Coronavirus in NRW: Laschet now demands DAS – After crown tests, Tönnies announces that …


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the coronavirus continues to determine daily life in NRW. To date, more than 35,000 people have tested positive for the virus. But: About 29,000 are said to be healthy again. More than 1,450 people have died from an infection.

Slowly but surely, relaxation also leads to a return to some normality. NRW: Zoos, hairdressers and museums are open again. Since May 7, other relaxation measures have been taken, for example for playgrounds, sports and schools. Much is also changing for restaurants now.

Coronavirus in NRW: The latest developments around Covid-19 on the news blog

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Wednesday May 13

4.15 p.m .: After crown tests, meat processors announce Tönnies results

Crown tests on Germany’s largest meat processor, Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, have so far been negative. By Wednesday noon, 784 laboratory findings were available. “All of these findings were negative,” said the Gütersloh district. Almost 2,100 employees were evaluated on Monday and Tuesday. The state had ordered all slaughterhouse workers in North Rhine-Westphalia to undergo a test to detect the coronavirus.

The number of employees to be evaluated at Tönnies was said to be greater than the originally assumed number of 6,500. About 7,700 people are registered on the staff roster. This also includes people who, according to the company, are no longer working there, are on parental or maternity leave, are ill for a longer period of time, or are only sporadically present at the plant.

12:39: Due to Corona’s bans: over 300 lawsuits before administrative courts

Amusement arcades, gyms, mask opponents, a homeless person, and a showman: Since March 16, the administrative courts of North Rhine-Westphalia have received more than 300 lawsuits or urgent requests against the Crown Protection Ordinance . So far, most cases have been dismissed. If you count Corona’s immediate aid complaints, there are even 410 proceedings before administrative courts, according to the Justice Ministry in a report to the state parliament.

In addition to prominent cases, such as the Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof proposals, the ministry also lists rare cases: the Ministry of Health must be forced to distribute masks for free. Permission was requested for an “emergency marriage”, a “wellness oasis” wanted to reopen, a car show, a fun fair.

In the Gelsenkirchen administrative court, a homeless man sued a safety distance of 1.5 meters at his sleeping place. The same court also had to deal with the visitation rights of a seriously disabled child (4).

Applicants were successful in very few cases. These include an initially closed wine shop and a dog lounge.

9.00 a.m.: Current NRW figures

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin on Wednesday reported the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Germany to 171,306, an increase of 798 from the previous day. Johns Hopkins University (JHU), based in the US city of Baltimore, reported 173,171 infected people. The RKI has recorded 7,634 deaths so far, the JHU 7,738 deaths. The number of people recovered was around 148,700.

According to the RKI, 222 new cases have been added to NRW. The number of infected so far is 35,555. 1473 have died so far.

6.45 am: Laschet already calls for the opening of borders “this week”

Armin Laschet (CDU), NRW Prime Minister, is making further progress on flexibilization. In an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, he called for a quick end to the closure of the border: “My soul hurts when I see that the barriers in Europe have fallen again.”

The minister further said: “This is why we should end the closure of the border and restore Europe this week. We are in close contact with our neighbors in Belgium and the Netherlands in North Rhine-Westphalia to fight together against the pandemic and make cross-border tourism possible again in the future to be decided

Tuesday May 12

9:18 pm: four billion euros of emergency aid at NRW

In North Rhine-Westphalia, more than € 4 billion has been paid in Corona emergency aid. Since the program started in late March, 444,000 applications have been received and so far 403,000 have been approved, Economic Affairs Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) said in Düsseldorf on Tuesday.

The program, funded by the federal and state governments, is intended to help self-employed workers and small and medium-sized businesses overcome the crisis. Pinkwart explained that for particularly crisis-ridden industries, they are working on a new rescue package.

4:39 PM: After an outbreak at the Coesfeld meat factory – the number of infected increases to 260

After the corona outbreak at a meat factory in Coesfeld in Westphalia, the number of workers who tested positive for the virus increased to 260. As of Tuesday afternoon, 1,012 of the approximately 1,200 employees of the Westfleisch company had been evaluated, 571 with a negative result, as announced by the Coesfeld district at noon at the request of the German Press Agency. The district had reported 254 infected on Monday. Crown infections have recently increased in German slaughterhouses.

As a consequence of the Corona outbreak, the Coesfeld district, in coordination with the NRW state government, postponed much of the expected reduction in Corona requirements by one week. In addition, up to 20,000 employees from all slaughterhouses in North Rhine-Westphalia will be screened for the coronavirus.

1.45 p.m .: Corona virus at school in Bochum

At a comprehensive school in Bochum, a member of the school community is infected with the corona virus. This was announced by the Erich Kästner School on its website. The health department has identified 13 contact persons. These should not be school students. All contacts were clipped.

“School operations continue as planned in the separate years, as do the Abitur exams. Hygiene measures in school operations that the health department considers exemplary are maintained, “says the school. Abitur exams began today in NRW. 1,400 students attend the comprehensive school, 135 teachers work there.

1:15 p.m .: the health authorities are armed

In the ministry’s opinion, the health authorities of North Rhine-Westphalia have enough staff to trace the contacts of people infected with the crown. With a total of 3,385 employees across the country, most of them from health authorities, follow-up of contacts is fundamentally assured, according to a report by the Ministry of Health for a meeting of the State Health Committee on Wednesday. Meanwhile, more than 600 employees have been recruited for these activities from abroad.

The report also provides information on the amount of protective equipment that the country has distributed to municipalities and counties through district governments. Consequently, among other things, nearly 1.5 million respirators of different protection standards were issued, almost 19 million surgical masks and 175,000 liters of disinfectant. Complete data on the total number of crown tests that have been conducted to date is not available: across the country, nearly 490,000 physician tests have been billed to health insurance companies across the country since it began the epidemic.

9.30 a.m.: Current figures on the coronavirus in NRW

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin on Tuesday estimated the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Germany at 170,508, an increase of 933 from the previous day. Johns Hopkins University (JHU), based in the US city of Baltimore, reported 172,576 infected people. The RKI has recorded 7,533 deaths so far, the JHU 7,661 deaths. The number of people recovered was around 147,200.

According to RKI numbers, there have been 35,333 infections in NRW. 201 more than the day before. 1,456 people have died from the coronavirus in NRW.

7.30 a.m.: Laschet demands quarantine flexibility

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) is pushing for further loosening of state requirements to contain the crown virus. In the “Rheinische Post” (Tuesday), he advocated the quarantine obligation to relax for returnees from European countries. As justification, he referred to the end of the bull run in France, where people have had significantly more freedom since Monday. At the same time, he reiterated his call for the German borders to be opened quickly.

7:00 a.m .: Brazen Corona emergency fraud

In addition to suspected professional scammers, dozens of unemployed people, indebted students or businessmen apparently also requested and received emergency aid from Corona without justification. A report from the Ministry of Justice to the Landtag documents a series of cases that are now being investigated. In many cases, the banks caught the attention of the authorities: the accounts of the Hartz IV recipients, for example, suddenly received 9,000 euros.

In 24 cases, the Central Office for Financial Transaction Investigations (FIU) raised the alarm due to strange account movements of 24 fraud procedures carried out by the Düsseldorf prosecution: the amounts of the damages would have been between 9,000 and 15,000 euros . The Duisburg district attorney’s office reported on several cases reported by Sparkasse, including one student, four unemployed and two pensioners.

Monday, May 11

9:13 p.m.: Home Secretary Reul with urgent appeal

NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) sees some protests against Corona’s measures as the limits of freedom of demonstration are reached. This is the case if the minimum distance is less and passers-by and police are consciously coughed, Reul said in Düsseldorf on Monday. “These people not only put themselves at risk, but others as well. The police should not tolerate that. “

Furthermore, left and right extremists misused the protest for their anti-state purposes. “There is no conspiracy theory that is adventurous enough.” My appeal to citizens: be careful who you go out on the street with. Be careful with the slogans you travel to. ” He would put the issue on the agenda of the next interior ministers conference in June.

7.15 p.m .: NRW Family Minister Stamp with more details about the opening of the nursery

NRW Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) has clarified his remarks about the visit of children who are not yet cared for in day care: the two days in June are a “minimum,” Stamp said in a podcast of the stations. NRW local radio. Of course, it points to more days, but today it cannot be said with greater precision.

Joachim Stamp, NRW Family Minister

Photo: imago images / Revierfoto

In this context, Stamp referred to the German Press Agency to the loss of more than 20 percent of specialists who belonged to the risk group, for example, over 60 years. “How far the third opening step in June can go depends on how many specialists can actually work and whether the infection process allows larger groups to form again,” Stamp said in dpa.

Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) advises kindergarten teachers to avoid protective mouth and nose masks. An alternative is, for example, transparent plastic visors. Ultimately, it is up to the porters and staff whether they continue to wear protective masks.

Since children need closeness and sometimes must be hugged, the distance requirement in daycare centers is “not to be maintained,” Stamp said. Therefore, hygienic concepts are tried to minimize the risk for specialized personnel.

6:59 p.m .: Essen gastronomy with brazen prognosis “We will close again”

Starting today, restaurants and pubs in NRW can reopen under very specific conditions. But to meet these requirements, restaurateurs would have to worry a lot. DER WESTEN spoke to an Essen owner about the current situation in the crown crisis and reopening. Click here to see the full article >>>

1:54 pm: After the crown outbreak in the meat industry: massive tests also in Tönnies

After a crown outbreak in Coesfeld, the entire meat industry has focused. Now 20,000 employees of large and small companies will be evaluated across the country. A special testing center works for the industry giant Tönnies.

The massive testing of Corona began at Tönnies, Germany’s largest meat processor, at the slaughterhouse in Rheda-Wiedenbrück on Monday. The on-site testing center of the site in the Gütersloh district has been in operation since noon, company spokesman Andre Vielstädte said.

A total of 6,500 people work here, only a part of them at the slaughterhouse. After the outbreak of the coronavirus in a competitor Westfleisch meat factory in Coesfeld, all up to 20,000 employees in slaughterhouses in North Rhine-Westphalia must be tested for the dangerous virus.

“We have no reason to suppose that there is a particular infection in the company,” said the Tönnies spokesman for many cities. According to the district responsible for Gütersloh, none of the 23 infected people confirmed in the laboratory had a connection to the meat industry.

10.13 a.m. – Corona infection numbers in Coesfeld continued to rise over the weekend

In the Coesfeld district, the number of infections increased further after a crown outbreak at a meat company. A district spokesman said 780 infections were reported Sunday in the district, 35 more than Saturday. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the number of new infections in the district was just under 96, and therefore significantly higher than the specified upper limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 residents in the past seven days. Many of the loosening of the crown requirements, for example for restaurants and shops, planned from Monday onwards, will be postponed in the district for a week, as the district announced.

Those affected in the Coesfeld district include 230 people infected from the Westfleisch plant. 952 of the approximately 1,200 employees have already been evaluated there, a company spokesperson said. The location remains closed. There was also mass testing on Sunday at a Westfleisch factory in Hamm. About 1,000 employees were evaluated there, the rest should follow on Monday, a Westfleisch spokesman said. There were no results for tests at Hamm on Monday.

07.55 a.m.: Open gyms: long queues at midnight

The first gyms reopened Monday night. Shortly after midnight, the first athletes returned to work in the Kalk district of Cologne. The McFit chain opened its doors there, as well as elsewhere in NRW at 0.01 a.m. “I think everyone yearned for that,” said McFit founder Rainer Schaller. At the same time, he emphasized that it was important to comply with the requirements stipulated by the policy.

Last week, NRW cleared the way for the reopening of gyms on Monday. However, strict requirements apply. There must be a sufficient distance between the devices used, for example, the showers remain closed.

(THE WEST with dpa)
