Coronavirus in Germany: RKI reports more than 32,000 new infections


Although restrictions were tightened again in mid-December, the number of infections in Germany remains high. The Robert Koch Institute reported more than 32,000 new cases of corona. With the holidays in mind, medical professionals are extremely concerned.

Health authorities nationwide have registered 32,195 new infections with the coronavirus in the last 24 hours. This was announced by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). As of yesterday, 802 people who had previously tested positive for the pathogen died.

Compared to yesterday, the number of new infections increased by 7,455 cases in one day. The death toll peaked at 962 on Wednesday. Compared to the numbers from a week ago, there are around 5,300 more new infections, but last Thursday Baden-Württemberg was unable to transmit data due to technical problems, so only 3,500 cases were included in Friday’s RKI statistics.

The infection rate remains at a high level

According to the RKI, the so-called seven-day incidence is currently 196.2. The value indicates how many new infections occur per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. Yesterday it was slightly lower than 195.1. On Tuesday, however, the RKI also posted a peak value of 197.6 for the seven-day incidence.

Saxony has the highest crown numbers among federal states: in 24 hours, authorities reported 3,877 new infections and 153 deaths in connection with a Covid 19 disease. The seven-day incidence here is 425.7 well above the national average. . Thuringia follows with a value of 327.9. The lowest value is registered in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 95.6.

Overall, the number of corona infections in Germany has risen to more than 1.58 million since the pandemic began. The death toll is now 28,770. Approximately 1.18 million people are considered recovered.

Doctors warn of the third wave

In view of the persistently high number of infections, the president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, appealed to the population to comply with protective measures also during Christmas days. Each individual could help prevent another wave, Reinhardt told the “Rheinische Post.” Everyone should “critically wonder if you really have to exhaust the legal maximum limits for meetings.” Reinhardt warned that a possible third corona wave would overwhelm the healthcare system.

The director of the Association of Intensive Care Physicians, Uwe Janssens, also warned of a possible third wave in January if people do not reduce their contacts enough during Christmas. “We intensive care doctors urgently ask people not to visit grandmother and grandfather on Christmas, but to stay home,” Janssens told the “Rheinische Post.”

The federal government and the prime minister had originally considered easing contact restrictions somewhat during Christmas and New Year’s Eve. After tightening the partial lock into a full lock, the planned easing was withdrawn again. The stringent Corona requirements currently applicable apply until January 10.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on December 24, 2020 at 9:00 am
