Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 00:11 Berlin district does not allow Bundeswehr in +++


In the fight against the crown pandemic in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district of Berlin, the Bundeswehr is initially unable to help. The district assembly decided by a large majority to continue discussing two corresponding proposals from the SPD and the CDU in the social committee. Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is the only one of Berlin’s twelve districts that does not allow the Bundeswehr to provide Crown aid, for example, by tracking chains of infection.

+++ 23:47 Belgium struggles with German travel warning +++
In view of the German travel advisory for all of Belgium, there is a lack of understanding in the Belgian border region with North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. It regrets that the whole of Belgium has been declared a red zone, said the Prime Minister of the German-speaking community, Oliver Paasch, in Brussels. It was apparently not yet understood that border restrictions were not an effective tool against Covid-19. Due to the high number of corona infections, Germany declared the whole of Belgium a risk area on Wednesday evening and issued a travel advisory for the country. So far this has only applied to the capital Brussels.

+++ 23:19 Around 1,350 Bundeswehr soldiers in Operation Corona +++
The Bundeswehr currently supports various crown aid measures with around 1,350 soldiers. A spokesman for the Defense Ministry told the newspapers of the Funke media group that “about 160 soldiers from the medical service are deployed as part of the relief work.” According to this, around 320 soldiers are currently deployed in twelve federal states, including mobile test stations. To relieve health authorities, 426 soldiers in 33 local offices would also help track the chains of infection. A total of up to 15,000 soldiers are available on short notice to provide assistance.

+++ 22:30 Israel reports record infection +++
Almost two weeks after the start of a lockdown, the number of new daily corona infections in Israel surpassed the 9,000 mark for the first time. The Ministry of Health announced in the evening that 9,013 new cases had been registered the previous day, more than ever in a day. With 124 new infections in 24 hours, according to Palestinian information, there was also a record in the Gaza Strip. The pandemic in Israel initially ran smoothly, also due to the strict course of the government. However, after the relaxation in May, the number of cases soared.

+++ 22:03 outbreak in slaughterhouse in Munich +++
Several employees of a slaughterhouse in Munich tested positive for the corona virus. In two series of tests in late September, a total of twelve people were found infected, the city said. 151 employees tested negative. Those who tested positive and their closest contacts are now in quarantine for 14 days. Employees would receive food in their accommodation. Those who tested negative are not in quarantine, a city spokesman said. Hygiene measures were reviewed at the downtown slaughterhouse and the building was disinfected, the message said. The cattle slaughter operator conducts a weekly series of tests on the entire workforce. On September 28, nine employees tested positive and three more on September 30. Employees will be screened again on Monday.

+++ 21:31 Paris threatens “maximum alert level” +++
France reports 13,970 new infections in the last 24 hours and another 63 deaths. That’s an increase from the day before, but it remains behind the record number of more than 16,000 from a week ago. Therefore, Paris threatens to close its bars and restaurants. In the French capital and suburbs, the situation has deteriorated rapidly recently, said French Health Minister Olivier Véran. If this dynamic is confirmed, the “maximum alert level” will be declared there on Monday. “We will review the indicators on Sunday with the mayor of Paris and all the elected representatives.”


No joy in Montmartre: Paris has had difficult times and there is no end in sight.

(Photo: imago images / Hans Lucas)

+++ 21:00 German clinics record an increase in occupied intensive care beds +++
There is also an increase in the number of Covid 19 patients treated in intensive care in Germany. According to the Robert Koch Institute’s current management report, 362 corona-infected people are currently being treated in intensive care, 193 of which are ventilated. A week earlier there were 296 infected people (166 ventilated) and a week earlier there were 238 infected people (135 ventilated). Around 8,700 of the approximately 30,540 registered intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.


The increasing number of infections also affects the number of occupied intensive care beds.

(Photo: Picture Alliance / dpa)

+++ 20:45 Germany reports again about 2,500 new cases +++
In their daily reports, the federal states again report more than 2,500 new cases: according to this, there were a total of 2,589 new infections and 15 more deaths in Germany in 24 hours. According to calculations by, a total of 293,016 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the beginning of the Corona crisis. The number of deaths related to a corona infection is now 9,507. It is estimated that around 256,704 people have survived the infection. 26,805 are seriously infected. The trend of new infections in an average of seven days is higher than 2000 cases for the first time since April.

In North Rhine-Westphalia alone, more than 750 new cases were reported. Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria each report just under 400. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania alone still records single-digit growth (plus 8).

The most important news of the previous day on the current situation of the global coronavirus pandemic can be found in here.
