Corona: Violations of the vaccination sequence in Germany – news update


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Numerous violations of the vaccination sequence in Germany

5.45 am: In at least nine federal states, people who have not yet had their turn have already been vaccinated against Corona. This was the result of an investigation by the German Press Agency. Local politicians, clergymen as well as firefighters and police came into play, although they did not belong to the first priority group.

In Lower Saxony, for example, the district manager of Peine and his deputy were vaccinated, and in Saxony-Anhalt the district manager of the district of Wittenberg and his deputy, as well as the mayor of Halle and two city councilors. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the mayor of Hennef, his predecessor and the mayor of Wachtberg received a vaccine. In Bavaria, the Donau-Ries district manager and the Donauwörth mayor were vaccinated.

Police officers in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony, firefighters in Rhineland-Palatinate, and police officers and firefighters in Hamburg were also vaccinated. In Bremen and Hesse, senior hospital staff are also said to have been vaccinated. In most cases, early vaccinations were justified with excess vaccine doses.

The Employer President is very disappointed with the crown’s decisions

5.15 am: Employer Chairman Rainer Dulger has continued criticism from the federal and state governments of the latest Corona decisions. “It’s a huge disappointment,” Dulger told the Funke media group newspapers (Friday). “Once again, companies and employees have not received a clear, transparent and rules-based openness perspective.”

Dulger criticized that in the future an incidence of 35 should be applied instead of the 50 mentioned above for the opening. What is meant is the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. “Politicians now run a huge risk of losing public confidence in measures to combat the pandemic,” Dulger said.

A “closure scenario” was decided on Wednesday that did not meet previous plans. Parliaments and social partners will not be sufficiently involved in the development of the measures. “We need a post-crown strategy. We haven’t heard of it in months, ”Dulger added.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of government of the federal states decided on Wednesday that the main measures of the Crown should continue until March 7. In particular, the trade can only be reopened in 7 days if there is a regional incidence of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. There is an exception for hairdressers, who can reopen in two and a half weeks if hygiene requirements are strictly adhered to.

Biden: The contract for 200 million additional doses of vaccines is perfect

Thursday, February 11, 11.35 pm: The US government has signed a contract with vaccine makers Moderna and Pfizer for an additional 100 million doses of corona vaccine each. The government has now secured a total of 600 million cans that would be delivered by the end of July, President Joe Biden said. So all adults could get vaccinated by the end of July, Biden said during a visit to the National Institute of Health (NIH). The United States has a population of about 330 million. Two doses of vaccine are required per head.

Biden had already announced the purchase of an additional 200 million cans in late January, about a week after starting his tenure. He did not save Friday with criticism of his predecessor Donald Trump. “He didn’t ask for enough vaccinations,” Biden said. “He did not do his job to be prepared for the enormous challenge of vaccinating hundreds of millions of Americans,” the Democrat continued. “The United States had no plans to vaccinate most of the country. It was a big mess, ”Biden said.

The Trump administration has aggressively promoted and funded vaccine development, which even Biden had previously praised. However, the government largely left the planning of actual vaccines, logistical challenges, and associated costs to states, districts, and municipalities.

Biden said vaccine makers Moderna and Pfizer have also pledged to bring forward the delivery of 100 million doses already purchased in one month by the end of June. The American pharmaceutical company Pfizer is working on the vaccine with the Mainz company Biontech.

Worldwide 107.5 million infected and more than 2.3 million dead

Thursday, February 11, 11:16 pm: More than 107.5 million people around the world have been infected with the coronavirus. More than 2.35 million died from or with the virus, according to a Reuters poll based on official data. The United States is the most affected country with more than 27.36 million infections and 471,927 deaths.

Czech parliament rejects extension of emergency

Thursday, February 11, 10:43 pm: The Czech parliament has rejected an extension of the emergency imposed due to the corona pandemic. The minority government of Prime Minister Andrej Babis could not prevail with the demand to continue the state of emergency until March 16. Alternative proposals with shorter deadlines also did not obtain a majority. The state of emergency that has been in force since October expires on Sunday. Among other things, it allows the government to suspend civil rights such as freedom of assembly in all areas.

The presidents of five administrative regions announced that they would step forward and declare the so-called “dangerous situation” themselves. In an emotional debate, government officials had warned of a collapse in the healthcare system. “We go down in history as a state that withdraws its armed forces in the middle of a war,” warned Interior Minister Jan Hamacek. “The virus is aggressive, it is a killer,” Babis said. The president of the opposition pirate party, Iván Bartos, responded that many people were desperate and no longer trusted the government.

The Czech Republic has been particularly affected by the Crown crisis. Authorities reported 9,446 new cases within 24 hours on Thursday. There have been more than a million confirmed infections and 17,772 deaths since the pandemic began. The EU member state has around 10.7 million inhabitants.

Icon: The mirror
