Corona virus live ticker: +++ 23:51 Turkish seniors can go out once a week +++


As part of the relaxation of the Turkish curfew in Turkey, older people were allowed to leave their homes for the first time in nearly two months. “It is the first time since March that I have been outside again and I am very happy,” said an elderly man named Ayse on Sunday in the capital Ankara. From now on, people over 65 can go out every Sunday between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently announced that the crown’s measures would be gradually relaxed. In addition to the elderly, children and youth will also be able to leave their homes once a week for four hours. In addition, shopping centers and hairdressing salons can reopen from Monday onwards. All-day curfews over the weekend, which apply to 31 cities like Ankara and Istanbul, will remain for now. That caused resentment among some older people on Sunday.

+++ 22:55 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern allows all permanent campers to return +++

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern now allows all permanent campers to return to the camps. Until now, this was only allowed for permanent campers with a primary or secondary residence in the Northeast. The change is the result of the state’s latest Corona regulation, which has been in effect since Saturday. City and community day criticizes the short-term nature of the changes. “An earlier announcement would help make the proper preparations carefully,” says managing director Andreas Wellmann. Estimates assume about 11,000 permanent campers in the state. Consequently, more than two thirds of them come from other federal states.

+++ 22:15 New York concerned about inflammation syndrome in children +++

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is concerned about dozens of childhood syndromes associated with the new coronavirus. De Blasio said 38 cases of the syndrome in which various parts of the body are affected by inflammatory processes have already been identified in New York City. There are also nine suspected cases. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo later said that authorities across the state are investigating 85 possible cases of this syndrome. Symptoms include persistent fever, rash, abdominal pain, and vomiting. On Saturday, Cuomo announced that three childhood deaths were associated with this syndrome.
More about this at


Workers disinfect a New York subway car.

(Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

+++ 21:55 meat industry warns of tough requirements policy +++
After the increase in corona infections in slaughterhouses, the meat industry has protested against criticism. “In our opinion, it is not primarily working conditions that are responsible for the Corona outbreaks,” says Heike Harstick, executive director of the German Meat Industry Association, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. As a critical infrastructure, production could not simply stop like the automotive industry, and work continued to secure supply. This could lead to infections. The association warned of harsher conditions. “There is no quick and easy solution,” says Harstick. If, for example, workers prescribe individual accommodations and higher incomes are produced, “many companies would no longer be competitive.”

+++ 21:35 Only 70 dead in France +++
Shortly before the release of crown exit restrictions in France, the daily number of crown deaths fell to the lowest level since the curfew began almost two months ago. In the past 24 hours, 70 people infected with the new corona virus had died, French health authorities said at night. The daily number of deaths in the crown has not been so low since the curfew began on March 17. A total of 26,380 crown deaths have been recorded in France since March 1.

+++ 21:05 Kretschmann defends the crown protesters +++
Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann reacts calmly to growing protests against state requirements to combat the crown virus. That must support freedom of expression. “We are not doing anything wrong. But you cannot expect everyone in a democracy to agree,” Kretschmann said on the night about the ZDF “Berlin direct” program. “It is your right to protest.” In the Corona crisis, politics follows the advice of scientists. The restrictions would be loosened step by step, but the danger was not yet over.
Read an analysis of the protests here.


He can understand the crown protesters, but he protects his mouth himself: Winfried Kretschmann.

(Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

+++ 8:30 PM British departure restrictions extended until June 1 +++
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to extend the Crown exit ban for seven weeks until June. The exit restrictions remained in effect until at least June 1, Johnson said in a television address that night. “The death toll is tragic, the suffering is immense,” Johnson said, announcing only a slight relaxation in the near future. It was only from June 1 that classes at the elementary schools were able to gradually resume and some stores reopened. In the fight against the crown pandemic, Britain wants to introduce a new alarm system that is supposed to work similarly to the existing terror alert system.
More about this at


Boris Johnson during his speech to the British.

(Photo: via REUTERS)

+++ 20:05 second day in a row: infection rate R above “1” +++
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the rate of virus infection in Germany increased again for the second consecutive day above the critical value of “1”. In the evening, the RKI announced in its current management report that the breeding rate (R) is currently estimated at 1.13, after 1.1 on Saturday. Statistically, each infected person infects more than one person, so the number of cases would increase again. However, when interpreting, it should be noted that the estimate is associated with uncertainty as usual, explains the RKI. Therefore, it is not yet possible to assess whether the trend of new infections, which has been declining in recent weeks, has continued or whether there has been an increase again.
More about this here.

+++ 19:41 Greece continues to seal the refugee camps +++
The Greek government has extended the initial crown restrictions on the refugee camps. Rather than allowing the regulations to expire on Monday as originally planned, they now remained in effect until May 21, the Migration Ministry in Athens said. The ministry gave no reason for the extension. No corona infections have been found in the fully crowded refugee camps on the Greek islands of the Aegean. The pandemic in Greece so far has been relatively mild: 2,710 infections were detected with the new coronavirus, 151 infected people died.

+++ 19:10 The FDP board debates Kemmerich’s departure from the party +++
FDP federal board member Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann urges Thuringian FDP country chief Thomas Kemmerich to leave the party. “We as federal FDP executives should ask Thomas Kemmerich to take off his hat and leave the FDP,” he told Die Welt. She thinks the behavior is extremely damaging to the party. “Obviously, he is now not only physically seeking proximity to the AfD, but also conspiracy theorists, and he has probably now liked his course of destroying democracy as well.” Kemmerich had participated in protests in Gera on Saturday against the restriction of public life to contain the coronavirus, causing massive irritation.

+++ 18:50 Italy reports low number of casualties +++
The number of new virus deaths in Italy continues to decline. In the end there were 165 victims, after 194 the previous day, reports the civil defense. The number of new infections drops to 802 after 1083. According to official information, the total number of deaths is 30,560 and that of those who tested positive for Covid-19 is 219,070.

+++ 18:25 rejected church assistant suffocates cathedral staff +++
Because he was denied access to the cathedral in Worms, a man drowned a church employee. Due to the crown pandemic, participation in church services at the cathedral is currently only possible with prior registration. Police said an unregistered couple was denied access to the religious service. The man did not want to see this edition and, according to the police, he drowned the employee. The victim managed to break free of the hold and fled into the church. The police are looking for witnesses.


Visitor services are now possible again, mostly without incident. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender attend the service at the evangelical St. Marienkirche in Berlin with mouth protection.

(Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

+++ 18:02 Remdesivir study is progressing +++
A study on the drug remdesivir to fight crown disease is progressing, according to the Cologne study director. The study is “at a very advanced stage,” said Gerd Fätkenheuer, chief of infectology at Cologne University Hospital, the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.” He leads the German part of the study of an international consortium to investigate remdesivir.

+++ 17:35 Fifth circle: Rosenheim also omits the upper limit +++
In the Bavarian city of Rosenheim, the mark of 50 new coronavirus infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week was exceeded. The value was 50.5, the State Office in Erlangen announced and explained the increase in the number of cases through a serial test in an accommodation for asylum seekers. The city of Rosenheim had already broken the limit on May 7, which the federal and state governments had set on Wednesday. This means that five locations are now known in Germany where the agreed upper limit is exceeded: in addition to the city of Rosenheim, the counties of Greiz and Sonneburg in Thuringia, Coesfeld in North Rhine-Westphalia and Steinburg in Schleswig-Holstein.
Read more about it here.

+++ 17:20 mother day flash mob in Hong Kong +++
On Mother’s Day, activists in Hong Kong organized several protests against Prime Minister Carrie Lam. In at least eight shopping malls, people gathered for so-called flash mobs. Live recordings showed how police forces chased participants and arrested at least three activists. Police also distributed fines for alleged violations of the crown distance rules. Protesters accuse the authorities of taking measures against the pandemic to reduce civil liberties in the Special Administrative Region of China.
Read more about this here.


Protests in a Hong Kong shopping center.

(Photo: imago images / ZUMA Wire)

+++ 16:50 fourth district breaks the upper limit of the Crown +++
In the Sonneberg district in southern Thuringia, there have been more than 50 new corona infections for every 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. The value was 66.7 new infections in the morning, the district office said. So far, a total of 155 infections had been detected in the district, focusing on a hospital where employees were also infected. If the upper limit is exceeded, strict restrictions must be applied. After Greiz, Coesfeld and Steinburg, Sonneberg is the fourth district in Germany in which the number of new infections is above the specified upper limit.


Sonneberg Town Hall in South Thuringia.

(Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

+++ 16:35 “theater of numbers”: British statistician attacks Johnson +++
A statistician frequently cited by the British government has made serious accusations against London’s communication strategy in the Corona crisis. The daily presentation of statistical data is more like the “numbers theater” of a public relations team than information, Professor David Spiegelhalter of the University of Cambridge told the BBC. “I just want the numbers to be gathered by people who … know,” said the scientist. The statistician had been cited by the government as a guarantee that criticism of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s crisis management in the coronavirus pandemic was inappropriate. The expert strongly opposed this. No other country in Europe has had more crown deaths than the United Kingdom.

+++ 16:15 Italians greeting the summer on the beach +++
Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte gave his compatriots hope for a summer beach vacation in the Corona crisis. “This summer we will not spend on the balcony and the beauty of Italy will not remain in quarantine. We can go to the sea, to the mountains, to enjoy our cities,” Conte told the newspaper “Corriere della Sera.” He did not say if tourists could come from abroad.


The carabinieri control Ostia beach near Rome in the morning.

(Photo: imago images / Pacific Press Agency)

+++ 15:50 demo without mouthguard: Kemmerich apologizes +++
Former Thuringian Prime Minister Thomas Kemmerich admitted to misbehaving during a rally against crown restrictions in Gera. It was a mistake that he temporarily did not comply with the distance rules and did not wear a face mask, said the chairman of the parliamentary group FDP in the Thuringian state parliament. Before starting a walk call, she made sure these hygiene rules were followed. Then he could not, as several photos show.
Read more about this here.

+++ 15:15 Rebel crown suspended at the Ministry of the Interior +++
“Spiegel” reports on a delicate process in the Federal Ministry of the Interior: a speaker wrote a report on the crown crisis on his own initiative, which contradicts the official attitude of the Federal Government in all respects. According to the report, the official stated on 80 pages that the fight against the corona virus was a “global false alarm”, that the virus was no more dangerous than other viruses, and that the federal government’s protective measures had done more harm than good. . Conclusion of the document, which the Interior Ministry sent to a large distributor: The state may be “one of the largest producers of false news” in the Corona crisis. The man was suspended from service, according to “Spiegel.”
Read more about this here.

+++ 15:01 Italy tightens handling of jailed mob bosses +++
The Italian government has tightened the conditions under which mafia members can be released from prison due to the crown pandemic. A decree stipulates that the legality and the need for release must be reviewed every two weeks. Hundreds of mafia members have been released from prison and placed under house arrest in Italy since March. After strong criticism from the population, “things will work out,” said Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede.

+++ 14:29 Greens want five levels of crown warning +++
Greens in the Bundestag demand more clarity from the federal government and the federal states about their actions in the crown crisis and propose five levels of crown warning with corresponding evidentiary obligations. According to the concept, the different regional development events must be taken into account. The five levels range from the so-called critical points to regions where there are almost no cases. In hot spot regions with a particularly large number of infections, everyone should be tested as a precaution. Only in regions with the lowest crown warning level only people with symptoms should be tested according to the previous recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute.

+++ 14:01 Giffey warns against relapse in old role models +++
Federal Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey fears that old family models will return. “Initial studies show that we are reverting more to traditional roles, so mothers take more responsibility for education and schoolwork than fathers,” Giffey told Die Welt on Sunday. “When things get serious, the path to traditional role models is closer than we think; we have to be careful that it doesn’t solidify again.” You can see a social change. Nearly 40 percent of parents now receive parental allowance and participate in parenting together. “But there is still a negotiation process in the families,” said the SPD politician. When it comes to who’s stuck at work, it’s mostly women who work part-time.

+++ 13:43 Lindner on Kemmerich: “I don’t get it” +++
FDP President Christian Lindner joins criticism from fellow party colleague Thomas Kemmerich. “@ KemmerichThL’s action weakens our arguments. I don’t get it,” Lindner writes on Twitter. Former Thuringian Prime Minister Kemmerich had previously been approached for participating in a protest on Saturday against restrictions to contain the crown pandemic in Gera. “Anyone campaigning for civil rights and a smart opening strategy doesn’t show up in dark circles and doesn’t give up distance and protection,” Lindner tweets.

+++ 13:30 court rejects urgent request against closure of Westfleisch in Coesfeld +++
The Westfleisch company in Coesfeld remains closed for the time being: the Münster Administrative Court rejected an urgent request against the temporary closure. The district had closed the kill and cut plant Saturday through May 18. This decision, based on the Infection Protection Law, is “in all likelihood legal on file,” the court announced. Meanwhile, more than 200 company employees have tested positive for the corona virus. It can be assumed that there are still an undetermined number of suspected crown cases or infections. An appeal against the decision could be filed with the Superior Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia within two weeks.
More about this here

+++ 13:13 First antigen test passed in the United States +++
The US Food and Drug Administration. USA (FDA) has given emergency approval for a coronavirus antigen test. It’s a new category of test that can deliver results in minutes, the FDA writes. Sars-CoV-2 protein fragments from nasal swabs are detected in the antigen test. This differentiates research from genetic tests, in which viral genetic material is detected in smears, and from antibody tests, in which antibodies formed by the immune system are detected in the blood. According to the FDA, an advantage of antigen testing is that they deliver results very quickly. However, they are less sensitive than genetic testing, so they go through more infections. In Germany, an infection is usually determined by genetic testing.

+++ 13:03 Turkey is preparing with conditions for the tourism season +++
Turkey wants to gradually start domestic travel from the end of May, Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Ersoy told CNN Türk. International flights are expected to gradually return in June. Hotels and restaurants are subject to strict requirements, says Ersoy. Turkey has developed a certification program with 132 criteria. Among other things, the facilities would have to comply with the rules of distance and hygiene. The staff also received pandemic training. There are buffets, but without self-service. The staff will distribute the food and drinks. Turkey also publishes an overview of hospital capacities in tourist areas. This shows, for example, that about 59.4 percent of intensive care beds are occupied in the Antalya holiday complex, which is popular with Germans.

+++ 12:41 Britain had to submit tests for evaluation in the US. USA +++
Britain had to temporarily send crown tests to the US. USA For your evaluation. The trigger was a problem in a British laboratory, housing minister Robert Jenrick told Sky News. This procedure corresponds to the emergency plans of the Ministry of Health for such cases. The Sunday Telegraph reported that 50,000 tests on charter flights had been brought to the United States last week. Critics accuse the British government of increasing the country’s testing capacity too slowly compared to countries like Germany. The UK set its own goal of 100,000 tests per day in late April, but since then the country has been struggling to maintain this level.

+++ 12:23 Corona demonstration in Melbourne intensifies: multiple arrests +++
Australian police arrested ten participants in a protest against the crown restrictions. A police officer was injured at the Melbourne demonstration. Participants in the protest spread conspiracy theories that Sars-CoV-2 was a government invention to control the population. About 150 people participated in the demonstration in front of the parliament of the state capital of Victoria. Protesters held signs saying “Fight for our freedom and rights.” Several protesters called “Bill Gates arrested.” The founder of Microsoft is a key enemy of conspiracy theorists worldwide.

+++ 12:04 “We are church” appalled by the call of the clergy: minions of conspiracy theorists +++
The Catholic lay movement “We are Church” criticizes a letter from various clergymen in support of conspiracy theories. The popular church movement was appalled at how irresponsible and well-known churchmen, such as the former Bishop of Regensburg and the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, could become agents of conspiracy theorists. The letter had been initiated by the former Vatican ambassador to the United States and declared opponents of Pope Francis, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. The Pope’s opponents became ridiculous and could no longer be taken seriously, “We Are Church” explains.

+++ 11:45 Positive consequence of the crisis: Deutsche Bahn trains arrive on time +++
Long-distance trains reached their destination much more punctually in April, and also benefited from the consequences of the crown pandemic. In April, punctuality across rail passenger transport “improved significantly,” reports a rail spokesman. In long-distance traffic, 88.6 percent of trains arrived on time. That was 9.9 percentage points more than in April 2019, and 6.2 percentage points above the March value (82.4 percent). However, only about three-quarters of long-distance trains are currently in use. The train does not comment on the exact use of the trains and the specific reasons for the increasing punctuality. Decreased passenger numbers and less frequency in the current crisis will likely play a role here. After all, passengers boarding and disembarking on full platforms are considered a major reason for the delays.

+++ 11:24 Scholz urges higher taxes for the wealthy +++
In view of the billions in charge of the Corona crisis, Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz insists on higher taxes for particularly wealthy citizens. Citizens who “earn a lot, a lot should make a slightly larger contribution,” says Scholz of the “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag.” “That remains our goal and it will certainly be on our next electoral program.” The vice chancellor refers in this context as a guide to the 2017 electoral program, in which the SPD had demanded a maximum tax rate of 45 percent and the introduction of an estate tax. This three percent tax on the maximum tax rate must be paid with a taxable income for single people of 250,000 euros.

+++ 11:06 Russia reports more than 200,000 infected +++
In Russia, the number of corona infections has exceeded the 200,000 threshold, authorities say. 11,012 new infections were found in 24 hours. The total number of cases is now 209,688. Another 88 people died in connection with an infection. The number of deaths increased to 1915, a relatively low figure. The collection of the data is controversial. Local media report, for example, cases in which pneumonia was caused by death, although the deceased tested positive for a crown.

Read more about this here.

+++ 10:44 The President of Ecuador renounces half his salary +++
Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno has decreed that his own remuneration, as well as that of his deputy minister, the minister and the deputy minister, be reduced by 50 percent, the press service reports to the Ecuadorian presidency. “The decrease in government revenue as a result of the Covid 19 crisis has had a negative impact on the country’s economy,” said the presidency. Therefore, it is “absolutely necessary to lower wages”. So far, Moreno has earned more than $ 5,000 a month, more than ten times the Ecuadorian minimum wage, which is $ 400.

+++ 10:25 Johnson plans a five-stage warning system for England +++
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to launch a five-stage warning system for England in the fight against the pandemic later this day, the media reports. This is part of the government’s plans to slowly reduce the curfew. The warning system levels should be color coded from green to red and indicate the risk of crown in the respective area. This should allow the government to tighten the restrictions again depending on the regional situation. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own powers to relax curfews. Johnson makes a television speech at night. It will presumably announce that people will be allowed to leave their homes more than once a day in the future to play sports. In addition, hardware stores that sell plants, seeds, and garden tools are expected to reopen.

Read more about this here.

+++ 10:05 More than four million infections registered worldwide +++
There are currently more than four million confirmed coronavirus infections worldwide. The number of cases identified so far increases to 4,003,873 in the ntv count. According to official government reports, a total of 279,259 people have already died from Covid disease 19.

Read more about this here.

+++ 09:54 new infections: Thuringia district enters critical area +++
In Germany, three counties continue to exceed the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days: Greiz, Coesfeld and Steinburg. An evaluation of data from the Robert Koch Institute shows that there are currently three regions in a critical area: the city of Rosenheim, the Traunstein district and, recently focused, the Thuringian district of Sonneberg. The latter borders Bavaria and, according to a MDR report, is seeing an increasing number of cases, especially in a health center. In the complex of hospitals, healthcare facilities, dialysis and senior centers, most people would have contracted the virus. According to the report, the 600 employees will be evaluated next week. Despite the large number of infections, the district, as of yesterday afternoon, no longer plans restrictions.

Read more about this here.

+++ 09:32 border controls lead to successful searches: 1900 people picked up +++
Border controls introduced in the course of the rapid spread of the corona virus are having an effect in the fight against crime. Since March 16, 1898, border officials have detained people who are being sought. The “Welt am Sonntag” reports cite the federal police. According to officials, 291 property search results were found. As of May 6, inclusive, 2,160 crimes could be solved, according to the report. According to the federal police, “cross-border crime tends to decrease due to increased control measures by Germany and neighboring countries at internal borders.” Furthermore, due to “border controls across Europe, illegal migratory movements have decreased significantly.” So far, more than 123,000 people have been rejected at the border at checkpoints.

+++ 09:18 crisis helps e-scooter industry shrink +++
After the hype and lush growth last year, the crown crisis could help the electronic scooter industry shrink. Many providers have temporarily suspended or at least reduced their services, and there have also been layoffs. Experts now expect the sector to be cleaned up, whose earnings are also under pressure from strong competition. The crown crisis exacerbates the “fight for survival,” says Andreas Nienhaus of Oliver Wyman. Vendor Lime also says the crisis could help “the expected market consolidation accelerate and not all e-scooter providers survive the breakup.” But you look “in a good position to master the crisis.”

+++ 08:58 China reports infection in Wuhan +++ for the first time in over a month
According to official information, a coronavirus infection was reported in Wuhan for the first time in over a month. The outbreak of the epidemic was originally discovered in the metropolis. The case is one of 14 confirmed infections that China launched during the day. The last time an infection was found in Wuhan was April 3. The total number of infections amounted to 82,901. Two of the new cases were brought from abroad. There were eleven new infections in the northeast Jilin province. Como resultado, el nivel de riesgo para la ciudad de Shulan en la provincia se ha cambiado de “medio” a “alto”. Todas las demás regiones de China han sido calificadas como “bajas” desde el jueves.

+++ 08:36 presidente de turismo advierte de 1 millón de desempleados en su sucursal +++
El presidente de la Asociación Federal de la Industria del Turismo (BTW), Michael Frenzel, espera un alto desempleo en su industria si el gobierno no ayuda. “Estimamos que alrededor de un millón de los aproximadamente tres millones de empleados en turismo y hospitalidad están en riesgo de desempleo”, dice Frenzel en una entrevista con “Welt am Sonntag”. “Alrededor del 70 por ciento ya está recibiendo beneficios laborales a corto plazo”. La situación económica en la industria “ha empeorado catastróficamente”, dijo el ex jefe de TUI. A mediados de junio, la industria perdería casi once mil millones de euros en ventas. Además, habría reclamaciones de reembolso de tres a cuatro mil millones de euros por viajes cancelados. “Wir dürfen den drohenden Kollaps der Branche nicht hinnehmen.”

+++ 08:11 Deutschland hilft Äthiopien mit 120 Millionen Euro +++
Entwicklungsminister Gerd Müller zeigt sich alarmiert über die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus in Afrika und kündigt weitere Hilfen zur Pandemiebekämpfung an. So werde Äthiopien mit 120 Millionen Euro unterstützt, sagt der CSU-Politiker den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe. Dabei handele es sich um zweckgebundene Mittel zur Stabilisierung und dem Ausbau der Gesundheitsinfrastruktur. Bisher gebe es in dem Land mit seinen 110 Millionen Einwohnern gerade einmal 150 Intensivbetten. Mit den Sofortmaßnahmen werde der Reformkurs des äthiopischen Präsidenten und Friedensnobelpreisträgers Abyi Ahmed unterstützt, der Pressefreiheit, Korruptionsbekämpfung und wirtschaftliche Modernisierung spürbar vorangebracht habe. “Diese Erfolge sind jetzt massiv gefährdet”, warnt Müller. “In Äthiopien sind die Exporte nach Europa um ein Drittel zurückgegangen. Fabriken schließen, 1,5 Millionen Jobs gehen bereits verloren. Viele Millionen Menschen rutschen in Armut ab.”

+++ 07:51 Expertinnen: Eltern müssen Kinder auf erstes Treffen mit Großeltern vorbereiten +++
Auf das erste Treffen mit Oma und Opa in der Corona-Krise sollten Eltern ihre Kinder gut vorbereiten. Für manche Kinder könnte eine Begegnung unter den neuen Umständen mit Maske vor dem Gesicht und mit Abstand schwierig werden, sagt die Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapeutin, Beate Leinberger. “Kinder haben andere Gedanken und beziehen vieles auf sich.” Es sei daher wichtig, ihnen zu erklären, dass sie keine Schuld an der Situation haben, etwa wenn eine Umarmung nicht möglich ist. Wenn Kinder viel Zeit mit ihren Großeltern verbringen, werden diese häufig zu wichtigen Bezugspersonen für sie. Gerade kleine Kinder könnten es dann nicht verstehen, wenn sie ihnen bei einem Treffen fern bleiben müssten, sagt auch die die Präsidentin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialpädiatrie und Jugendmedizin, Ute Thyen. Eltern sollten deshalb überlegen, ob sie nicht lieber auf ein Treffen verzichten – auch zum gesundheitlichen Schutz der Großeltern. Auch das sollte den Kindern jedoch genau erklärt werden.

+++ 07:23 Hamburger Polizei muss Feierwütige auseinandertreiben +++
Die Polizei musste bei einem Einsatz im Hamburger Schanzenviertel in einer feiernden Menge die Einhaltung der Abstandsregeln durchsetzen. 400 bis 500 Menschen hatten sich am Samstagabend am Schulterblatt versammelt, so ein Sprecher der Polizei. Es sei viel Alkohol geflossen. Die Abstandsregeln zur Eindämmung der Pandemie wurden dagegen nicht mehr allzu streng befolgt. Nachdem die Beamten zur Einhaltung der Regeln aufforderten und Platzverweise erteilten, beruhigte sich die Lage nach Angaben des Sprechers.

+++ 06:56 Giffey stellt Bedingung für Kita-Regelbetrieb im Sommer +++
Familienministerin Franziska Giffey ist optimistisch, dass eine Rückkehr zum Kita-Regelbetrieb mittelfristig bewerkstelligt wird. “Wenn das Infektionsgeschehen es zulässt, könnte die Rückkehr zum vollständigen Regelbetrieb vielleicht im Sommer möglich sein. Aber darüber entscheiden letztlich die Länder”, sagt die SPD-Politikerin der “Welt am Sonntag”. Sie wolle in der kommenden Woche mit der Jugend- und Familienministerkonferenz die weiteren Schritte besprechen. “Wenn jetzt Geschäfte, Hotels, Restaurants und viele andere Bereiche wieder öffnen und mehr Eltern wieder arbeiten gehen, brauchen sie auch eine gute Betreuung für ihre Kinder. Sonst funktioniert das Gesamtsystem nicht.” Ab Montag gilt eine erweiterte Notbetreuung in Kitas.

+++ 06:32 Bericht: 2,1 Millionen Deutsche in ihrer Existenz bedroht +++
Hunderttausende Deutsche fallen in der Corona-Krise laut einem Bericht offenbar durch das Raster der staatlichen Hilfen. 2,6 Prozent der Deutschen erleiden dadurch existenzbedrohende finanzielle Verluste, also rund 2,1 Millionen Bürger, wie die “Welt am Sonntag” unter Berufung auf eine repräsentative Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Kantar im Auftrag der Postbank berichtet. Weitere 4,2 Prozent oder 3,5 Millionen Deutsche verzeichnen dem Bericht zufolge erhebliche finanzielle Einbußen, 14,4 Prozent leichte Kürzungen. Insgesamt müsse damit mehr als ein Fünftel der Bevölkerung mit weniger Geld auskommen als vor der Krise.

Mehr dazu lesen Sie hier.

+++ 06:14 FDP bringt Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss ins Spiel +++
Die FDP besteht auf einer politischen Aufarbeitung der staatlichen Corona-Strategie und bringt dafür erstmals auch einen parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss ins Spiel. “Schon jetzt zeichnen sich erhebliche Versäumnisse von Bundes- und Landesregierungen insbesondere in der Frühphase der Pandemie ab, die intensiv analysiert und bewertet werden müssen”, sagt der Vizevorsitzende der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion, Michael Theurer. “Ein Untersuchungsausschuss mit den erheblichen Befugnissen ist sicherlich am ehesten geeignet, das Handeln und Nicht-Handeln der Bundesregierung einer kritischen Überprüfung zu unterziehen.”

+++ 05:40 Clubbesucher in Südkorea sorgt für zahlreiche Neuinfektionen +++
In Südkorea ist die Zahl der gemeldeten Neuinfektionen um 34 gestiegen. Das ist der höchste Wert seit dem 9. April. Acht davon seien eingeschleppt worden. Viele der neuen Fälle sind vermutlich auf einen Infizierten zurückzuführen, der in Clubs in Seoul Menschen ansteckte, bevor er positiv getestet wurde. Am Freitag hatten die Behörden von 15 neue Fälle gemeldet. Die Behörden in Seoul haben bis jetzt 1500 Menschen ausgemacht, die diese Clubs am vergangenen Wochenende besucht hatten.

Mehr dazu lesen Sie hier.

+++ 05:21 JHU: Über vier Millionen Infektionen weltweit registriert +++
Seit Beginn der Pandemie haben sich weltweit mehr als vier Millionen Menschen mit dem Coronavirus infiziert. Das geht aus Daten der Universität Johns Hopkins (JHU) in Baltimore zur Zahl der bestätigten Infektionen hervor. 278.000 Menschen sind demnach an den Folgen einer Covid-19-Erkrankung gestorben. Die Webseite der Forscher wird regelmäßig mit eingehenden Daten aktualisiert und zeigt daher einen höheren Stand als die offiziellen Zahlen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO). Die WHO etwa ging am Samstag von 3,85 Millionen bekannten Infektionen und 266.000 Todesfällen weltweit aus.

+++ 04:41 Johnson spricht am Abend über Lockerungspläne +++
Großbritanniens Premierminister Boris Johnson stellt seine Pläne für das weitere Vorgehen in der Pandemie am Sonntagabend in einer Fernsehansprache vor. Die Verantwortung für die Maßnahmen liegt in der Hand der einzelnen Nationen England, Schottland, Wales und Nordirland. Johnson spricht also nur für England. Zuletzt war der Druck auf Johnson gewachsen, die Ende März erlassenen Kontaktbeschränkungen zu lockern. Wales kündigte bereits die Wiedereröffnung von Gartencentern und Bibliotheken an.

+++ 04:15 Walter-Borjans will Eckkneipen retten +++
Der SPD-Vorsitzende Norbert Walter-Borjans fordert staatliche Zuschüsse zur Unterstützung von Kneipen in der Corona-Krise. “Die Eckkneipe ist enorm wichtig für das Alltagsleben der Menschen. Sie müssen wir retten”, sagt Walter-Borjans der “Bild am Sonntag”. Er kritisiert den Beschluss der Großen Koalition, die Mehrwertsteuer auf Speisen in Gaststätten zu senken: “In meiner Heimat Köln gibt es an jeder Ecke eine Kneipe. Die leben vor allem vom Bierausschank und haben nichts davon, wenn sie für ihre Frikadellen eine Steuersenkung bekommen.” Die Kneipen benötigten vielmehr eine “direkten Zuschuss”, so Walter-Borjans. “Was haben die von einer Umsatzsteuersenkung, wenn die gar keinen Umsatz machen, erst recht nicht mit Speisen.”

+++ 03:33 Brasilien verzeichnet über 10.000 Tote +++
In Brasilien sind jetzt über 10.000 Menschen durch Covid-19 ums Leben gekommen. Innerhalb eines Tages seien 730 weitere mit dem Coronavirus infizierte Menschen gestorben, teilte das Gesundheitsministerium mit. Die Gesamtzahl der Corona-Toten liege nun bei 10.627. Insgesamt wurden nach Angaben der Behörden fast 156.000 Infektionen verzeichnet. Experten ziehen die offizielle Statistik wegen der geringen Testdichte jedoch in Zweifel. Sie gehen davon aus, dass die Zahl der Infizierten in Brasilien bis zu 20 Mal höher liegen könnte.

+++ 03:14 Weniger Asylanträge wegen Grenzschließungen +++
Die Zahl der Asylanträge in Deutschland ist wegen der Corona-Pandemie und verschärfter Grenzkontrollen deutlich gesunken. In den ersten vier Monaten dieses Jahres seien 29.132 Asyl-Erstanträge beim Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Bamf) gestellt worden und damit 29 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahreszeitrum, meldet die “Bild am Sonntag”. Im April gab es demnach nur rund 4100 Asylbewerber. Vor einem Jahr seien es noch mehr als doppelt so viele gewesen. Die meisten Migranten kamen dem Bericht zufolge aus Syrien, Afghanistan und dem Irak.

+++ 02:24 TUI will als erstes Mallorca ansteuern +++
Der Chef des Touristikkonzerns TUI Friedrich Joussen will so schnell wie möglich wieder Urlaubsreisen anbieten. “Wir haben einen Gesundheitscheck für alle Urlaubsziele ausgearbeitet und werden Urlaub nur dort anbieten, wo er auch sicher ist. An erster Stelle steht dann sicherlich Mallorca. Die Hotels dort haben einen Probelauf gemacht, können sofort starten und Gäste aufnehmen”, sagte er der “Bild am Sonntag”. Gut vorbereitet seien auch Griechenland, Zypern, Kroatien, Bulgarien, Österreich und Dänemark. Zunächst müsse Deutschland aber die Grenzen öffnen.

+++ 01:35 Bund startet “Sprinterprogramm” zur Schutzmaskenproduktion +++
Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier will die Produktion von Atemschutzmasken massiv ankurbeln. Noch im Mai starte ein “Sprinterprogramm”, um kurzfristig verfügbare Maschinen zur nationalen und europäischen Herstellung zertifizierter Masken zu fördern, sagt Altmaier den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe. A state investment subsidy of up to 30 percent is planned. The objective was to create incentives to develop a production capacity of around 2.5 billion protective masks per year.

+++ 00:57 DFL hält trotz Quarantäne für Dynamo Dresden an Plänen fest +++
The German Football League maintains the restart of the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga in one week after quarantine for the entire SG Dynamo Dresden team. “Wir ändern momentan nicht das Ziel, sondern nur die Pläne”, sagte DFL-Geschäftsführer Christian Seifert im “Aktuellen Sportstudio” des ZDF. The goal is to end the season. Dynamo’s quarantine is currently no reason to question the continuation of the second division. The concept of resuming play, which should take place in a week, only provided a quarantine for the player who tested positive for Sars-CoV-2. Das Dresdner Gesundheitsamt entschied aber anders.

+++ 00:17 EVP-Chef Weber will EU-Außengrenze lange geschlossen halten +++
Der Fraktionschef der Christdemokraten im Europaparlament (EVP) plädiert dafür, die EU-Außengrenze wegen der Corona-Pandemie für längere Zeit geschlossen zu halten. Manfred Weber sagt der “Bild am Sonntag”: “Um alle Grenzen innerhalb der EU wieder öffnen zu können, müssen wir die EU-Außengrenze für Nicht-Europäer bis auf Weiteres geschlossen halten, wahrscheinlich sogar für manche Länder, bis ein Impfstoff gefunden ist.” Weber sprach sich zugleich gegen bilaterale Reiseabkommen innerhalb Europas aus. “Wenn der Alltag zurückkommt, wenn es Lockerungen gibt, dann darf es keine Diskriminierung, keine Europäer erster und zweiter Klasse geben. Alle müssen gleich behandelt werden.”

+++ 23:38 Spaniens Regierungschef mahnt die Bürger +++
Kurz vor den geplanten Lockerungen der Corona-Ausgangsbeschränkungen in Spanien ruft Regierungschef Pedro Sánchez die Bevölkerung auf, weiterhin zur Eindämmung der Pandemie beizutragen. “Ich fordere Sie auf, die größte Vorsicht und Umsicht walten zu lassen”, appelliert Sánchez in einer Rede an die 47 Millionen Menschen im Land. Das neuartige Coronavirus sei schließlich “nicht verschwunden”. Spanien zählt zu den am schwersten von der Corona-Pandemie betroffenen Ländern weltweit. Hier wurden bislang knapp 224.000 Ansteckungen und rund 26.500 Todesfälle registriert.

+++ 23:06 Brand in Moskauer Krankenhaus mit 700 Covid-Patienten +++
Bei einem Brand in einem Krankenhaus im Norden Moskaus ist ein Mensch ums Leben gekommen. Das Spasokukozky-Krankenhaus Nr. 50, in dem auch fast 700 Covid-19-Patienten behandelt wurden, musste wegen des Feuers teilweise evakuiert werden, teilten die Behörden mit. Allerdings sei der Brand im ersten Stock schnell gelöscht worden. Mehrere Nachrichtenagenturen berichteten, dass die Intensivstation von dem Brand betroffen sei. In Russland breitet sich das Coronavirus derzeit rasant aus, die Hauptstadt Moskau zählt zu den am schwersten betroffenen Gebieten.

+++ 22:35 Italiens Großunternehmen brauchen 18,5 Milliarden Euro +++
Großunternehmen in Italien fragen nach staatlich garantierten Krediten im Volumen von 18,5 Milliarden Euro. Damit wollten sie die Virus-Folgen abmildern, erklärt die Exportkredit-Behörde Sace. The offer of aid is part of an emergency package that the government launched in April. Bislang gebe es 250 Anfragen.

+++ 22:08 “Mundschutz abnehmen”: Demonstranten empören Kölner Polizei +++
Mehrere Hundert Menschen haben in Köln unangemeldet gegen die Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen demonstriert – ohne den Mindestabstand einzuhalten und ohne Mundschutz. “A large number of protesters have repeatedly asked passers-by to remove their mouth guard and enter stores without a mask. We have absolutely no understanding for that,” said Police President Uwe Jacob. “Es ist mir unbegreiflich, wie man so etwas in diesen Zeiten fordern kann.”


Sitzdemo auf der Domplatte: Die Kölner Polizei war über das Verhalten einiger Protestler entsetzt.

(Foto: picture alliance/dpa)

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+++ 21:42 Brasilien verhängt Staatstrauer +++
Angesichts der anhaltenden Ausbreitung des Coronavirus ordnert das brasilianische Parlament eine dreitägige Staatstrauer für die Opfer der Pandemie an. Vor dem Kongress in der Hauptstadt Brasília wurde die Nationalflagge auf halbmast gesetzt. Public celebrations are prohibited during the mourning period. Während die Gouverneure einiger Bundesstaaten zuletzt strenge Ausgangsbeschränkungen verhängten, lehnt die Regierung des rechten Präsidenten Jair Bolsonaro Einschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens ab und fordert eine rasche Rückkehr zur Normalität. Die Zahl der Todesopfer im Zusammenhang mit der Lungenkrankheit Covid-19 war zuletzt auf über 10.000 gestiegen. Damit liegt das größte Land Lateinamerikas weltweit an sechster Stelle.

+++ 21:20 Tesla-Chef droht Kalifornien wegen Corona-Schließung +++
Tesla-Chef Elon Musk reagiert scharf auf die Ankündigung aus Kalifornien, dass er sein einziges US-Fahrzeugwerk wegen der Corona-Risiken noch nicht wieder anfahren darf. Der Elektroauto-Pionier werde seinen Konzernsitz und seine künftigen Programme mit sofortiger Wirkung aus Kalifornien abziehen und nach Texas oder Nevada verlegen, twitterte Musk. Auch ließ er die Zukunft des Werks Fremont im kalifornischen Alameda mit seinen rund 10.000 Beschäftigten offen. That will depend on how Tesla will continue to be managed there in the future.

Mehr dazu lesen Sie hier.

+++ 21:01 Frankreich verlängert Ausnahmezustand +++
Frankreichs Parlament stimmt der Verlängerung des Ausnahmezustands im Gesundheitsbereich zu. Die Nationalversammlung votiert am Abend für eine Verlängerung bis zum 10. Juli. In the afternoon, the opposition-dominated Senate had agreed. The government has the opportunity to quickly implement decisions by decree. Mit dem Gesetz soll auch der Fahrplan der Regierung zur schrittweisen Lockerung der strengen Corona-Maßnahmen ab Montag abgesichert werden. In den vergangenen 24 Stunden verzeichnete Frankreich 80 Corona-Tote – das ist der niedrigste Wert seit Wochen. Insgesamt seien seit Beginn der Epidemie 26.310 Menschen in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen gestorben, teilte das Gesundheitsministerium mit.

Hinweis: Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen des Vortages zur aktuellen Lage rund um die weltweite Coronavirus-Pandemie können Sie hier nachlesen.
