Corona Vaccine: That’s why NRW didn’t even get 10,000 doses of vaccine | Regional


Saturday morning, 5:05 am: The corona vaccine arrives at the secret central warehouse of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Employees push a single pallet out of the huge truck. Behind the imposing appearance there are only 9,750 vaccination doses for 17.9 million residents.

The few doses of vaccine were brought to Germany from a Pfizer vaccine factory in Belgium. From the secret warehouse, the vaccine will now be taken to 53 counties and urban districts.

That’s the vaccination plan for NRW

Prime Minister Armin Laschet (59, CDU) admitted that it is a small amount. But according to the state government, there is nothing to worry about! Laschet expressed his confidence: “When we are here next Christmas, the pandemic could be over.” He added: “It’s a liberating feeling after all these months.”

The most populous federal state initially received some doses because the vaccine will be distributed simultaneously to the 27 EU countries and within Germany. This is the amount of supplies that should arrive at NRW soon:

► The first 9750 Speakers It should be vaccinated beginning Sunday throughout the state. Mobile teams begin vaccination at selected care centers. The pool of residents and employees to be vaccinated first comprises up to 350,000 people in NRW.

► At the end of the year, around 270,000 teachers come. According to the state government, half of this can be injected immediately and the other half should be reserved for the second vaccine.

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The large refrigerated van after arriving at the secret central warehouse of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia

Photo: NRW state government

► In January, the delivery volume should increase around 140,000 teachers increase per week. NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (63, CDU) assumes that immunization in nursing homes will be largely completed in late February / early March 2021.

Representatives from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians spoke about vaccines that are now kicking off a marathon that will begin amid the second wave of infections and will last for months. Keeping your distance and wearing a mask is still very important, as protection against vaccination can only build up slowly. For corona vaccines in NRW, vaccination centers have been established in independent cities and districts. First, mobile vaccination teams are on duty.

Laumann noted that after nursing homes and hospital staff, it is the turn of those over 80 who do not live at home. We will contact you and inform you of the details. According to the Minister of Health, 1.2 million people over the age of 80 live in NRW.

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NRW has 9,750 doses of vaccination for the start of vaccination on Sunday

Photo: NRW state government

The vaccine is delivered in specially manufactured dry ice coolers made by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. It is transmitted from distribution centers to the 294 districts, vaccination centers and around 100 mobile vaccination teams in Germany.

Two vaccinations per person are required three weeks apart.
