Coronavirus in the US: Biden wants a million vaccines a day


The president-elect of the United States, Biden, has criticized the vaccination program of his predecessor Trump and wants to accelerate it dramatically. Meanwhile, the crown mutation has also been detected in the US for the first time.

By Jule Käppel, ARD-Studio Washington

The schedule can no longer be maintained. Before the end of the year, 20 million US citizens should be vaccinated. The government’s crown task force had promised it. But data from the US health authority shows that only 2.1 million people are vaccinated.

The delivery also doesn’t go as planned. The US Department of Health wanted to distribute 100 million doses of vaccine in December. But only about 11 million have made it to the states.

Biden wants to encourage arms production

President-elect Joe Biden presented his vaccination schedule in a speech. At the current rate, it would take years or months for all Americans to get vaccinated, Biden said. He wants to greatly accelerate the vaccination rate.

His goal: one million vaccinations a day. A law on arms production should help. Biden wants to use it to encourage companies to produce more protective equipment and medical supplies for vaccines.

Viral mutation first detected in the US

In his speech, the president-elect had repeatedly called for people to wear masks. He warned of what could be the toughest phase of the pandemic in the coming weeks.

The particularly contagious variant of the coronavirus has now also reached the US The mutation was first detected in the US state of Colorado.
