Coronavirus in Berchtesgadener Land: Closure – schools have to close


AIn view of the uncontrolled spread of the corona virus, the first exit restrictions in Bavaria since the spring closure will be enforced in the Berchtesgadener Land district from Tuesday afternoon. You can only leave your apartment after 2pm for overriding reasons. Schools, kindergartens, leisure facilities and restaurants must close, events are prohibited. Agriculture Minister Michaela Kaniber (CSU) and District Administrator Bernhard Kern announced the drastic cuts Monday night in Bad Reichenhall.

According to Kaniber, the so-called seven-day incidence, the number of new corona infections per 100,000 people in seven days, was 272.8 on Monday night. There have been 57 new infections since Monday alone. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) had reported a seven-day incidence of 252.1 for the district on Monday (at midnight), which was initially a national record.

Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had already announced on Monday afternoon that public life in Berchtesgadener Land would have to be closed. “There is no other way,” Söder said after a change in the CSU board of directors in Nuremberg. Contacts of the infected could no longer be traced there. “Therefore, contacts must be fundamentally restricted,” said the head of CSU.

The starting point was a party

The district in the southeast is relatively sparsely populated with a population density of 126 per square kilometer. It is not exactly clear how the wave of infection came about. “The starting point was again a corresponding party,” Söder said. Other sources of infection may also be possible.

Overall, critical corona values ​​are currently exceeded in more than half of the Free State. As of Tuesday, in 57 of the 96 rural and urban districts, a stricter mask requirement also at work, strict contact restrictions and a curfew in the restaurant sector.

In the Berchtesgadener Land district, however, the toughest anti-crown measures will take effect from Tuesday through November 2.

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For school and daycare children there are only emergency care offers. Church services are the only events that are allowed. Restaurants can only offer take away meals and only until 8 pm Among other things, saunas and bathing establishments, cinemas, conference and event rooms, clubs, bars and discos, game rooms, theaters, club rooms, brothels , museums, sports halls, sports and play areas, gyms, libraries, animal parks, music and adult education centers must close. Hotels can only accept business travelers. Strict visiting bans apply to clinics, senior citizens, and nursing homes.

Good reasons for leaving the apartment there include, for example, professional activities, necessary shopping, but also sports and outdoor exercise, but only alone or with members of your own household, as district manager Kern said. The “thumbscrews” should now be tight.

And suddenly Berchtesgadener Land and Delmenhorst become hot spots

More and more regions of Germany are becoming hotspots. Politicians and medical professionals are urgently warning and constantly proposing new measures to curb the rapid spread. But how and for how long do they continue to reach the population?

Source: WELT / Marcus Tychsen

57 districts and urban districts had passed the mark of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days in recent days, 29 of which are or even were above the 50 mark, even more critical. Even with a seven-day incidence of 35, a more stringent mask requirement also applies in high-traffic public places, at work and in schools, and if the value exceeds the value of 50 also in elementary schools and facilities extracurricular.

The nationally valid Corona traffic light also stipulates that with values ​​greater than 35 in the regions, no matter where, only residents of two households or a maximum of ten people can meet. With the so-called seven-day incidence of more than 50, only two households or a maximum of five people are allowed to meet. These restrictions also apply to all types of private celebrations.

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Also, there are now strict curfew hours in the gastronomy area when there are high crown numbers. If the value of 35 is exceeded, restaurants have to close at 11 p.m., with a seven-day incidence of more than 50 even after 10 p.m.

Söder called on the entire population, and specifically not only young people, to fight together against the virus and be more supportive. “It’s not about following the state,” he said. It is not a question of authority. “We need solidarity between the generations and solidarity in a society.” We have to protect together the particularly weak and particularly at risk.

“Then it will be a lonely Christmas”

So far, Germany has managed without a new lockdown at the national level, Söder said. For this to continue, it is now necessary to “take serious joint action.” “Either we’ll get the numbers under control again in the next four weeks, or it will be very difficult,” he said, according to participants in the change. “Then it will be a lonely Christmas.”

For this Wednesday, Söder announced a government statement in the Bavarian state parliament. In it he wanted to “comprehensively address the conception, the strategy, but also the question of how things will proceed,” he said. In addition, it should be about increased aid for industries affected by the Corona crisis.
