Corona warning app – these updates are apparently planned


Currently version 1.5.3 of the Corona warning application is being distributed. However, various updates to version 1.10 should follow by March 2021. “Business Insider” reported this on Monday lunchtime, citing “confidential project plans from Telekom and SAP”, which developed the application on behalf of the government. federal.

The development and operation of the application, including the call center, will cost the state almost 70 million euros in 2020 and 2021. It has been downloaded more than 20 million times on Android smartphones and iPhones, around 16 million people downloaded it. actively use, about 19 percent of the population. These are large numbers, but the system is still far from working as it could theoretically, which is partly due to the small number of people actually reporting a positive test for Covid-19 through the app and thus allowing warn your contact persons. Only about 60 percent of those affected take this step.

An update scheduled for late November should help increase this number, according to the report. Accordingly, the app will be expanded to include a reminder feature that prompts users to actually report a positive test result. Version 1.7 of the Corona warning app, which is also scheduled for late November, is also intended to change the pace at which the app performs a data comparison. Instead of once a day as before, you should check several times a day for risk encounters.

Finally, an update is planned for December that “integrates the statistics of the application and the pandemic.”

According to “Business Insider,” an update to version 1.10 scheduled for late February will make it easier to track where you might have been infected. If the application shows a risk, you must also provide information about when it was registered. It is also planned to integrate a contact diary in the application. After a positive test for Covid-19, it should be easier to identify contact persons at risk. SPIEGEL had already reported in mid-October that this option was being examined by the Federal Ministry of Health.

According to the report, an update is also planned for early 2021 to simplify visits to restaurants and bars. Instead of registering on a sheet of paper or a list as before, users of the app should be able to register with a QR code at the respective restaurant, which would be faster and easier.

A request to Telekom and SAP as to whether the data and information provided by “Business Insider” was correct remained unanswered on Monday afternoon.

Icon: The mirror
