Coronavirus in Germany: RKI reports 16,471 new infections


For a few days, the trend in the number of new infections has been decreasing slightly. Therefore, some Union politicians are calling for a definitive end to the closure in mid-February, a strategy the RKI warns of.

German health authorities reported 16,417 new corona infections and 879 new deaths to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 24 hours, as announced by the RKI.

Exactly a week ago, the RKI had recorded 18,678 new infections and 980 new deaths in 24 hours. On January 14, the maximum of 1,244 new deaths was reached. For new infections recorded within a day, the highest value was reported on December 18, at 33,777, but this included 3,500 late reports.

The number of new infections reported in seven days per 100,000 residents (seven-day incidence) was 112.6 on Saturday morning, according to the RKI. Its previous high was reached on December 22 at 197.6. The number fluctuated after that and has been dropping again for a few days.

Lawsuits for the end of the confinement

In view of this slightly positive evolution of the infection process, there are now voices from the Union that are pressing for an end to the blockade in mid-February.

The vice-president of the parliamentary group of the Union, Georg Nüßlein, calls for the definitive end of the blockade after the current deadline until February 14. Due to the massive effects, prescribing a nationwide lockdown is not justified until the incidence number drops below 50 or below 35, said the CSU politician from the “Augsburger Allgemeine.”

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer also wants to implement easing after February 14, if he is responsible, as he told the “Welt” newspaper, initially in schools and hairdressers. “In March then we can talk about retail. And after Easter also gastronomy ”, said the CDU politician.

On Friday alone, RKI President Lothar Wieler urgently warned against loosening up too soon. The number of cases is still too high, Wieler told a news conference with Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn: “We must not give in now.” The country could only return to a “half normal daily life” if the number of cases became massive and permanently lower.

However, Klaus Reinhardt, president of the German Medical Association, which actually supports the closure, also demanded perspectives for the population from politics. “It is understandable that people are tired after ten months of the pandemic and that Corona’s protection measures are stressful,” he told the “Rheinische Post.” the ARD Germany trend For him ARD morning magazine It recently found that almost one in two (49 percent) perceive crown restraints as a very heavy or severe burden. According to Reinhardt, therefore, there must be clear communication about vaccination capabilities, among other things.

Spahn seeks understanding

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn had Friday night at the take daily understand the delays in the vaccination campaign. He noted that pharmaceutical companies also depend on supply chains and suppliers. Around the world, the demand for vaccines during the pandemic is great.

The two big manufacturers, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, had previously announced that they could not deliver on their promises and are therefore supplying fewer doses of vaccines. This leads to bottlenecks. Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech justified the delivery difficulties with the conversion of a production plant in Belgium.

Spahn was confident that despite delivery difficulties at AstraZeneca, significant amounts of this vaccine could be inoculated in February.

Tagesschau reported on this issue on January 23, 2021 at 9:00 am
