Coronavirus and Christmas: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also allows hotel visits


Just a few days ago, the federal and state governments took new measures against the corona pandemic, but more and more federal states are leaving. Now Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also wants to allow hotel stays for holiday visits.

According to the latest federal-state agreements in the fight against the corona pandemic, more and more federal states are going their own way. After North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein and Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania now also wants to allow hotel stays for family visits during the festive period, contrary to a recommendation from the Chancellery. Beauty salons in the Northeast may be allowed to reopen on December 5, if the number of infections allows.

On Wednesday, the federal and state governments agreed on how to continue the fight against the corona pandemic in December and over the holidays. The partial closure with the closure of restaurants, theaters, gyms and leisure facilities, among others, lasts until December 20. Private meetings are limited to a maximum of five people. Contact restrictions will be relaxed over Christmas to allow family visits.

Three nights are allowed

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, hotels and guesthouses will be allowed to open from December 23 to January 1 for guests visiting their families. The Minister of Economy, Harry Glawe (CDU), announced after a meeting of the state government with representatives of companies, municipalities and associations.

In the case of federal financial aid, Glawe called for advances to be significantly increased from € 10,000 to € 500,000: “This would ensure that applicants would have the opportunity to receive a substantial part of the aid in 2020.” Glawe wants to submit the corresponding application to Monday’s conference of finance ministers together with Hamburg.

Lambrecht for the help of Corona until the end of the editions

Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht believes that state compensation payments to the economy are legally necessary until crown requirements are lifted. “We all assume that we will have a vaccine as soon as possible. However, as long as we experience such serious restrictions, as long as there is help in my opinion,” said the SPD politician from “Welt am Sonntag”. This alleviates the severity of the interventions and therefore also contributes to the proportionality of the measures.

Lambrecht admitted, however, that the federal government’s financial possibilities are not unlimited. “Fighting the pandemic is a national task that must be addressed jointly by the federal and state governments,” said the SPD politician. Lambrecht sided with the leader of the Union’s parliamentary group, Ralph Brinkhaus, who had also called for financial participation from the federal states.

Göring-Eckardt criticizes the Prime Minister’s Conference

The Prime Minister of Hesse, Volker Bouffier (CDU), flatly rejected it. “The states are paying a lot, all the time. Hesse alone has provided twelve billion euros,” he told the Funke media group. “The call that countries should do something is completely unfounded in fact. And I find the style indescribable.” As an example, he cited that the commercial tax losses of the municipalities are being replaced, half by the federal government and half by the states. That is billions.

The leader of the green parliamentary group Katrin Göring-Eckardt criticized the ritual of the prime minister’s lectures in the crisis of the crown as a whole. “We must put an end to the constant proclamation of new measures, on which prime ministers can hardly agree every few weeks,” he told “Bild am Sonntag.” Instead, he asked the Bundestag to adopt a fixed set of rules for all of Germany.
