Coronavirus: 72 infections in nursing homes in Rümpel – News – Schleswig-Holstein


As of April 13, 2020, 4:56 p.m.

NDR 1 north wave

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Quarantined: the Rohlfshagen residential park in Rümpel.

According to district administration, 72 people in the Rohlfshagen residential park in Rümpel (Stormarn district) tested positive for the coronavirus: 53 residents and 19 employees. The Stormarn District Health Department had already quarantined the facility after consulting with the home administration on Thursday. Two employees had previously been confirmed to have been infected with the virus. On Easter Sunday, subsequent tests on the 70 residents and 60 employees confirmed that more than half of the people had already been infected. With ten employees, the situation is still unclear: either they have not yet been tested or the result is not yet available.

A nurse massages the hands of an older person. © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Oliver Berg

Corona: Rümpel nursing home under quarantine

NDR 1 north wave

News for Schleswig-Holstein

At a nursing home in Rümpel, 53 of the 70 residents tested positive for the coronavirus. So far, 19 of the 60 employees have had positive test results.

Infected personnel must also continue to work

According to the district, residents do not have any respiratory symptoms (such as shortness of breath) and there are only “occasionally mild symptoms” among employees. According to the district, the nursing home is primarily the home of demented and psychologically conspicuous residents. Family employees should continue to care for them if they tested positive but have no symptoms. Outside of work, nurses and their families or other roommates are in quarantine. According to the district, residents who have been negatively evaluated so far cannot be separated due to the spatial situation.

More information

04/08/2020 08:00 a.m.

A nursing home for the elderly in Wentorf in the Duchy of Lauenburg has been struggling with the Corona virus for two weeks. Now three residents have died, as the district announced.

05/04/2020 07:30 p.m.

Nursing homes are isolated from the corona virus. However, there is concern that the virus may enter the facility. Caregiver Christoph Grohsellus also sees positive things in the interview.

Here you will find an overview of the coronavirus infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein, broken down by district. You will also learn how many people are in the hospital for Covid-19.

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News for Schleswig-Holstein |
04/13/2020 | 5:00 pm.

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