Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 01:29 New virus variant: Johnson calls cabinet to special meeting +++


+++ 01:29 New virus variant: Johnson calls cabinet for special session +++

According to one newspaper, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is holding a special session in his cabinet to discuss a new variant of the virus that is more contagious. A tightening of the measures could be announced on Saturday, reports “The Telegraph.” There may be travel restrictions to the South East of England, including London. A Johnson spokesperson did not initially comment on the report. On Monday, the government said an increase in cases in the region could be due to the new variant.

+++ 00:48 The EU Commission wants to recognize rapid tests in Europe +++
According to a proposal by the EU Commission, certain rapid corona tests must be recognized in all member states. All 27 countries should agree on a list of such preparations, the EU Commission suggested on Friday. In addition, it bought 20 million rapid tests from Abbott and Roche for 100 million euros, which will be available to EU countries in early 2021. Rapid antigen tests show within minutes if there is a coronavirus infection. Now there are many variants of different quality. In general, they are considered to be somewhat less reliable than widely recognized PCR tests that must be evaluated in the laboratory.

+++ 23:48 Valuable asset: airports should increase security for vaccine delivery +++
The Airport Operators Association (ACI) advises its members to take greater security measures in view of vaccine deliveries. “The sensitivity of the vaccines, the high demand and the small quantity available initially, could attract the attention of individuals or groups with malicious intent,” he said in a press release.

+++ The 23:07 vaccine for Germany is still stored in Belgium +++
The vaccine destined for Germany by the Mainz company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer is currently in Belgium. Biontech board member Sean Marett announced that cans from Pfizer’s plant in Puurs, Belgium, to Germany could only start after approval by the European Commission. From there, the vaccine will be taken to individual distribution centers in the federal states. In Germany and Turkey, Biontech says it is responsible for delivery, while Pfizer handles it in all other countries. Marett did not provide precise information on the number of doses of vaccine that will soon be delivered to EU member states.

Read more here.

+++ 22:28 No place in clinics: Six deaths in South Korea +++
In South Korea, six people died from Covid-19 lung disease this month who could not be treated in hospitals due to exhaustion of capacities. The authorities confirm it. In South Korea, 1,062 new infections are registered, the second highest daily figure since the beginning of the pandemic.

+++ 22:17 Ukraine expects vaccinations to start in February +++
Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Schmygal expects the first corona vaccine to be delivered in February. Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said a clinical study of a domestic vaccine was being prepared. He did not give details.

+++ 22:06 The Vice President of the United States, Pence, was vaccinated in front of the cameras +++
The Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, had been vaccinated in front of the cameras to gain confidence in the new corona vaccines. Outgoing President Donald Trump’s deputy and his wife Karen were injected with the Biontech Pfizer vaccine. “I didn’t notice anything,” says Pence. It is a “medical miracle” that the first corona vaccine is now being administered in states across the country. Next Monday, the future president of the United States, Joe Biden, also wants to be vaccinated against the corona virus, as announced by a spokeswoman for his team.

Here you can read more about it.


Pence: “I didn’t notice anything.”

(Photo: Picture Alliance / dpa / AP)

+++ 21:32 The Paul Ehrlich Institute has started vaccine testing +++
The Paul Ehrlich Institute has begun testing the vaccine. The institute has received the first test samples and has started investigations, a spokeswoman said. The Paul Ehrlich Institute is responsible for testing vaccines in Germany after they have been approved by the EU Commission. According to Health Minister Jens Spahn, delivery batches are checked to see if vaccination doses match approval. After this verification, the federal government will distribute the serum to the federal states.

+++ 21:09 More than 6500 new cases reported in NRW +++
Ten federal states are experiencing a four-digit increase in the number of recently reported corona cases. North Rhine-Westphalia again achieved the highest value with 6,506 recently reported infections, followed by Bavaria with 5,278, Baden-Württemberg with 4,284 and Saxony with 3,412.

+++ 20:40 Current data in Germany: more than 800 deaths reported for the first time +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 1,458,070. As can be seen from information from state authorities evaluated by, 30,656 new cases were added. Overall, it is the second highest daily increase since the start of the pandemic. The previous daily maximum was reached yesterday Thursday with 31,051 cases.

The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 802 to 25,417. This is the highest daily increase in ntv evaluation so far. The RKI posted a higher value on Tuesday according to the electronic reporting system with 952 deaths reported, but late registrations from Saxony were included that day. Currently, some 361,500 people are infected.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 0.96 (previous day: 0.82). This means that, on average, 100 people infected 96 other people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.05 (previous day: 0.97). According to the Divi Register, 4,899 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 2603 of whom are ventilated. Around 4,616 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can find more information about the most important corona data here Read.

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