Coronavirus: Coalition Examines Ban on Vaccination Privileges


The grand coalition is examining legal steps to exclude the privileges of people who have already been vaccinated against coronavirus in the private sector. The politicians of the Union and the SPD demand solidarity.

Right-wing politicians in the Union and the SPD are examining a legal ban on special rights for people with corona vaccines. “The SPD parliamentary group is examining legal measures to rule out unequal treatment of unvaccinated and vaccinated people by the private sector,” said the SPD parliamentary group’s legal policy spokesman Johannes Fechner of “Welt”. “It is unacceptable that airlines only carry vaccinated people or that restaurants deny access to unvaccinated people. Such a special regulation would lead to divisions in society.”

According to Fechner, an amendment to the German Civil Code regulating the admissibility of general terms and conditions (AGB) is conceivable: “Here it could be stipulated that, for example, AGBs that link the transport of people to the vaccination status are inadmissible” . It is also conceivable “a clarification in the General Law of Equal Treatment that no one can be at a disadvantage if they do not get vaccinated.”

CSU spokesperson sees “loophole”

Volker Ullrich, legal policy spokesman for the regional group CSU, told the newspaper: “The state is already subject to a blanket prohibition on discrimination. Therefore, it is prohibited from the outset to differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated people on public transportation. In the private sector, there is on the other hand, a regulatory loophole that we have to address. “

No restaurant can turn people away because of their origin, but the law has not yet regulated the prohibition of discrimination against unvaccinated people. Sebastian Bickerich, a spokesman for the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, said that, from a legal point of view, the General Equal Treatment Law has so far not provided means for unvaccinated people to take action against possible unequal treatment in activities. everyday.

“The law sets out six specific grounds of discrimination on which unequal treatment is prohibited, including, for example, disabilities. If the legislature wanted to ensure that unvaccinated people are not disadvantaged, it should specifically regulate this.

Spahn rejects special rights for vaccinated people

Shortly after the official start of corona vaccines, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) also joined those who reject possible special rights for vaccinated people. “Many wait in solidarity so that some can get vaccinated first. And those who have not yet been vaccinated hope that those vaccinated will be supportive patients, “he told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

“No one should claim special rights until everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated.” It is this mutual respect that holds the nation together: “We are fighting the pandemic together, and we will only overcome it together,” Spahn emphasized. Previously, the federal interior minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU), had spoken out against the privileges of vaccinated people.
