Coronavirus in Europe: Slovenians demonstrate – France with lowest value in weeks


The corona virus has caused an emergency worldwide. Europe has also been hard hit by the virus. The number of crown deaths is decreasing in France.

Update, 7.40 p.m.: Have in the last 24 hours France 80 Crown
dead Registered – The lowest value in weeks. In general, since the beginning of the epidemic. 26,310 People in Hospitals and Nursing homes died, announced the Ministry of Health on Saturday (May 9).

Four regions of the country represent 75 percent of hospitalized cases. These are: Metropolitan area Parisbordering Germany Region Great Its T, Auvergne-Rhône-Alps in the southeast of the country andAltos de Francia in the north

Since the beginning of March 95,829 People ins Hospital admitted 56,038 people are now cured at home. Not counting tens of thousands who were cured without hospitalization.

Virus crowns Europe: for fundamental rights and against corruption: Slovenes demonstrate despite ban

Update May 9 at 9:37 a.m. The consequences of Corona virus for Europe are precarious Not only that in the European Union also more than one million coronavirus infections, very different measures are taken in each country. For example in Greece Flush people out with a police registry office for weeks if they wanted to go to the door. Also for shopping or going for a walk with the dog. In Germany there is only one contact blockade, there were exceptions in Bavaria, for example, where the curfew was imposed for four weeks. By contrast, there were hardly any restrictions in Sweden.

Times of crisis and Emergency legislation They are a critical moment in democracies. Not only for reasons of crisis, also in view of the existing constitution. This appears to be the case in Slovenia, among other places, where the government has imposed a general ban on demonstrations. Than Right to demonstrate it must be guaranteed in democratic systems, but also in times of crisis, it is the basic criterion for citizens to control politics or express criticism.

Corona virus in Europe: manifestation in Slovenia

More than 5000 people have been in Slovenian on Friday night Capital city of Ljubljana against him Civil rights restriction. as a result of Crown pandemic Small demonstrations also took place in other cities such as Maribor, Celje and Koper, the STA news agency reported. They moved to Ljubljana. Bicycle protesters in front of parliament to express their protest with bells and bells.

In Slovenia Due to the crown pandemic, exit restrictions have been in place since March, which have recently been gradually eased. In addition, a meeting and Demo Ban. Friday’s protest was also directed against the alleged corruption in the environment of the right-wing prime minister, Janez Jansa.

So a state employee Procurement agency told the media that the government has funds to protect itself against the Crown pandemic bought abroad through a Slovenian brokerage house. There is a suspicion that the company, controlled by people close to the government, has unnecessarily charged fees.

Coronavirus in Europe: will the entry be expanded? EU Commission with a clear opinion

Update May 9, 8:30 p.m.: The British government he has long-range hopes Relief measures to contain the Coronavirus pandemic subdued in the country. “We have to be realistic that there will be no dramatic change. We will be very careful if we ease the restrictions, “said Environment Minister George Eustice. Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants a timetable for the slow rising of the Contact restrictions in Britain Send

The country now has official statistics. more Deaths in Europe through that Corona virus. The number of deaths increased from 626 to 31,241 on Friday (May 8).

Coronavirus in Spain: there is no relief at the Madrid access point – More than 8,500 dead

Update, 6.40 p.m.:
Madrid will be announced on Monday (May 11) in the Corona hotspot Spain re-loosening of the lock will be excluded. The central government rejected the capital region’s request to be allowed to enter phase 1 of the de-escalation plan. The regional government announced this now. With scarcely 65,000 Infection cases and more 8500 Dead Madrid is, by far, the Pandemic most affected region in Spain.

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s left coalition wants Spain with one Four phase plan lead to a “new normal” in late June. Each stage should last two weeks.

It was expected to be next Madrid also several provinces Catalonia, including also Barcelona, some areas in Andalusia as well as the entire region Castile and Lion remain in “Phase 0” until further notice. However, unlike Madrid, these cases would be at your request.

Coronavirus in Europe: will the entry be expanded? EU Commission with a clear opinion

Update May 8, 5.42 p.m.: The long reach Entry restrictions at EU for him Crown crisis from the point of view of EU Commission it will run for another 30 days until June 15. Brussels authorities proposed this on Friday. To contain the Pandemic they all had each other in mid-March EU countries Except for Ireland and non-EU countries, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland agreed to initially restrict travel to the EU that is not absolutely necessary.

Corona virus in Europe: new rules in France – Denmark is easing the situation

Update May 7, 10:10 p.m.: Like many Central European countries, it also leads Denmark it’s strict Crown measurements back In the course of the second phase of easing, several steps were decided, which should apply from Monday. Everything Retailer therefore, it must reopen, including shopping malls that have been closed for weeks.

Virus crowns Europe: Denmark is preparing to relax, but borders remain narrow

May 18 too Restaurants and open cafes under certain guidelines, as well as churches and religious communities. That too Schools become operational: school classes from sixth to tenth return to class. Children in the lower grades as well as nurseries and kindergartens were allowed to return to normal in mid-April. The Professional sport it also starts working again with immediate effect, but without viewers. The ban on meetings for more than ten people continues to apply for now.

Borders with neighboring Germany remain closed for the time being, but Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen emphasized that there was an exchange with neighboring countries. Danish borders have been largely closed since mid-March. The government wants to publish new information no later than June 1.

Update, 6:25 p.m.: Before it was planned Relief The current measures of Corona * in Russia are new infections to a new one Registration mark increased For the first time since the pandemic began, more than 11,000 New infections registered, 6703 cases in Moscow alone. With more than 177,000 reported infections Russia In fifth place worldwide, behind the United States, Spain, Italy and Great Britain.

Coronavirus in Europe: Putin defies record numbers – France with relief

In spite of drastic growth Work life should start again in many areas next Tuesday, May 12. Free time, the president Vladimir Putin provided until May 11, it was not renovated. Now tuesday Industrial business and Construction sites reopening in the capital Moscow as mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced with reference to the difficult economic situation. Also, one now applies Mask and gloves requiredSobyanin estimates the number of people infected in Moscow at 300,000.

Update, 4:50 p.m.: There is also news France: From May 11 strict Exit restrictions gradually loosen “This is a new stage in the fight against the epidemic, it is good news for FranceFor that French PeopleFrench Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said after a government meeting chaired by the president Emmanuel Macron. Macron had announced the May 11 date for the first relaxation phase a few weeks ago. The head of state and government wanted to decide in the short term if the situation in the country was a problem. Relief allow.

In the future they should Departments depending on the spread of the Virus in green and Red Zones It can be divided. There should be more extensive relaxation measures in the green apartments. “The country is divided into two: for the most part we have been successful in Epidemic wave stop, “Philippe said. That is good news. The virus is still particularly active in the red departments. The situation is particularly dire in the French overseas region of Mayotte and in Metropolitan area Paris.

How is the coronavirus pandemic evolving? A group of American researchers has been working on this question and has developed three possible scenarios.

Corona virus in Europe: Johnson announces relief – Spain extends emergency

Update, 3:14 p.m.: Across Europe, calls for domestic violence have increased by as much as 60 percent compared to the same period last year, said Hans Kluge, WHO European Director, at a press conference in Copenhagen.

There are now more than 150,000 people across Europe related to the Corona virus Passed Away With 1.64 million infections officially registered, Europe still has the majority of cases worldwide. Most of the dead in Europe are in Britain (more than 30,000), Italy (more than 29,600), Spain (around 26,000) and France (around 25,800).

Coronavirus Spain, Girona: a worker at the Girona crematorium places a coffin already disinfected with a victim with Covid-19 in the incinerator

© dpa / David Zorrakino

Coronavirus: admission of hesitant refugees

In Bulgaria, where many measures have been alleviated despite the increasing number of infections, the government crisis team is concerned about the behavior of citizens: “In fact, there is a permanent violation of conditions,” he complained. Crisis Chief of Staff Wenzislaw Mutaftschijski on Thursday in front of the press.

Although, according to the EU Commission, eleven countries are taking care of at least 1,600 unaccompanied minors and others who need protection especially Refugees From the overcrowded camps on Greek islands, the overpass stopped. After the admission of 59 refugees, no other persons were transferred; coordination was complex and complicated by the coronavirus. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) describes the events as “a certificate of poverty for the EU”.

Corona virus in Europe: support for the Western Balkans

Update May 7, 9:13 p.m.: With one Summit video with Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia The EU has assured the Western Balkans to continue supporting them. The summit was also triggered by the fact that partners in the region lacked European solidarity he had spoken and turned to China.

Meanwhile, France follows a mysterious trail: A man subsequently tested positive for the coronavirus, but was already ill in late December.

Coronavirus – Spain: a woman is doing yoga on the beach in Barcelona

© dpa / Jordi Boixareu

In Spain, the state of emergency declared in March was extended again until May 25, but thanks to some relief, people can get back to exercising outdoors. “Ignoring the risk of the epidemic and lifting the state of emergency very quickly would be absolutely wrong, a total and unforgivable mistake,” warned Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, before voting in Parliament.

Coronavirus in Europe: Britain before easing

First report of May 7, 2020:

London – The corona virus continues to cause a state of emergency in Europe. France, Italy, Spain and Great Britain, in particular, have been seriously affected by the evolution of the coronavirus * and its effects.

Although some countries have already implemented containment reduction measures, there are still UK crown protection measures. But the prime minister also wants next week Boris Johnson introduce a little loosening.

Long-range decisions were also made on Wednesday in Germany.

Crown in Europe: Johnson wants to relax measures

Boris Johnson However, he warned in Parliament on Wednesday that this should not happen too quickly, otherwise there would be a second wave of outbreaks. That in turn Economy hit even harder. Johnson wants to present his exact plan on Sunday.

The Goverment’s head He announced in the barely occupied lower house that by the end of May the number of Coronavirus * tests would increase to 200,000 per day. Until now, Britain was far behind in international comparison. Currently, about 100,000 people are tested every day, but this goal is not always achieved. The British media had already speculated on the individual steps Johnson could plan: these include, for example, the requirement for a mask in certain situations and the opening of more parks.

Britain with the highest number of Covid 19 deaths in Europe

Britain has the highest number of deaths from coronavirus, according to statistics Europe. The Johnson government is accused of responding too slowly to the pandemic. The state also applies NHS health service as underfinanced for years. For example, there is a shortage of doctors, nurses, protective equipment and respirators.

Coronavirus in Europe: Spain extends the national emergency again

Despite the violent winds against the opposition Spanish government Wednesday in parliament with his request for a new extension of the controversial Corona Emergencies * forced It is the fourth expansion of the “state of alarm” announced in mid-March, which will continue until May 24. The measure allows it Prime Minister Pedro Sánchezto maintain strict exit restrictions for the almost 47 million Spaniards. Gradual relaxation has already started in the past few days.

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List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Michel Euler
