Coronavirus: Austria will enter third lockdown from December 26


Austria currently reports around 2,500 new corona cases every day. Now the government wants to take stricter measures against the spread of the pandemic. The country will be shut down for the third time on December 26. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced it at a press conference.

“I will not see anyone again from December 26,” Kurz said. Stores and “body hugging service providers” will be closed until January 18, and daytime exit restrictions also apply. Additionally, schools must switch to “distance learning” by at least January 15; lessons must take place online during this time. The house can only be left for compelling reasons, which include, in addition to various basic needs such as shopping or a visit to the doctor, as well as work or education, as well as outdoor recreation.

“The efforts of recent weeks have had an impact not only in Austria, but also in other European countries,” Kurz said. This now makes a “worthy Christmas party” possible. Meetings of up to ten people are allowed during the holidays.

However, the number of infections remains high. “Furthermore, the forecasts for the European Union in the coming months are very grim.” Explosive figures can already be seen in many other countries.

“That means that since we are not an island, we can already adjust to the fact that exponential growth is possible here as well.” For this reason, the decision was made to spend Christmas as had been decided, but as of December 26, the measures are tightened again. The goal is an incidence of 100 in seven days.

Austria still relying on massive tests

Starting January 18, retail and, for the first time since November, culture and gastronomy will reopen, but only for people who test negative on one of the corona rapid tests, which are then offered free of charge throughout the country.

“For those who are not ready to be screened, the closure rules apply until January 24, one more week,” Kurz said. Testing is a prerequisite to alleviating the pandemic. “Without restrictions, there is no way to overcome this pandemic.”

Not taking a test means all-day exit restrictions until January 24 and the obligation to wear an FFP-2 mask, for example, when shopping or on the way to work. Even students and teachers without a negative test must wear an FFP-2 mask.

Austria did not reopen its stores and schools across the country until December 7 after a three-week shutdown with 24-hour exit rules. Culture, food, hotels and most leisure facilities have been closed since the beginning of November, and since then there has been a night-out restriction with exceptions only for valid reasons, including outdoor recreation.

Corona infection figures, which hit new record highs every day before the second lockdown, have fallen significantly since then, but the decline has recently stalled. In the last seven days, Austria still had 206 infections per 100,000 inhabitants as of Friday, in mid-November there were still more than 550. However, experts warn of a significant increase during the holidays. About 500 of the up to 850 intensive care beds available for corona patients are currently occupied.

Icon: The mirror
