Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 02:38 police union: rights are about to “hijack” corona protests +++


The Police Union (GdP) sees a radicalization of the protest movement against the state requirements of the crown. “Since the first hygiene demonstrations, the influence of right-wing extremist groups in the Corona protest movement has solidified,” said GdP Vice President Jörg Radek of the “Funke Mediengruppe” newspapers. “The right-wingers are about to completely hijack the movement,” Radek said.

+++ 01:44 Chancellor of Austria wants to improve crown measures +++
Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) has tightened measures to contain the corona pandemic in light of the growing number of infections. The government will reassess the situation for the fall on Wednesday, Kurz said in an interview with ORF on Monday evening. There will be “at least appeals, but possibly also one or the other hardening.”

+++ 00:52 A total of more than 121,000 deaths in Brazil +++
The corona virus continues to spread in Brazil. The Ministry of Health reports 45,961 new infections. This brings the total number of infections to 3,908 million. The number of deaths increased by 553 to 121,381 in 24 hours. Brazil has the highest number of infections and deaths worldwide from the coronavirus pandemic after the United States.

+++ 00:16 wedding celebration in Frechen as access point of the crown: 23 infected +++
After holding a wedding in Frechen, in North Rhine-Westphalia, 23 of the 85 guests have so far tested positive for the corona virus. This is announced by the district office of the Rhein-Erft district. The celebration took place on August 22. Immediately after the first corona cases were known, all guests and other contact persons were quarantined. All the participants of the celebration were tested for the corona virus over the weekend. Most of those who have tested positive so far have their place of residence in Hürth. A total of 850 people in the district are currently in quarantine, 174 more than on Friday, it was said. The huge increase is due to the fact that the new cases themselves had a considerable number of professional and private contacts. Among other things, two kindergartens, a school and a football club are affected.

+++ 23:44 US reports 37,532 new infections +++
The number of new virus cases in the US remains high. The epidemic protection authority CDC reports an increase in infections of 37,532 in 24 hours. According to the CDC, the number of deaths related to Covid-19 increases by 473. Overall, the number of deaths is 182,622.

+++ 23:12 Zoom pusht Corona-Krise +++
Video conferencing platform Zoom, which has become a big winner from the Corona crisis, sees no end to demand for its services at the moment. In the second quarter, sales soared to $ 663.5 million year-over-year, from just under $ 146 million a year ago. The advantage is more than 350 percent. As can also be seen, Zoom’s initial concerns that rapid growth could put a hole in the coffers due to higher infrastructure costs, among other things, are unfounded – Quarterly profit jumps to just under $ 186 million from $ 5.5 million a year ago. .

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+++ 22:27 Wedding celebration in the Rhineland – 23 infected, 240 quarantined +++
After a wedding in Frechen (North Rhine-Westphalia), 240 people must be quarantined. In the Rhein-Erft district, 23 people tested positive for the virus after the festival on Sunday, reports the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”. An infected baby was apparently the starting point for the virus: Her family went to the celebration after testing positive Thursday, the report says.

+++ 22:10 WHO urges governments to dialogue with protesters +++
Faced with protests against the Crown measures in several countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has asked governments to “engage in an honest dialogue” with the protesters. However, protesters must also understand that the virus is “real” and “dangerous,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in Geneva on Monday. “It spreads and kills.

The most important events of the previous day in relation to the current situation of the global coronavirus pandemic can You can read it here.
