Coronavirus: Jens Spahn expects more vaccines next year


Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) expects the amount of corona vaccine available in Germany to grow significantly in the first months of the new year. Spahn justified it by approving more preparations and expanded production capacities. The minister rejected criticism from the ranks of the opposition about the pace of vaccine production and proposals to speed it up.

Politicians from various parties had previously called for increased vaccine production. “If the federal government does not exhaust all legal possibilities, it puts countless human lives at risk,” leftist politician Achim Kessler told SPIEGEL. He asked the government to force companies to license other companies to reproduce.

In contrast, Spahn on Monday referred to a system of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis in Marburg in the ZDF “Morgenmagazin” that was taken over by Mainz vaccine maker Biontech. »The goal is to make production possible there in February / March. And that would greatly increase the amount, “said the CDU politician.

According to Biontech, some changes are necessary in Marburg before production of the Covid-19 vaccine can begin there as well. The company aims to launch the first vaccine produced there in late March.

There will be 250 million doses of vaccine produced in the first half of 2021. The Mainz-based company aims for a total of 750 million cans for annual production.

Spahn also expects the approval of the vaccine by the American manufacturer Moderna “in the first days of January”, as he made clear in an interview with the “Bayern 2-radioWelt” of the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation. Two or three other candidates are on the way to being approved, he added, reaffirming the goal of being able to offer all citizens a vaccination offer by the summer. “Christmas next year should be normal again.”

Regarding the demand to force companies to issue vaccine licenses, Spahn said: “The production of a vaccine is very demanding and very complex that it cannot even be done with another licensed company.” Also because of the trust in the company For the vaccine, it is important that all quality requirements are met.

According to the Ministry of Health, a total of 136.3 million doses are safe for the Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, almost all of which could be delivered in 2021. With the two necessary doses each, 68.2 million could be vaccinated. citizens, of the 83 million inhabitants of Germany.

More than 30,000 deaths per corona registered

Health authorities reported 348 more deaths in 24 hours: the number of people who died with or from the coronavirus in Germany rose to more than 30,000, according to the Robert Koch Institute. Additionally, 10,976 new corona infections were reported.

Given the still high number of infections, which could possibly rise again on Christmas days, among other things, there is growing skepticism in the Foreign Ministry and also in the federal states that the current measures of the Crown could be relaxed on the 10th. from January.

He believes that “we will not be able to evaluate the whole matter exactly on January 5, when we meet next time, and therefore we will have to continue the blockade,” said Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU), RTL / n- television. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) had already told “Bild” on Sunday night that she was assuming an extension of the shutdown.

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