Corona Vaccine: Spahn expects increased vaccine production in Germany soon


secondHealth Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) is confident that the production of the corona vaccine in Germany can soon be increased. “We are doing everything together with Biontech-Pfizer so that there can be additional production facilities here in Germany, for example in Marburg in Hesse,” Spahn told the ZDF “Morgenmagazin”. “The goal is to make production possible there in February / March. And that would greatly increase the amount. “

Biontech has taken over the Marburg production plant from the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis. According to the company, some changes are necessary there before production of the Covid-19 vaccine can begin there as well.

Spahn rejected requests for even more speed. Vaccine production is extremely demanding, it cannot be increased at will in three or four weeks. “That must be done in advance and that is in preparation in Marburg,” he emphasized.

Lindner calls for crisis production

Previously, politicians from various parties had called for more speed in production. “It’s a crisis-ridden state, because we need a crisis production,” FDP chief Christian Lindner said Sunday night in a “picture” broadcast. Germany must do all it can legally, economically, politically and technologically so that vaccinations can be carried out more quickly.

“It is a question of life and death, a question of our freedom. And it is also a question of survival for our economy, because he is already in the intensive care unit ”.

Specifically, he suggested thinking about whether a rare vaccine like Biontech’s could not be produced under license by other manufacturers. “The government should consult with the pharmaceutical industry as a whole: where are there still capacities that can be used for the production of a vaccine?”

The left wants to get the licenses

Left-wing health politician Achim Kessler told “Spiegel”: “According to the First Civil Protection Law, the Minister of Health can force companies to grant other companies a license to reproduce.” The federal government must do it now quickly. “If the federal government does not exhaust all legal possibilities, it puts countless human lives at risk.”

Health Minister Spahn reacted to this approach with astonishment: “The production of a vaccine is very demanding and very complex, it cannot be done simply with a license from another company,” he said. To be confident in the vaccine, it is important that all quality requirements are met.

In general, it is simply wrong if the impression arises that all countries except Germany have enough vaccines: “It is in short supply everywhere, for everyone in the world.” The federal government is working to ensure that there will be more vaccines soon. “But we do it in such a way that the quality is also correct.”

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Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder had also previously warned of the negative consequences of delivery bottlenecks. “The endless waiting also reduces the willingness of the population to get vaccinated,” said the head of the CSU. Unfortunately, there are not enough vaccines available yet.

SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach also issued a warning. “The vaccination is going well. The problem, however, is that we will only be able to vaccinate five million people with the existing vaccine at the end of March ”, he told the Germany publishing network (RND). “But we are running out of time. The virus has already formed mutations. “

Critics had criticized the EU and Germany for asking for too little vaccine, which is why other countries around the world are making faster vaccines. Lindner said on the matter that the federal government had adjusted its order “too late” and only ordered an additional 30 million cans just before Christmas. Others have already completed their orders.

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+ subject to a fee +++ Ulrich Broeckling, German sociologist, b.  1959 |  Ulrich Broeckling, German sociologist, born 1959

The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, pointed to the responsibility of the federal government in the acquisitions. “I am concerned that we do not always have enough vaccine in time,” said the SPD politician in a broadcast of “Bild.” But they assume that the federal government will make sure there are enough vaccines available.

The pharmaceutical industry contradicted the accusation that the production of the corona vaccine starts too slowly. “We are seeing the first corona vaccines in Germany six days after approval, and we will have many more vaccines in January because more and more state-ordered quantities are being delivered,” said the president of the Association of Pharmaceutical Based Manufacturers Association. In Research (vfa). Han Steutel, the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Monday).

He noted that the production capacity of the corona vaccine was increasing in all parts of Germany. “And any other manufacturer that receives approval will also be quickly on the market with pre-produced batches.”

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In Germany, mobile teams mobilized on Sunday to first vaccinate people over 80 years old in homes for the elderly and the elderly, as well as nurses and hospital staff in particular danger. Initially, only 150,000 doses of vaccines were available nationwide. By the end of the year it should be 1.3 million and by the end of March more than ten million doses of vaccines.

Meanwhile, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) spoke out against the special rights of vaccinated people. “Many wait in solidarity so that some can get vaccinated first. And those who have not yet been vaccinated hope that the vaccinated will be supportive patients, “Spahn told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Monday). “No one should claim special rights until everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated.”

This mutual respect holds the nation together. “We are fighting the pandemic together, and we will only overcome it together.” Vaccinations against the coronavirus in Germany began over the weekend. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) also spoke out against special rights.
