Coronavirus: infection rate in Germany for the second consecutive day above the critical value


An important factor for the additional German approach to the virus crisis is the infection rate. The value indicates how many more people are infected on average by one infected person.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), this has risen above the critical value of “1” for the second day in a row. The RKI announced on Sunday night in its current management report that the reproduction rate (R) is currently estimated at 1.13, after 1.1 on Saturday.

Statistically, each infected person infects more than one person, and the number of cases would increase again. The value does not reflect the current situation, but for methodological reasons it refers to infections that occurred some time ago.

However, when interpreting, it should be noted that the estimate is associated with uncertainty as usual, explains the RKI. Therefore, it is not yet possible to assess whether the trend of new infections, which has been declining in recent weeks, has continued or whether there has been an increase again. The increase in R makes it necessary to monitor developments very carefully in the coming days.

RKI chief Lothar Wieler had repeatedly said that a rate below 1.0 was very important. Chancellor Angela Merkel had emphasized that branding was also an important criterion in relaxing crown requirements.

Almost 170,000 cases in Germany: the south and west are particularly affected

Nationwide, more than 169,800 infections with the corona virus were recorded on Sunday night (day before 8:15 p.m .: more than 169,300 infections). According to reports, at least 7443 infected with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 have died across the country so far (day before 8:15 p.m.: 7434). This arises from an evaluation carried out by the dpa news agency, which takes into account the latest figures from the federal states.

According to federal state statistics, Bavaria has a particularly high number of registered infections with more than 44,600 cases and at least 2,167 deaths, North Rhine-Westphalia with more than 34,900 cases and at least 1,424 deaths, and Baden-Württemberg with more than 33,200 confirmed cases and at least 1,542 deaths. The time a new daily status is reported varies from state to state.

Icon: The Mirror
