Corona’s situation worsens again in Frankfurt and Offenbach


HEssian hospitals have to treat more Covid-19 patients than a week ago. The number of people requiring intensive medical assistance and ventilation has increased considerably. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs to the FAZ, there are 567 corona patients in a clinic, a week ago there were 399. After 67 patients before, 110 people are now connected to ventilators. That’s an increase of almost two-thirds.

Thorsten Winter

Thorsten Winter

Business Editor and Internet Coordinator in Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

By contrast, fewer beds are available in Hessian hospitals. According to the ministry, 6033 are free, which is less than 155. Of these, 599 are so-called ventilation beds, 62 less than a week ago. Meanwhile, health officials have reported significantly more new cases. There are many more new infections than in spring.

New incidence record in Offenbach

Unlike the federal government, the Robert Koch Institute in Hesse has not announced the second highest number of new corona infections since the pandemic began in March. 749 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 also mean 33 less than the previous day. However, neither of these means relief from the situation. Because even in this centrally located federal state, the infection rate is still at a very high level. 749 is one of the highest values ​​for Hessen, as demonstrated by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Furthermore, the situation in the hotspots in Frankfurt and Offenbach is getting worse.

As can be seen on the website of the Federal Institute for Disease Control, known for short as the RKI, the so-called seven-day incidence in the main metropolis has increased from 122 to 124.4. In Offenbach it has gone from 127 to 129. Such values ​​have never existed before. For Kassel, where there was a corona outbreak in a refugee home, the incidence is 107. The value is now almost triple digits in the Groß-Gerau district.
