Corona virus live ticker: +++ 02:42 counties criticize rigid guidelines for fighting corona +++


Counties charged with fighting coronavirus on the ground defend themselves against overly rigid guidelines. “Schematic action would be wrong,” says Reinhard Sager, chairman of the German Regional Council, of the “Rheinische Post”. Above all, it criticizes the requirement that loosening across an entire district must be reduced as soon as the threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 population in seven days is exceeded. “If, for example, a large number of newly infected people only show up in the home of an elderly person, in a slaughterhouse, or in a single community, you should not react to this with measures for the general public throughout the district. That would be exaggerated, “emphasizes Sager.

+++ 02:06 authority: temperature controls at US airports USA They were not effective +++
Passenger temperature measurements at US airports USA At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic they were not effective, according to the CDC health agency, because humans can transmit the virus without having symptoms such as increased body temperature. This arises from a study by the CDC. On February 3, the United States began measuring the temperature of passengers arriving from China and asking about possible symptoms. The step was later expanded to include entries from Iran.

+++ 01:48 EU industrialized nations call for “previously unknown level of support” +++
In a rare joint campaign, business associations in Germany, France and Italy demand urgent and comprehensive financial aid from the European Union. The crown crisis was “a huge, unexpected and tragic blow to public life, health, social welfare and the economy,” says a statement that is available for the “Süddeutsche Zeitung.” The statement was signed by the presidents of the corporate organizations: Dieter Kempf for the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Vincenzo Boccia, president of the Italian umbrella organization Confindustria, and Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux of the French association Medef.

+++ 01:18 Corona comes to Belarusian soccer +++
The coronavirus pandemic is now reaching Belarusian professional football. According to the national association ABFF, the first division match between FC Minsk and Neman Grodno, as well as the second division match FK Arsenal Dsjarschynsk against Lokomotiv Gomel were relocated. Players from the Minsk and Gomel clubs are suspected of having a crown infection. “The association continues to take all recommended measures to combat the spread of the virus in games in national competitions,” said the association. Additional stations with disinfectants were installed in the stadiums, and the body temperature of the spectators is measured at the entrances. The seating arrangement is arranged in a checkerboard pattern on the stands.

+++ 00:51 The United States reports 23,792 new cases of coronavirus +++
The CDC reports 23,792 new cases of coronavirus. 1,324,488 people in the United States have contracted the virus. The number of patients who died from Covid-19 increased from 985 to 79,756.

+++ 00:24 Trump: Pence was negative +++
Vice President of the United States Mike Pence has tested negative for the new corona virus. This is announced by the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Pence took the tests on Sunday and Monday. The tests were negative on both occasions. A day earlier, it was announced that Pence’s spokeswoman Katie Miller had tested positive for the virus. The system of security measures in the White House has not collapsed, adds Trump.

+++ 00:07 The Home Office imposes a ban on employees +++
The Federal Ministry of the Interior imposes a ban on an employee who, in his official role, has massively criticized the crown measures of the federal government against state representatives. There is now a “ban on conducting official business” under the Federal Officials Law, according to the ministry. A spokesperson explains: “It is not an employee who expresses a critical opinion, but to do so under the letterhead of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and, therefore, to give the impression that it is the position of the house.” The Federal Interior Ministry had publicly distanced itself from the process on Sunday.

+++ 23:53 The Bundesliga starts first, then the Serie A? +++
Football fans and Serie A clubs in Italy have yet to wait for a date to restart the season. Additionally, strict quarantine rules will apply to the entire team in the future if a player tests positive for corona virus. Sports minister Vincenzo Spadafora says on Rai 1 that he has to wait at least a week and new results on infection numbers in the country to decide the game start dates. Until now, individual training is allowed again in professional soccer, and team training should start on May 18. The government’s scientific advisers have now established difficult guidelines for this, as the minister explains. To avoid infection with the virus, the following apply to training: If a player tests positive, the entire team must be quarantined for 14 days. If the association accepts this rule, group training can begin on May 18, the minister said. Series A had been interrupted on March 9 with twelve game days remaining.

+++ 23:38 Trump on infections in the White House: everything under control +++
United States President Donald Trump does not see recent cases of crown infections in the White House as a problem. “We have it very well under control,” Trump said. This is not evidence that the system has collapsed in terms of security measures. “You can pass.” Hundreds of people come to the White House every day. Trump repeatedly said that there was only one case of infection; in fact, two White House employees tested positive for the coronavirus. Trump also emphasized that three members of the White House Crown Task Force had simply quarantined to contact the person in question.

+++ 23:22 Twitter wants to fight fake news more +++
Twitter wants to crack down on spreading false information about the corona virus. Tweets that could harm people have been removed, less dangerous information with a reference to reliable sources, as announced by Twitter. You will also have information that could lead to more infections. Twitter does not want to take action against unconfirmed information that could be incorrect or correct. Facebook is already removing potentially dangerous false claims about the corona virus, and will subsequently send users a warning if they come in contact with such claims. On YouTube, videos on the subject are provided with a reference to official information.

+++ 22:55 Turkey’s sovereign wealth fund supports banks with billions +++
Turkish sovereign wealth fund TVF is helping the country’s banks in the face of the crown pandemic. According to the fund, the fund supports three state banks with the equivalent of 2.7 billion euros. The Turkish government groups state shares in TVF. This also includes stocks in banks, the airline Turkish Airlines and Turk Telekom.

+++ 22:33 The White House presents a mandatory mask for all employees +++
According to media reports, wearing two face masks is now mandatory in the White House, according to media reports, following the discovery of two corona infections. This applies to all public areas of the government headquarters, but not to offices, as reported by several US media. The move is intended to help prevent further spread of the new coronavirus in the White House. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are unlikely to wear masks, as reported by the Washington Post and ABC.

+++ 22:16 WHO warns of the “great second wave” +++
The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for “extreme caution” in light of the relaxation of stringent crown measures in many countries. There have been great successes in containing the coronavirus, said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. However, WHO chief of health emergencies Michael Ryan warned of the risk of a second wave of infection. Ryan saw gradual relaxation in various European countries as a sign of hope. At the same time, it called on governments around the world to ensure that new infections are quickly identified and that all contacts of infected people can be identified and isolated. This could help “avoid a big second wave.”

Note: Here you can read about the most important developments from the previous day regarding the current situation related to the world coronavirus pandemic.
