Corona virus vacation: Austrians open hotels, Croatia plans tourist corridors: where can we go?


Austria, Croatia and Turkey are able to receive tourists despite the summer crisis in the crown. Is that realistic? The main answers.

Munich – German policy is shown towards the The temptations of vacation countries like Austria or Croatia are skeptical: Federal government tourism commissioner Thomas Bareiß said he believed “a more regional holiday will be possible this year.” Say: Holidays in Germany …

Germany: Bareiß explained that in summer it could “be easily possible” to open apartments and holiday homes on the Baltic Sea or in the Black Forest for rent. An argument for this: there are no crowds in the vacation home, a family could stay together. Then gradually hotels are also openif you find solutions for buffet breakfasts and restaurants. The German vacation home association called for a concept to create planning security for tourists and homeowners.

Beach vacation? The German government is skeptical about the Corona pandemic in Europe.

© dpa / Clara Margais

Crown crisis: where can we go on vacation? Austria

Austria Austrian tourism insist on opening the border, because the Germans constitute a large proportion of the guests in the neighboring country both in winter and in summer. “Where hygiene standards are observed, vacations should also be possible again, also in Europe,” wrote representatives of tourism, tour operators, the hotel industry and air traffic at the FAZ. First, countries with successful safeguards should enter into bilateral negotiations mutually cancel travel restrictions. An opening across the EU would then be the next step. Austria has Monday due to continued favorable development in Corona crisis after almost seven weeks exit restrictions are lifted. Starting May 1, a minimum distance of one meter is required for people who do not live in the same household. Starting May 15, restaurants and bars can reopen. Then, a maximum of four adults per table is allowed and a minimum distance of one meter should be maintained between the groups of individual tables, said Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger (ÖVP). Free choice of seats it’s not possible. Tables would be assigned. The government also recommends making a reservation in advance. Personnel who come into contact with guests must wear a face mask at work. Hotels and pensions can reopen from May 29.

The Federal Government Tourism Commissioner, Thomas Bareiß.

© dpa / Jörg Carstensen

Crown crisis: where can we go on vacation? Croatia

Croatia: the Mediterranean country is based on “tourism corridors”. A corresponding agreement has already been agreed with the Czech Republic: Czech tourists who want to spend their summer holidays in Croatia must do so provide evidence that they are not infected with the coronavirus. They could then travel to Croatia by plane or car. However, Croatian health authorities were reluctant to claim that tourists from countries with more crown cases than Croatia were unable to enter the country. To date, 1,881 corona infections have been counted in Croatia, including 47 deaths. Tourism is in Croatia 17 percent of economic output. Greece: Tourism represents almost a third of the economy here: tens of thousands of jobs are on the brink. Greek Economy Minister Adonis Georgidas said: “I don’t think this season will be lost.” At least until May 15 the entry ban for countries affected by Covid-19 such as Germany.

Crown crisis: where can we go on vacation? Italy, Spain, France

Italy, Spain, France: Three countries are particularly affected by the crown pandemic. little hope for a normal summer vacation season.

Crown crisis: where can we go on vacation? Turkey

Turkey: According to tourism minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, the country, badly affected by the pandemic, is working on an “internationally recognized certification system” to declare tourist destinations as “corona virus-free zones under certain system requirements”. Tourists would have to do it upon entry Present health documentsthat are internationally recognized.

Sweden If travel countries in the south fail, some hope that Sweden is an alternative. The country has restrictions. largely dispensed with. Until now, the Swedish government has not considered renting a vacation home and traveling with its own car as a problem. But it is open if after the holidays a quarantine is due.

However, there is currently no clarity as to whether travel in the summer is possible: the Federal Government wants to extend the travel warning worldwide until mid-June.

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