Corona vaccines started: “A real bright spot” | – news


Status: December 27, 2020 1:53 pm

The first doses of coronavirus vaccine were also administered in Lower Saxony, initially in the districts of Osnabrück and Cloppenburg.

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil and Health Minister Carola Reimann (both SPD) accompanied one of the first mobile vaccination teams on Sunday. “I am pleased that we have a real ray of hope at the end of this year,” Weil said in front of the Schlüter care center in Bad Rothenfelde (Osnabrück district). Around 100 women and men live in the private facility. 70 people work there. In the Cloppenburg district, the first residents of nursing homes were also vaccinated on Sunday.

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There is a cannula in a vaccine vial.  © Colourbox Photo: Proxima Studio

Vaccination starts on December 27: Dr. Jens Wagenknecht answers your question about corona vaccination. plus

Other counties as of Monday

The first coronavirus vaccine approved in the EU was delivered domestically on Saturday. Almost 10,000 doses of vaccines should reach Lower Saxony. They were initially distributed to the districts of Osnabrück and Cloppenburg from a secret central warehouse, as reported by NDR 1 Lower Saxony. The two districts were selected because there were a large number of corona infections and many cases in nursing homes over a longer period of time. As of Monday, vaccination should also start in other districts of Lower Saxony. By the end of the year, the country expects more 117,000 cans. As of January, there should be 63,000 cans per week available for Lower Saxony.

Early start in Saxony-Anhalt

The vaccination campaign should begin across the country on Sunday. But already on Saturday in Halberstadt in Harz (Saxony-Anhalt) residents of a retirement home like first people in Germany vaccinated against the coronavirus.

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A doctor vaccinates a patient against the flu.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Zacharie Scheurer

First, they get vaccinated in nursing homes and nursing homes. answers the most important questions about vaccination here. plus

The vaccination ordinance defines the order

Whoever gets vaccinated against the coronavirus first regulates one at the national level Ordinance signed by the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU). Consequently, the highest priority group, along with residents of nursing homes and the elderly, is made up of people over the age of 80 and medical personnel who are at increased risk of infection. The youngest and healthiest would have to be patient, Spahn said Saturday. This could also be expected in mid-2021. Start vaccinating in the area. Spahn agreed with citizens that given the size of the campaign, things may not work out right away. “It will shake at one point or another, that’s completely normal.” There is no mandatory vaccination.


Reimann in conversation

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A limited number of people are vaccinated initially. Who will that be? Interview with the Minister of Social Affairs, Reimann. (17.12.2020) 4 min

Start of vaccination centers not yet known

The 50 vaccination centers in the country are expected to start operating at a later date; an exact date was not initially given. From an organizational point of view, the centers are already operational, according to the Lower Saxony City Council. According to a report by “Nordsee-Zeitung” allows the state government the free choice of the Corona vaccination center. People are suggested to the nearest vaccination center to them, but in principle they can choose any other vaccination center in Lower Saxony, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Social Affairs told the newspaper.

Political caveats: respect the rules

The chairwoman of the SPD parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament, Johanne Modder, spoke on Sunday of a strong “sign of hope”. But he also warned against neglect: “Despite all the euphoria associated with starting vaccination, we must remain vigilant and careful. Keep our distance, wear a mask, protect risk groups.” At the moment, “there is no basis for premature easing measures.”

Federal health politicians also called on the population to continue to adhere to the crown’s protection measures. “We can see from current infection figures that the corona pandemic will keep us under control for some time,” Karin Maag, health policy spokeswoman for the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, said on Sunday. The rules must be followed, “even on New Years Eve”. Karl Lauterbach, an SPD health expert, wrote in one Guest contribution for the “Welt”, “that the population still underestimates this challenge”. Next year will be “very determined by what happens in the coming months. The time until at least the beginning of April will be by far the most difficult to combat the corona pandemic.” Like the modders, Lauterbach cautioned against easing restrictions too early.

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One hand holds a Covid-19 vaccine and a syringe.  © Picture Alliance / SvenSimon |  Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON Photography: Picture Alliance / SvenSimon |  Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON

Initially, Lower Saxony will receive 10,000 cans. Another 117,000 will follow before the end of the year, these are for all counties. (22.12.2020) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 12/27/2020 | 14:00 clock

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