Coronavirus: Berlin-Neukölln in “absolute crisis mode”: a hotspot as a warning for Germany?


  • Felix durach

    sinceFelix durach

    to turn off

Berlin’s Neukölln district is Germany’s crown hotspot. It is not yet clear where the majority of those infected with the corona virus were infected.

  • the Infection cloak am Berlin’s Neukölln district it keeps reaching a critical point.
  • Meanwhile the 7-day incidence* for Neukölln at 173.1.
  • The Neukölln Medical officer warns that many German metropolises face a similar fate.
  • Is News-Ticker it is periodically updated.

Berlin – After the Austrian Ischgl and the Heinsberg district in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Berlin district now applies. Neukölln like new Hotspot. In the last seven days, 571 New infections with the Coronavirus* registered. That corresponds to a 7-day incidence from 173.1 – more than three times the threshold value at 50.

Coronavirus: Hotspot Berlin-Neukölln as a harbinger of all of Germany?

One Infection process* as in the Berlin district may soon also be in the rammed Federal Republic give. That’s what Nicolai Savaska, the medical officer of Berlin-Neukölln, compared to Daily mirror: “What we are already experiencing in Neukölln are only harbingers of what we will likely experience in every metropolis in the country.” Neukölln so it would be seen as a sensor for the whole country.

The main problem in Neukölln is the fact that there are many New infections could not be clearly assigned to a source of infection. Only ten percent of the cases could be assigned to known outbreaks. What gave the Berliners Gesundheitssenatorin Dilek Kalayci (SPD) known. The 53-year-old man justified the great uncertainty about the Sources of infection among other things with the unwillingness of many citizens to cooperate in identifying The chain of infection.

Dilek Kalayci defends the crown measures in Berlin.

© dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

Berlin-Neukölln: Health Senator with clear words: “this is a real problem”

So it became after Sprouts He observed at wedding celebrations that some of those affected refused to reveal their contacts. “That is a real problem,” Kalayci admits to t-online. As a result, the Health authorities there are hardly any possibilities The chain of infection* recognize and interrupt. “So there is an open risk of infection because these people infect others and the connection with the celebration cannot be understood,” explains the Health senator.

Also the Councilor for Health Berlin-Neukölln Falko Liecke (CDU) looks at them with concern Infection cloak in your district. The CDU politician described the lack of willingness to cooperate by some fellow citizens as “sudden amnesia.” Liecke cited fear of you as the reasons for this penalty fee or the threatening quarantine.

Cornona hotspot Berlin-Neuköln: district in “absolute crisis mode”

Neukölln I’m in the “absolute Crisis mode“And I need more and more staff to fight pandemicLiecke continues. “About the fact that we can infect it again around the middle of the year, I don’t think so anymore,” admits the 47-year-old and now wants to focus more on protecting risk groups laic.

One for all Capital applicable gastronomyCurfew it was annulled by the competent administrative court after several urgent requests from restorers. Hosts can now continue to receive guests after 11pm However, serving alcohol after 11pm is prohibited (fd) * is part of the Ippen-Digital publishing network

Header list image: © Christophe Gateau / dpa
