Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 04:48 Returned: Starting today, no more free trials +++


+++ 04:48 Returned: starting today, no more free trials +++

Corona tests for travelers returning from risk areas with a high number of infections abroad are no longer free as of today. The right introduced in the summer has expired. So far, vacationers have been able to get tested for free to shorten the mandatory quarantine when they return to Germany. Now the regulations are tightening even more. Anyone who makes an “avoidable trip” to risk areas will no longer receive compensation for lost income during the time of quarantine. The exceptions are “exceptional circumstances” such as the birth of one’s own children or the death of close relatives. A list from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) indicates which countries are considered risk areas for German tourists.

+++ 04:07 Rio cancels virtual New Years Eve party +++
In addition to the New Year’s Eve party in Copacabana, the virtual celebration planned for the new year in Rio de Janeiro has now also been canceled due to the corona pandemic. “The decision is necessary to avoid meetings, out of respect for the victims and for the safety of all,” wrote the administration of the Brazilian metropolis on Twitter. Rio’s New Year’s Eve party is one of the most famous in the world, attracting millions of tourists to the port city every year. This year the concerts should be broadcast on the Internet. Brazil remains one of the hot spots of the corona pandemic. More than 182,500 patients have died with Covid-19.

+++ 03:13 Montgomery: Blocking measures at least until Easter +++
The president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, expects severe restrictions in the fight against the corona virus until spring. “Even if the vaccinations start earlier than expected, the effect will only gradually improve the situation. We will have to live with various blocking measures at least until Easter,” Montgomery told the newspapers of the Funke media group. The model’s calculations showed that the strict lockdown would reduce the number of new infections nationwide to less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in at least seven days. “There will be an extension of the lockdown beyond January 10,” Montgomery said.

+++ 02:45 Valneva starts clinical studies +++
The French-Austrian pharmaceutical company Valneva is starting clinical trials of its Covid-19 vaccine in England, announced the British Ministry of Economy. The UK has ordered 60 million doses of the experimental vaccine for delivery in 2021, in addition to an option for an additional 130 million doses. Valneva is developing what is known as a killed virus inactivated vaccine, which has a more traditional manufacturing approach than the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine, which is already approved in the UK.

+++ 01:52 Kita’s parents demand rules for the special license +++
The federal parenting representative for children in daycare calls for reliable regulations on special permits for parents who are unable to work due to limited daycare operations. “A lot of people are still panting after being absent from work in the spring,” said Katharina Queisser, a spokeswoman for the federal representative for parents for children in daycare and daycare for newspapers from the Funke media group. Many would have used up their regular vacation and overtime on the first lockdown in spring, and some would have to catch up on work. Therefore, binding regulations are now necessary.

+++ 01:11 DHL expects up to 20 percent more packages +++
The parcel company DHL expects a much higher volume of packages in the context of the second blockade. “In the last week alone we sorted and delivered 56 million packages, significantly more than ever,” said the group’s package council, Tobias Meyer, of the “publishing network Germany”. In the holiday season this year, the company is assuming growth rates of between 15 and 20 percent compared to the same period last year, a spokeswoman for the group said. For the entire year 2020, a total of around 1.8 billion packages is expected.

+++ 00:38 “Knuffelcontact” is the word of the year in Flanders +++
With “Knuffelcontact” a term has been chosen as the word of the year in Flanders that many Belgians have come to love during the harsh blockade. What is meant is a person who is allowed to reunite with a home without observing the rules of distance. In Dutch, the language of the Belgian region of Flanders, “knuffelen” means something like pressing or hugging. When choosing the Van Dale publisher, about half of the 25,000 participants voted for “Knuffelcontact”, as reported by Belgian broadcaster VRT.

+++ 00:00 Germany is in a difficult lockdown +++
The harsh blockade has started in Germany. From now on, the corresponding regulations will apply in the federal states until January 10. Retail stores have to close, exceptions only apply to stores that meet daily needs. Schools remain closed or compulsory attendance is suspended. Hairdressers and other service providers in the personal care industry can no longer open. With the tough restrictions, the federal and state governments want to break the wave of new infections in Germany. The goal is to bring the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants to a maximum of 50 in one week to make contact tracking possible again.

+++ 23:37 Vaccinated people should be able to report side effects through the app +++
According to Health Minister Jens Spahn, citizens should be able to quickly report possible effects and side effects through the app after a corona vaccination. “We will do that very, very transparent,” said the CDU politician in the ARD “Tagesthemen”. This applies to the approval of vaccines, but also to the time after. “Trust is the most important thing in vaccination.” Spahn described it as a very good sign that, as things stand today, there will be approval in the EU before Christmas Eve. After that, you can start vaccinations within two to four days. In Germany, vaccination centers and vaccination structures have been operational since Tuesday.

+++ 23:05 Fauci: vaccinate Biden and Harris as soon as possible +++
The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, and his vice, Kamala Harris, should get vaccinated as soon as possible, according to the renowned American immunologist Anthony Fauci. As for Biden, Fauci told US broadcaster Abc News: “They want him to be fully protected when he takes office in January, so that would be my strong recommendation.”

+++ 22:30 left wants to establish a pandemic council +++
The left-wing parliamentary group calls for the creation of a council against the pandemic when it comes to the coronavirus. This should serve as an auxiliary body of the Bundestag. At the parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday it was officially decided to present a corresponding bill, as announced by a spokesperson. The Pandemic Council, made up of scientists and citizens, should continually evaluate the proposed measures and ordinances and submit its own proposals to the Bundestag.

+++ 21:56 Four federal states report more than 3000 new cases +++
In their daily reports, six federal states recorded four-digit increases, with four states even with more than 3,000 new cases: North Rhine-Westphalia (4,083 new cases) ahead of Bavaria (3,763), Baden-Württemberg (3,295) and Saxony (3167). Hesse (1418) and Berlin (1129) exceed 1000. Measured by the number of inhabitants, Saxony is the state with the highest daily increase in new infections per inhabitant this Tuesday: The Free State has 77.8 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants . Thuringia has the second highest value with 36.4.

+++ 21:38 Current state of the data in Germany: the number of deaths reaches its highest value with 777 +++
The number of coronavirus infections reported in Germany has risen to 1,370,045. As can be seen from the information from the state authorities evaluated by, 21,948 new cases were added. That’s 3990 more than last Tuesday.

The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 777 to 23,106. The previous high since the start of the pandemic was recorded on December 8 with 568 deaths. Around 341,400 people are currently infected.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 0.95 (previous day: 1.12). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 95 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 0.98 (previous day: 1.06). According to the Divi Register, 4,735 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 2,679 of whom are ventilated. Around 4,680 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

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