Corona vaccine: “grotesquely fails” Journalist criticizes federal government – News Abroad


“I’m afraid that. I want to live,” Franziska Daum (89) said Saturday at BILD. The elderly woman is one of thousands of retirees who do not receive a corona vaccine due to the vaccine debacle in Germany.

The world correspondent in Israel, Christine Kensche, is now criticizing the “grotesque failure” of the federal government in terms of vaccines. The reason is a personal concern: Kensche mourns the loss of his grandmother, who died Saturday of crown disease. Kensche shared his family’s fate on Twitter:

“My grandmother died today. He was infected with Corona in a hospital (!) In Germany. He was 91 years old and there was no vaccine in sight. I am 38 years old and I am getting my first chance. I live in Israel One thing is not having enough vaccinations. But something else when one fails so grotesquely in effective distribution. “

BILD also lets the journalist know about her grandmother: “Among other things, she came to the hospital for cardiac arrhythmias and water in her lungs. The first corona tests (rapid test and smear) were negative. After a week in the hospital, he tested positive. Since then it has been worse. “

Another case that only increases the confusion over the progress of vaccination in Germany. Due to current bottlenecks in the delivery of vaccine giants Biontech / Pfizer and Astrazeneca, things are only progressing at a snail’s pace.

As of Saturday, only 1,469,353 people (1.8 percent) had received their first vaccination in Germany. Only 163,424 people received the second injection necessary for full vaccination protection. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced this in its management report.

And Israel is already vaccinating young people

While the elders of this country do not even remotely know when they will be vaccinated, Israel has already submitted miles. On Saturday, the injections began, as the nation’s largest health care organization Clalit announced.

The Ministry of Health announced this Thursday that it would approve the vaccination of high school students between the ages of 16 and 18 with the consent of their parents. The other three health organizations wanted to start vaccinating young people at a later date.

Tomer (18) erhält am Sonntag seine ImpfungPhoto: AFP

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Tomer (18) will receive his vaccination on SundayPhoto: AFP

Since the start of the vaccination campaign a month ago, more than 2.5 million of the total of around nine million residents have received the first dose of vaccination, according to the Ministry of Health. 900,000 people have already received the second injection.

Israel had started corona vaccines on December 20 and initially supplied health care employees, the elderly and infirm, and members of at-risk groups. Since then, the age limit for people to be vaccinated has been continuously lowered. From Saturday, people over 40 years old can be vaccinated against the corona virus.

As the number of new infections increased despite the rapid advancement of the vaccination campaign, the third nationwide lockdown was extended through late January on Tuesday.
