Coronavirus in Germany and the world: France has more than 45,000 new infections – knowledge


The Germans were as mobile until September as before the Crown crisis.

The tourism industry is experiencing a roller coaster ride this year. After a massive drop due to the corona pandemic in spring, mobility in Germany increased during the summer, according to a media report. stabilized back to pre-crisis levelaccording to the magazine “Spiegel”.

Assessments of anonymized movement patterns showed that mobility in Germany between mid to late March collapsed by about 40 percentreported the “Spiegel” on Saturday. However, after a few weeks, a gradual normalization occurred. Since July, the Germans have been on the move, according to the report. again as much as last year.

The figures given by the “Spiegel” refer, however only for the period until September. The current development, given that the number of infections soared again, has not yet been recorded.

In the meantime, however, it appears that uncertainty is rising again in light of the rapidly increasing number of infections.

The association of hotels and restaurants Dehoga had repeated in one in recent days high number of cancellations he pointed. Influenced by the new official restrictions due to the Corona crisis, but also by numerous cancellations from clients who prefer not to travel in the current situation. In addition, more and more events are being canceled.

There have been big drops in business train travel since the spring. The railroad board for long-distance traffic, Michael Peterson, told “Spiegel”: among commercial customers, rail “is still 70 percent in the red“On the other hand, operations work better: according to Peterson, trains were more punctual between July and September than in eight years. (AFP, teaspoon)
