Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 00:49 Head of the Chancellery: Christmas without grandparents “unimaginable” +++


+++ 00:49 Head of the Chancellery: Christmas without grandparents “unimaginable” +++

Despite continued contact restrictions, Chancellor Helge Braun is counting on the fact that Christmas can be celebrated as a family. “For me it is inconceivable that grandparents do not celebrate at Christmas,” he told the Germany publishing network. At the same time, he appealed to people to be careful. “More important than the number of people who come together is that you reduce your contacts beforehand and make sure that no one has symptoms,” said the CDU politician. The Chancellery’s wish that each family only have private contact with one person from another household is not an obligation. “It’s not a rule, but a behavioral warning. It’s a kind of winter etiquette,” says Braun.

+++ 23:57 the court confirms the ban of the Munich demonstration for lateral thinkers +++
Lateral thinkers cannot demonstrate in Munich on Saturday. The Bavarian Administrative Court (BayVGH) rejected the organizer’s complaint and therefore, like the Munich Administrative Court before, enforced the state capital’s meeting ban. The reason was: The city rightly assumed that the assembly, taking into account the experience with assemblies of the lateral thinking movement, was not justifiable in terms of the infection protection law after the organizer had expressly refused in the administrative procedure to take precautions to comply with hygiene measures such as minimum distances to comply with the use of masks. The organizer’s guarantee, which was only given in the judicial process, that it would accept the appropriate measures, is no longer relevant in terms of procedural law “and, regardless of this, as a purely procedural tactical presentation, incredible.

+++ 23:00 Brazil passes six million infections +++
In Brazil, as of Friday, more than six million corona infections had been confirmed. After the US and India, the country is the third state in which this mark has been approved. The Ministry of Health has registered 38,397 new infections. The number of deaths increased in 24 hours from 552 to 168,613.

+++ 22:25 Toronto enters lockdown +++
In light of the increase in infections, an extensive lockdown will be applied in the Canadian metropolis of Toronto and its suburb of Peel starting Monday for the first 28 days. Among other things, social gatherings in closed rooms are prohibited, the number is limited to ten people outdoors, according to the provincial government. Restaurants can only offer a delivery and pick-up service. Grocery stores, hardware stores, and other stores that sell urgently needed items may remain open.

+++ 22:13 Trump accuses Pfizer of deliberately delaying the vaccine +++
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has accused the pharmaceutical company Pfizer of deliberately delaying the publication of data on its future vaccine to harm it in the elections. “Pfizer and others have even decided not to test the results of their vaccines, in other words, just put out a vaccine immediately after the election,” Trump said at a press conference at the White House. “You have waited and waited and waited.” Originally, drug companies wanted to submit their data in October, Trump said. “But they decided to postpone it.” The reason is his plans to reduce drug costs, which he presented today, Trump said. Therefore, he had turned the pharmaceutical industry against him. Pfizer and German partner Biontech announced on November 9 that their vaccine candidate was more than 90 percent effective. On November 16, the American biotech company Moderna announced that its vaccine candidate was 94.5 percent effective.

+++ 21:44 France registered almost 23,000 new infections +++
In France, the number of infections increased by 22,882 to 2.11 million in one day. According to the Health Ministry, the number of deaths increased from 1,138 to 48,265. On Thursday it reported 21,140 new infections and 429 deaths, although unlike Friday, the number of people who died in nursing homes for several days was not included.

+++ 21:17 Germany again reports a high value with 23,856 new infections +++
The number of reported infections in Germany increased to 891,371. As can be seen in the information from state authorities evaluated by, 23,856 new cases were added in 24 hours, after the number of the previous day (23,151), another maximum. Countries have not reported as many cases in a single day since the pandemic began. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 273 to 13,779. According to estimates from the Robert Koch Institute, about 299,568 people are currently infected and about 578,024 people have recovered since then.

After North Rhine-Westphalia was the only federal state to register almost 5,500 new infections yesterday, the value has even risen again with 5,728 cases in 24 hours. It is followed by Bavaria (4650) with a slight increase, Baden-Württemberg with 2801 new infections, where the numbers are decreasing, and Hesse (2325) with an increase in the number of cases. The five federal states with the fewest new infections are Bremen (174), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (133), Saarland (199), Schleswig-Holstein (250) and Saxony-Anhalt (331).

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 0.98 (previous day: 0.88). This means that on average 100 Infected 98 infect other people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value has increased slightly and is currently 1.05 (previous day: 0.99).

More information on the status of the crown can be found here.
