. “At the Prime Minister’s Conference we established regulations until January 10, 2021,” he told the FAZ. Everybody knows what to do. “We have to keep the reins tight and in Thuringia we are concerned with the increased prevention of infections and the special protection of the elderly and nursing homes. No new meeting will bring us new knowledge.” But you are willing to do whatever you can to protect yourself from infection.

+++ 23:43 Regen district introduces distance learning for all students +++
In the district of Regen in Lower Bavaria, students of all grades are required to undergo full distance training from Wednesday. The district office ordered that at night. The anti-corona protection measures planned by the Bavarian state government also provide for hybrid or distance lessons, but only for students in the upper grades. In the Regen district, distance education should also apply to primary school students. The reason is the very high number of infections in the Czech border district. More recently, the value was nearly 570 new infections per 100,000 residents in seven days. Emergency care will be offered to children up to 13 years of age.

+++ 23:10 The Italian interior minister tested positive +++
Italy’s interior minister tested positive for the corona virus. Luciana Lamorgese and two members of the cabinet had isolated themselves, as officially announced. The Foreign Minister himself, Luigi Di Maio, reported that he had entered voluntary domestic isolation after the round. The same did the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, according to official information. Both were said to sit on Lamorgese’s left and right. According to a spokesman, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte did not have very close contact with Lamorgese.

+++ 10:25 pm Stop with Corona numbers in France +++
In France, the number of new corona infections every day is stagnating. “Despite all our efforts … there is still a high risk that the epidemic will spread again,” said the director of the Supreme Health Authority, Jérôme Salomon. France is still a long way from the target of less than 5,000 new infections per day. President Emmanuel Macron had set this mark to end exit restrictions in mid-December. However, according to Salomon, an average of more than 10,000 people test positive for the virus every day. Salomon indicated that proper relaxation in mid-December could prove difficult without specific commitments. “Everything will depend on how things develop in the coming days,” he said.

+++ Report 21:53: the hard closure in Saxony could arrive next week +++
In Saxony there could be a stricter lockdown next week. As the newspaper “Bild” reported, citing government circles, among other things, stores should also close, only grocery stores would remain open in such a case, similar to spring. According to the report, alternate classes are being considered for schools. Daycare closures are being discussed, but a decision has yet to be made. According to the newspaper, the total lockdown should continue through Christmas and New Year’s Eve, at least until January 10. Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer announced tougher measures on Monday.

+++ 21:25 late reports from Saxony increase number of new infections +++
Without the late reports from Saxony, the national daily increase at the beginning of the week would be significantly weaker: the Saxon authorities publish the late reports for Saturday and Sunday with Monday’s figures, thus reaching 5,810 new infections. It is followed by NRW with 2363 new infections and Bavaria with 2296. Bremen with 34 new infections and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 54 reported the fewest cases.

+++ 20:52 Current data status in Germany: 16,753 new infections reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 1,191,722. As can be seen from the information of state authorities evaluated by, 16,753 new infections were added in 24 hours. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 331 to 19,143. Around 307,934 people are currently infected.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.20 (previous day: 1.21). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 120 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.06 (previous day: 1.10). According to the Divi Register, 4179 Covid 19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 2513 of whom are ventilated. Around 5450 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can read more information about the most important corona data here.

Read the news of the day before here.
