Corona vaccine: the federal government buys millions of doses


The federal government has reordered larger amounts of corona vaccine. This is reported by “Bild am Sonntag”, citing the Federal Ministry of Health.

The government is criticized for not having obtained enough vaccines for Germany so far. According to information from SPIEGEL, until now it had completely relied on the EU purchasing policy. This, in turn, had rejected around 340 million doses of vaccine, apparently also to keep orders from manufacturers in different EU countries balanced.

Now, apparently, the federal government has partly decided to act only at the national level. According to the Health Ministry, Germany should receive enough vaccine to vaccinate 68 million citizens against Covid-19 next year. So this would achieve the goal of herd immunity.

The federal government’s calculation is as follows:

  • According to “Bild am Sonntag”, 55.8 million cans of Biontech will be shipped to Germany via the EU code. That would be around eleven million more than previously known. Additionally, there are 30 million cans that the federal government has bilaterally rearranged.

  • Germany will receive 50.5 million doses of the vaccine from the Moderna company, which will be approved in early January, through purchases from the EU, according to the report. That would be a good 35 million more doses than previously known. The Federal Government also wants to place additional orders here on a bilateral basis.

According to the Health Ministry, both the Moderna vaccine and the Biontech vaccine will be delivered in full to Germany in 2021. When exactly, the Ministry left it open. Based on the current state, experts are more likely to expect deliveries in the second half of the year. Therefore, the Federal Republic would have to remain in a state of pandemic emergency longer than countries such as Japan, Canada or Hong Kong, which had obtained larger quantities of vaccine at an early stage.

The government is also taking advantage of other vaccines that have not yet been approved:

  • 42 million cans from the manufacturer Curevac will arrive in Germany via the EU distribution key. In addition, according to “Bild am Sonntag”, there are another 20 million cans nationwide.

  • Germany receives 56.2 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine through the EU code,

  • Germany will receive 37.25 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

It is currently unclear how reliable these additional delivery promises are. AstraZeneca, for example, was recently criticized for simply summarizing data from two studies in one analysis. The effectiveness rate of the AstraZeneca vaccine may have been changed.

The current uncertainty should not have arisen in the first place. According to information from SPIEGEL, Biontech originally offered 400 to 500 million doses of vaccine to the EU, which it purchases centrally for all member states. However, negotiators in Brussels only asked for 200 million cans, with an option for 100 million more, but these can only be delivered later.

Moderna had also offered the EU up to 300 million cans. The EU only ordered 80 million, with an option for another 80 million. “We could have provided more,” Moderna boss Stephane Bancel told SPIEGEL.

Icon: The mirror
