Corona virus in Europe: “covid free stamp”? Spain with spectacular plans for summer tourists.


In Europe, many countries are loosening crown restrictions. Meanwhile, Britain is significantly increasing the number of crown deaths. All information across Europe in the news ticker.

  • The corona virus * has hit Europe particularly hard.
  • Many countries are already loosening their restrictions.
  • British researchers now await a vaccine.
  • Here you will find basic information about the corona virus *. You can also view the current number of cases in Germany as a map *. The most important thing on the subject is also in our new one. Corona News Facebook page.

Update at 8.44 p.m.: In Britain there are almost as many people in the Coronaviurus died as in Italy. On May 1, the British reported 28,131 Dead crown, which was an increase of 621 compared to the previous day. In Italy 28,236 deaths were counted up to the same period.

On Saturday, however, the number increased by 474 new deaths to 28,710. The death toll in Italy has been declining for a while, but a significantly larger increase has been reported today. However, the number of newly infected people has been stable for three days.

Update at 8:08 p.m .: At Crown crisis wants France the state of emergency in the health sector for two months until July 24 extend The central government agreed a corresponding law in Paris on Saturday, to be debated in parliament next week. Health Minister Olivier Véran said Saturday after a cabinet meeting.

The law aims to provide Prime Minister Édouard Philippe’s roadmap to gradually facilitate the strict Crown measurements be legally protected So France wants to May 11 to carry Protective face masks make it compulsory on public transport. Stores should be able to reopen from this date. However, restaurants or cafeterias will remain closed; The beaches are still taboo for visitors and athletes.

Véran announced a two-week quarantine for later France arriving people who have none Covid 19 symptoms to have. This would often affect the French who returned from abroad. On the other hand, infected people who come from abroad must be isolated. The details must be regulated in a regulation. Government spokeswoman Sibeth Ndiaye evasively answered a question about the possible effects on tourism: If tourists wanted to come, this is good news. “We are only required to take action.”

“We will have to live with the virus for some time,” Véran said. The state of emergency in the health sector was declared in late March and was initially limited to two months. France is strong that’s why Covid-19 pandemic affected – more than 24,500 people have died so far.

Corona virus in Europe: mask requirement now also in Spain – relaxation of strict restrictions

Update at 7 p.m.:In the course of facilitation across the country Crown curfew the spanish government has one Mask requirement advertised on public transport. To avoid a new wave of infection, everyone would have to wear breathing masks on buses and trains starting Monday, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said on Spanish television on Saturday. Until now, wearing protective masksOnly highly recommended on buses and trains.

To ensure that Spanish people on my way Mouthguard six million masks will be distributed across the country in front of large train stations and stations on Monday, Sánchez said. Seven million more masks would go to local authorities and 1.5 million to organizations like the Red Cross so they could redistribute them.

For the first time in seven weeks, the Spanish were allowed to leave their homes on Saturday. Outdoor sports and hiking with a partner who lives in the same home are now allowed again, subject to conditions. Relaxing the strict Crown restrictions it is part of a long-term government plan to allow some daily life again after weeks of inactivity.

Crown in Europe: poor ratings for French governments – Germans happy with Merkel

Update at 6:32 p.m.: Poor ratings for the countries most affected by the Coronaviurs pandemic. In the harshest of Crown pandemic Governments are receiving the most criticism of their measures in the affected countries. This is the result of a poll conducted by the voting institute on Saturday Ipsos in six European countries and New Zealand. So go Italian, British and French his political leadership the worst ratings while New Zealanders, Austrians and Germans they tend to agree with crisis management in their country.

France is ranked worst President Emmanuel Macron: On a scale of 0 to 10, you get a rating of 4.1. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson reaches 5.6, his Italian colleague Giuseppe Conte to 5.5 and the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven to an even worse value of 5.2.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern performs better. It received a 7.8 rating from its compatriots. It is the second best Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz with a rating of 6.8, followed by the chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with a soft 6.

It is similar with the satisfaction of citizens with theCrisis policy from their governments: 62 percent of French people are dissatisfied with their government’s work, compared to just nine percent in Primus New Zealand. In Italy, 45 per cent of respondents are not very satisfied with their government, in the United Kingdom, 39 per cent.

Coronavirus – Spain

© dpa / Eduardo Parra

In Sweden, the least drastic. Crown measurements Seized from the rest of the world, the dissatisfaction rate is 30 percent. In Germany According to the opinion poll, 26 percent are not very satisfied with the government’s work.

Update at 6:17 p.m.:The French government has a new one Online presence justified in recommending selected media reports on the Corona crisis to read. Incorrect and dangerous information was circulating, but the government website with the articles made it easier for citizens to access the verified information, government spokeswoman Sibeth Ndiaye made clear on Saturday after a cabinet meeting in Paris.

The project “Infoinfo coronavirus” It is considered controversial. Editors and journalists did not appreciate that the government provided information with a kind of quality label, the newspaper wrote. Le Figaro.

Ndiaye said the government’s media offering will end when the Health crisis No criteria exist for the selection of reports; for example, the media should have had their own fact-checking column for at least two years. Reports should also be freely available. France is strong that’s why Covid-19 pandemic affected, more than 24,500 people have already died.

Corona virus in Europe: “covid free stamp”? Spain with spectacular plans for summer tourists.

Update at 5:24 p.m.: Safety distances on beaches, temperature measurements in hotels and recently organized restaurant processes: Spain tries by all means to save its summer season and uses creative measures to protect tourists from the new Corona virus to protect

“We want to be on top of destinations that reassure their guests by trying to be as safe and hygienic as possible,” says Daniel Barbero, tourism manager at the Andalusian resort of Almuñecar on the southern coast of Spain.

Spain It is one of the worst of the Crown pandemic affected countries in Europe. At the same time, it is the second most popular travel destination in the world. Tourism represents twelve percent of Spain’s gross domestic product, and 13 percent of the workforce is employed in the sector.

The Crown crisis It was a severe blow to the industry: the flood of visitors at Easter was canceled due to the virus, now at least that should be Summer season to be saved Starting May 11, containment measures will be gradually relaxed. Bars, restaurants and hotels can reopen, under strict conditions.

Virus crowns in Europe: how Spain fights for the summer holiday season

Hygiene in hotels will also be strengthened. In Madridthe Pandemic center in Spain, the authorities are working on the development of a Stamp “without covid”. In the hotels of the RoomMate chain, the guest has to roll his suitcase on rugs that have been impregnated with disinfectant. Body temperature is then measured and the host receives a mask, disinfectant gel, and gloves.

The VP Hotel Plaza de España in the center of the capital even becomes one at the entrance. Covid-19 Quick Test do. Guests must pay 50 euros for the test. “We already have 600 reservations for the hotel restaurant in the first week after the reopening,” explains the head of the hotel group, Javier Pérez. However, it was not clear whether “people just come to eat or get tested.”

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been infected with the new corona virus

© picture alliance / dpa / Dmitry Astakhov

In Gandia, near Valencia, it is considering recruiting additional lifeguards to ensure that groups of tourists are established at least two meters away. In addition, it is considered to block access to some beaches at certain times so that children reduce the risk of infection for older people and others at risk.

Update at 11 a.m. A quarter of a million infected people in Moscow alone: ​​in The capital of Russia, Moscow According to Mayor Sergei Sobyanin’s blog 250,000 people infected with Covid-19. This result was achieved with the help of serial testing. An infection was found in two percent of the population. So far, there have been officially around 114,000 confirmed cases across Russia, including nearly 60,000 in the capital.

Coronavirus / Europe: Ireland extends its exit restrictions

Update at 9:19 a.m.: In Ireland residents have to wait two more weeks from May 18 to strict exit restrictions wait this was shared by the irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar on Friday (May 1) in a television speech with. “It works,” Varadkar said of containing the virus. “So let’s finish what we started.” However, returning to “a new normal” would take a little time, Varadkar said.

Oneslow opening The country is planned from May 18. For this he lies Five phase plan , so loosening should be done every three weeks. So, for example, stores will gradually reopen. The Schools and Universities, which have been closed in Ireland since March, are said to be in the final stages in August or September It will only be accessible again.

A member of the crew of a Tui cruise ship in Cuxhaven tested positive for the corona virus.

Coronavirus / Europe: 50,000 EU citizens are still trapped abroad

Update May 2, 8:36 am: Is he biggest return campaign in the history of the European Union: around 600
000 EU citizenswho were trapped abroad due to the crown pandemic, according to the The head of the EU’s foreign policy, Josep Borrell travel back home. Most of them were tourists and especially young EU citizens who were abroad as part of a student exchange or as part of a volunteer program.

50,000 people remaining of EU countries still involuntarily remain in third countries in Africa or Asia. So far, his return has been hampered by the fact that there are almost no land permits in Morocco, for example. In the Philippines and India, strict departure restrictions would prevent stranded tourists from reaching the airport. Borrell believes that the successful return campaign is the result of “unique consular cooperation between the European Union and its member states.”

Coronavirus / Europe: Spain closes the “Hospital Milagro” in Madrid – the positive head of government of Russia

Update May 1, 8:16 p.m.:

The number of crown deaths in the UK has increased to more than 27,000. 739 people died of coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, UK Health Minister Matt Hancock said in London on Friday. There are now a total of 27,510 deaths.

Update May 1 at 4 p.m. He seriously affected by the crisis. Spain It has had significant symbolic success in the fight against the pandemic. One in one Madrid Exhibition Center The field hospital that was built was able to close a month and a half after it opened on Friday due to a rapid decline in the number of Covid patients 19.

Coronavirus in Europe: field hospital outbreaks in Madrid: 4,000 patients were treated here

At the so-called Ifema site, where the UN climate summit was held last December, according to authorities, more than 4000 patients treated Only 17 of them died as a result of their disease. Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Head of government of the Madrid region, attended the closing ceremony. Most sick people would have the “Miraculous hospital come out healthy ”, says Díaz Ayuso. There was also one among those who had recovered. 103 years old woman

Even with a second wave of pandemics in the fall, he was confident that the hospital in Ifema would not have to be rebuilt. He stressed that the Madrid health system is already “reformed and modernized”. The 1,350-bed clinic was in a Record time of 48 hours built and opened on March 21. King Philip VI called the hospice a “place of hope for the Morality all of Spain. “

More than 215,000 people in Spain tested positive for the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 on Friday, 24,800 died about the consequences of the virus. The capital city of Madrid, with more than 60,000 infections, is the epicenter of the crisis in the Iberian state, ahead of Catalonia (just under 50,000). The numbers go constantly back for weeksthat’s why the strict curfew relaxed will after seven weeks From Saturday you can go back to walking and doing outdoor sports.

Virus crowns in Spain: the curfew will be relaxed from Saturday

Update April 30, 8:46 p.m.: Also in Spain There are loosenings. Starting this weekend, Iberians can go for a walk or play sports for the first time in seven weeks. Health Minister Salvador Illa said in Madrid on Thursday that there would be local hours and restrictions to carry out these activities.

You will do it for it between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. as well as between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. leave the house and are only allowed to walk up to a kilometer away from the house. You cannot leave the community when you exercise.

Sweden, on the other hand, follows its own path in the Corona crisis. After much criticism, it is now surprising that Sweden received praise for the Corona course from the WHO leadership. *

Update April 30, 7.48 p.m.: At least ten meters away they are said to be runners and cyclists in France stick with other people in the future. The new rule will take effect when the curfew is relaxed on May 11, the sports ministry in Paris said Thursday. This is to reduce the risk of crown infection.

Update April 30 at 7:29 p.m. Head of government of russia Mikhail Mishustin you have been infected with the new corona virus. “The corona virus test I did was positive,” the prime minister said during a video call on Thursday. President Vladimir PutinThat was shown on Russian television. Mishustin will now be quarantined to avoid infecting other cabinet members.

Corona virus in Europe: Hungary excludes Budapest from easing

Update April 30, 4.20 p.m .: In Hungary since the end of March Exit restrictions to contain the coronavirus *. These should now drop – excluded however that’s the Budapest capital. This was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gergely Gulyas on Thursday with As a result, people outside of Budapest are allowed to move freely again from May 4, however Minimal distance one and a half meters from each other.

Starting next week, there will also be one for the entire country. Mask requirement to enter Shops or using public transport. In Budapest, this regulation is applied by order of the mayor. Gergely Karacsony since the beginning of the current week. In Budapest, residents are only allowed to leave their home for compelling reasons, such as shopping, visiting a doctor, or working.

The government justified the new rules, which exempt Budapest from a higher risk of infection in the capital. Until now, throughout Hungary 2775 people Registered who had been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. About half of the cases, 1,368 infections to be precise, were recorded in Budapest. 1.7 million of the ten million inhabitants of Hungary live in the capital.

Update April 30, 3.15 p.m .:
Relief in French German Limit: Alsace students are now officially authorized for their School attendance across the border with Germany. Alsatian authorities gave the green light, as confirmed by the Freiburg Regional Council on Thursday. School buses and individual students can now also enter and exit at border crossings.

Coronavirus: Alsace borders are open for schoolchildren – Britain lacks health workers

Also in view of the School operations, which should resume in Baden-Württemberg in May, the decision is important to many people in the region. In particular, students from France, who in Freiburg German-French Visit gynmasium and at the end of May his writing Abitur Exams saved, they benefit from the opening of the border.

Due to ongoing regulated border controls due to the corona virus in March, students were not allowed to cross the border. Now they need a pass, as is also common with travelers, for example.

Update April 30, 7:02 a.m.: Prime Minister Boris Johnson (55) is under pressure. A day after her youngest son is born on Wednesday, Johnson is expected to lead the daily coronavirus briefing on Thursday.

The UK health system is ill. The fight against the coronavirus is also understaffed. The UK government now automatically extends visas for midwives, radiologists, social workers and pharmacists that expire before October 2020.

Coronavirus: Finland wants to reopen schools

Update April 30, 6.47 a.m.: In Finland, schools will gradually reopen from May 14. “According to the recommendations of epidemiologists,” there is no longer any justification for maintaining restrictions on education for young children, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said on Wednesday. It will be decided in early May.

Denmark was the first country in Europe to open its schools in mid-April. When schools reopened, the Danish government recommended that classes be held outside whenever possible. Additionally, students must wash their hands regularly and adhere to strict distance rules.

Coronavirus in Europe: Britain has to significantly increase the number of deaths

Update, April 29, 6:43 p.m.: In Britain suddenly there is significantly more crown deaths than previously assumed. The official figure was revised up to 26,097 on Wednesday, that’s around 4,000 more deaths than the previous day..

The background is that deaths in nursing homes and private homes in England and Wales were included in the statistics for the first time.

According to local media reports, the British government, which is criticized, is now trying to regain public confidence with a transparency crackdown. She is accused of waiting too long to stop the virus.

Virus crowns Europe: Poland wants to open hotels and shopping malls

Update, April 29, 6:15 p.m.: Poland it will be from next week Loosen anti-crown measures further. Hotels, shopping malls and some museums are expected to reopen starting May 4, he said. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki Wednesday in Warsaw. The nurseries are scheduled to resume operations two days later. The public mask requirement still exists. The applicable distance rules must also be observed.

Update, April 29, 6 p.m.: Every year on April 30, the south swedish Student city Lund Thousands of young people to share Celebrate – but with that Crown-Year 2020 is over: To keep students away from the park and avoid a large crowd on the occasion of the traditional Walpurgis Night, the city wants a ton, among other things. Chicken manure spray.

Ultimately, the goal is to prevent Lund from becoming a kind of epicenter for new infections on Thursday. Corona virus will, said the chairman of the municipal environmental committee, Gustav Lundblad, the newspaper “Sydsvenskan”. “We both have the opportunity to fertilize the lawns in the park and at the same time it smells quite – then maybe it’s not so nice to sit in the park and drink beer. “

City Councilman Philip Sandberg similarly said: “Sitting in Walpurgis in a park that reeks of chicken manure and where people are bellowing with leaf blowers is not a pleasant experience,” he wrote on Facebook. On the other hand, the fertilizer is good for the lawn, which gives Lund a nice city park before the summer.

Johnson after Corona disease with wonderful news

Update, April 29, 11:22 p.m.: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (55) became a father again. And that after his surviving crown disease. Johnson and his fiancee Carrie Symonds (32) announced the birth of a “healthy boy in a London hospital early in the morning”. For Boris Johnson He is the sixth child.

Boris Johnson: In the midst of the crown crisis, he becomes a father for the sixth time

Mother and baby are doing very well, reports BBC. A spokesperson said that. “The Prime Minister and Mrs. Seymonds want to thank the fantastic NHS Obstetrics Team,” continues the BBC.

Johnson and his fiancé announced in March that the couple was expecting a baby in early summer. The two got engaged at the end of last year. They are the first single couple to move to 10 Downing Street.

According to his crown disease Boris Johnson I only went back to work on Monday.

While the British Prime Minister can wait for news of the baby, Turkish Head of State Recep Tayyip Erdogan has no reason to be happy. Because the national currency Lira is falling dramatically.

Coronavirus: Spain plans to return to the “new normal” at the end of June

Update, April 29, 6:50 a.m. The particularly violent of the Crown pandemic affected Spain want with one Four phase plan he hopes to find a “new normal” in late June. Each phase would last two weeks, with more and more gradually Shops, Local and Churches as well as later gyms, cinemas, theaters and hotels will be opened, said Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. However, the number of clients may initially be only 30 percent and then 50 percent of capacity.

Not all Regions at the same speed it would become a “Descaled“Find. Then they could barely Corona virus The affected Canary Islands El Hierro, La Graciosa and La Gomera, as well as the Balearic Islands Formentera skip the first phase and enter the second with the opening of the first stores, Sánchez said. In general, the plan is for one Go out of the at the national level Blocking designed for six to eight weeks.

Travels between different regions are not yet allowed during this time. The Schools remain closed until September. But it should start from phase 2 Exceptions give for example for facilities for Children under six years Parents are employed on the specific design of the Relieving Sánchez plans to advise a technical committee starting Wednesday (April 29).

Coronavirus in France: gradual relief planned – restrictions remain

In France Prime Minister Edouard Philippe also made the plan for the gradual relaxation of the strict Crown measurements that have been in force since March 17. The majority of the National Assembly approved it on Tuesday night (April 28). The motto: “Protect, test and isolate”.

Starting May 11, previously required passports will be canceled when you leave the house. The Shops They are allowed to open again. Many Fundamental liberties they are more restricted.

In public Transport wearing More expensive Duty. The government recommends masks for stores, but merchants can impose a duty themselves. Malls It should not open automatically. Bars and Restaurants remain closed It will not be decided until the end of May, when they will reopen. Parks can only reopen under certain conditions. Beaches remain closed until at least June 1.

In France, the gradual relaxation of the crown measures is planned.

© dpa / Christian Böhmer

Cots, Kindergartens and Primary schools They will open gradually on May 11, on a voluntary basis. High school could go on. A decision on the return of the best classes will be made in early June. Meetings should be avoided As of May 11, they are limited to ten people. Events with more than 5000 participants should not be held before September. By May 11, 700,000 per week Crown tests be done Anyone who is positive should be immediately isolated.

Coronavirus: British surprise with hope of vaccine: funds already in September?

Update 5.45 p.m .: The number of died
Infected crown It’s in Britain it increased to more than 20,000 on Saturday. This was announced by the London Ministry of Health. According to experts, the country has passed the peak of the pandemic wave, but the number of recently recorded deaths remains high. Another 813 were searched Friday night.

Overall, according to official statistics, he died in Britain previously 20,319 infected. So far, however, only deaths of demonstrably infected people have been recorded in hospitals. The actual number of deaths, therefore, could more than double, according to the Financial Times. However, calls to ease contact restrictions in the country are getting louder.

Update April 28, 4.20 p.m.: Too France want your crown measurements now loosen up. The curfew, which has been in effect for six weeks, will be gradually relaxed starting May 11. This stems from a government statement on Tuesday. It is planned to wear a mask on public transportation and massively expand the crown tests to around 700,000 per week. In addition, there will be a mobile phone application to track infection routes. According to Philippes, the first primary schools and kindergartens should open voluntarily starting May 11. Middle schools continue on May 18, but initially only in some affected regions.

The strict curfew since March 17 prevented more than 60,000 deaths, the prime minister emphasized. A continuation of the measures would carry the “risk of a collapse” of the economy.

Coronavirus in Europe: the situation in the UK is getting worse: thousands of people die in nursing homes

Update April 28, 3.20 p.m .: The situation in Britain is worsening. In British nursing homes, thousands of people have died of crown infections. In England and Wales alone, 4,343 residents died in two weeks (April 10-24), the national statistics agency ONS announced Tuesday.

Facility operators fear that the culmination of the Pandemic it has not yet been reached in their homes. They warned that the number of deaths in households increased significantly.

In the statistics published daily by the government on Covid-19 dead deaths are only recorded in hospitals. So far, more than 21,000 people have died as a result of their infection in clinics. Critics always had a high Not reported suspected, also for lack of Crown tests.

London Europe it became extremely difficult from the Crown-Pandemic pulse. Italy * (199,414 infected) and Spain (229,422 infected) in particular have an extremely high number of infected people and deaths *. However, in many countries, including Germany Meanwhile, there have been discussions about relaxing the crown measures * or the restrictions are already being relaxed. France is based on Germany, for example. *

Many politicians and virologists warn against jeopardizing what has been accomplished. In Germany, for example, the Robert Koch Institute, Chancellor Merkel and Bavarian Prime Minister Söder * swear by the population that they must prepare for a life with the virus *. The pandemic had not resisted until there was an adequate The vaccine give, he says.

Coronavirus in Europe: British researchers give hope for the vaccine

Meanwhile, researchers around the world are working feverishly to be able to produce such a drug. So far, however, it has been estimated that a vaccine * not before the Year change It would be available. In addition to the research itself, the studies and tests and the mass production of the agent cost time.

Now researchers are doing the college Oxford I hope it will be much sooner CrownThe vaccine could give. Possibly yes in September Several million doses of a new vaccine are available. That informs the New York Times and refers to the work of the Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford.

The drug had already been tested on rhesus monkeys. Six monkeys were vaccinated and then infected with the corona virus. After four weeks, all the animals were healthy.

Coronavirus in Europe: first vaccine study in thousands of volunteers

Scientists now plan one in May clinic study with almost 6,000 volunteers. The Jenner Institute is taking a pioneering role as this will be the first study of this size. This is to test whether the product is effective and safe. Thanks to the authorities’ exemption and a faster manufacturing process, the drug could be available in the fall. However, the researchers also stepped on the euphoria brake. Dieser Zeitpunkt sei Teil des optimistischsten Szenarios.

Auch der Sommerurlaub steht auf der Kippe. Sizilien will nun teils die Reisekosten erstatten, um nach Corona Touristen anzulocken.

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Rubriklistenbild: © dpa / Rober Solsona
