Corona: worse than New York in spring? The U.S. Has a New Access Point: Mobile Mortuary Trucks Are Ready


The infection situation in the United States continues to worsen. New York City threatens to become a hotbed for coronavirus again. The governor reacts with new measures.

  • One week after 2020 U.S. elections lift the New corona infections* at United States continue.
  • She has been reporting for seven days Johns Hopkins University* More than 100,000 new cases every day.
  • Even in the metropolis New York the situation is reaching a critical point again.
  • This news ticker is regularly updated.

Update on November 13 at 11:01 pm: Except for advances in vaccine Trump also praised steps taken to develop remdesivir antibody therapy, which could reduce the death rate by 85 percent. After him, Vice President Mike Pence especially warned Americans to keep their distance and wear masks. One Emergency shutdown he excluded both of them again. In light of the recent dramatic increase in the number of infections, Trump once again claimed that the United States conducts far more tests than any other country in the world, a claim that has already been refuted multiple times.

Update on November 13 at 10:50 pm: At a press conference on “Operation Warb Speed”, his operation to develop a corona vaccine US President Donald Trump he held an unprecedented monologue full of self-praise. He praised that The American pharmaceutical company Pfizerwhich will make a vaccine available in record time. Several tens of millions of people belonging to risk groups would be seen “in a few weeks” and the entire population could be available by mid-April.

Never mentioned german Biontech GroupWho vaccine in collaboration with Pfizer. He attributed the breakthrough only to “great American researchers” who would not have been able to develop the vaccine at this speed without the support of his administration.

Corona in the US: new infections at their highest

Update on November 13 at 2:31 pm.: the United States have another Peak of new infections with the Coronavirus Recorded. Thursday they were 153,496 new cases registered, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) on Friday. They are round 10,000 more than the day before. For a week, the number of new infections has been added each day according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University. more than 100,000.

Residents of Chicago due to the increasing number of Corona infections stay home from Monday morning. In the district Cook, to which Chicago belongs, have recently become more than 4000 people new with him Coronavirus infected. Mayoress Lori lightfoot posted one on thursday Warning noticethat asks all the people of the metropolis to leave their homes only to work, study, go shopping or for other essential reasons. Visits are not recommended, including those by family members living outside your home. Thanksgiving celebrations scheduled for November 26 should cancelled be.

Corona in the US: El Paso New Hotspot: Mobile Body Trucks Ready

Update of November 13, 10:02 am: As the first US state to have Texas the mark of one million confirmed cases of corona exceeded. One day i will be there about 10,000 new known infections. The number of patients associated with the Coronavirus Hospital treatment is almost 7,000, of which around 1900 Infected in one Intensive care unit. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been nearly 20,000 corona deaths in Texas, 141 on Wednesday alone.

Much of the new infections have occurred in the border city in recent weeks. Step detected. Every seventh Crown-Patientwho is hospitalized in Texas is in El Paso. Almost 300 people are in the Intensive care unit. Hospitals have no capabilities more than reported. In the city’s convention center there was therefore a makeshift hospital constructed. In addition, tents were set up to attend to patients.

there is already six mobile cooling devices been delivered, all 176 bodies be able to record. “It could be up to 20 a day for the next two or three weeks. The number of deaths could continue to rise, “the district judge said. Ricardo Samaniego the local station KFOX. A nurse explained what he was currently in. Step the experience is “more difficult” than the moment when it is in spring New York, He then Corona-Hotspot from the country.

District judge Samaniego I have already ordered a two week closure of all non-essential stores at the end of October. The governor Greg abbott however, he called the order illegal. too Dee Margo, the mayor of Step, rejected Samaniego’s order and even televised an appeal to citizens to keep businesses open. Several companies and the Texas Attorney General joined forces in a lawsuit to block the judge’s order. the State court decided in favor of Samaniego’s restrictions. On Wednesday they were extended until December 1.

Corona in the United States: the governor of New York asks citizens: “Take it seriously”

First report of November 12: New York – Die Metropole New York Hardly any other city endured the extreme hardships with which the United States experienced the first spring wave in spring. Corona-Pandemie were hit. The american president Donald trump* In April, as usual, he made the out-of-control contagion process in New York a top-priority issue in the media, at least insofar as he sent an American hospital ship to the Big Apple. The “USNS Comfort” should help the desperately overloaded Hospitals to ease the burden on the metropolis.

More than half a year later Donald trump missed re-election as president of the United States, in the opinion of many experts, not only because of him Crown-Politics – Y New York could become one again Corona-Hotspot of the second wave *. “Every day is worse,” admitted the governor of the state of New York. Andrew Cuomo known to Democrats on Wednesday. For a relief from Healthcare system To worry, Cuomo ordered stricter measures. “The increase in cases is there. We take advantage activitiesBut they depend on New Yorkers to do their part. Carry a mask. Let yourself be tested *. Follow the health guidelines. Take it seriously, ”Cuomo wrote on Twitter.

Corona in the US: New restrictions in New York: “last chance”

Beginning Friday, restaurants, bars, and gyms must close by 10 p.m. Private indoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of ten people. If he activities not for a relaxation in the Infection cloak would worry, it could also be a complete closing the interiors are raised Cuomo in perspective. Also Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York, described the measures as a “last chance”, an escalation in the second Crown-Welle still to be able to avoid it.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wears a mask during a press conference in Terminal B of Laguardia airport.

© Mark Lennihan / AP / dpa

Across the US, the numbers are as Reinfection increased significantly in recent weeks. the Johns Hopkins University Baltimore has reported daily new infection values ​​of over 100,000 for a week. On Wednesday there were 136,325 for the whole country New infections reported. In addition, 1,420 people died in 24 hours as a result of COVID-19*.

Corona also worries in the White House: Trump’s political director tested positive

New Crown-will arise is also available for US President Donald Trumpwho continues to refuse defeat in the US presidential election Joe Biden * to admit. Less than a month later Corona infection of the President of the United States was another employee of White House tested positive *. According to information from CNN and the New York Times, this is Trump’s political director, Brian Jack. Jack had attended an election party at the White House last week. (fd) * is part of the Ippen-Digital publisher network

Rubriklistenbild: © Evan Vucci / AP / dpa
