Corona vaccination process takes shape | – news


Status: 01.12.2020 5:19 pm

The state government crisis team explained the planned procedure for corona vaccines on Tuesday. Up to 60 vaccination centers should be ready by mid-December.

Hundreds of state-certified doctors and vaccination assistants are currently being recruited, said Deputy Crisis Team Leader Claudia Schröder. Feedback from the medical profession is positive. A doctor and up to four assistants must work together as a team in vaccination centers throughout the country.


Claudia Schröder, deputy head of the Lower Saxony crisis team, at the state press conference on 1 December 2020. © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Peter Steffen

1 minute

Deputy Head of Crisis Team Claudia Schröder on the prospect of relaxation using corona vaccines. 1 minute

First vaccine for 100,000 people

Vaccinations are expected to begin in December. According to Schröder, the country initially expects a delivery of 200,000 doses of vaccine. Since two vaccines are usually part of one immunization, 100,000 people could benefit in the first round. Vaccines will be temporarily stored in two central locations. These warehouses and transports are specially protected.

Order still open

The order in which risk groups will be vaccinated has not yet been finally determined. This is related, among other things, to how much of what vaccine is available and when, Schröder said. The population must be able to register for a vaccination online and by phone in a central appointment system. According to Schröder, certain criteria are questioned for risk groups to receive a vaccine first. When the vaccination teams vaccinate the residents of the retirement homes, the staff there should also receive vaccinations. The clinics have announced that they will take care of vaccinating their employees, the deputy head of the crisis team said.

Sustainable relaxation only if you are ready to vaccinate

“I hope that we will have a great demand at the beginning of the vaccination campaign,” said Schröder. To achieve immunity, at least 80 percent of people should get vaccinated. For this reason, an awareness campaign is planned by the federal and state governments. In order to relax the crown’s restrictions in the long term, they would have to Schröder emphasized that significantly more than half of the people were vaccinated.


Mirko Temmler, Head of the Center of Competence in Major Damages of the Ministry of the Interior, at the state press conference of the Corona crisis team.  © NDR

2 minutes

In Lower Saxony, disaster control is integrated into the establishment and operation of vaccination centers. 2 minutes

Centralized management of land packages on disaster control

The vaccination campaign is organized by the disaster control authorities of the districts and large cities under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior and accompanied by the Ministry of Health. There is practical support from the fire department, relief organizations, the Technical Assistance Organization (THW), and the Federal Armed Forces. In order to ensure logistics and processes, the state has decided to establish an “extraordinary event of consequences at the state level” in accordance with paragraph 27a of the Lower Saxony Disaster Protection Law. This allows the deployment of municipal disaster control units under the central state administration.

More information

Claudia Schröder, head of Corona's crisis team in Lower Saxony, gives a press release.  © NDR

65 min

The crisis team and disaster control have explained details about the planned corona vaccines in Lower Saxony. 65 min

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) speaks in the state parliament.  © NDR

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Mirko Temmler, Head of the Center of Competence in Major Damages of the Ministry of the Interior, at the state press conference of the Corona crisis team.  © NDR

2 minutes

In Lower Saxony, disaster management is integrated into the establishment and operation of vaccination centers. 2 minutes

Claudia Schröder, deputy head of the Lower Saxony crisis team, at the state press conference on 1 December 2020. © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Peter Steffen

2 minutes

Vaccination centers should be ready by December 15. The logistics are complicated, says Claudia Schröder of the crisis team. 2 minutes

The leader of the Greens parliamentary group, Julia Willie Hamburg, speaks in the Lower Saxony state parliament.  © NDR

2 minutes

Parliamentary group leader Julia Willie Hamburg also urged a long-term crown strategy in the state parliament. 2 minutes

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) speaks at a press conference.  © NDR

1 minute

Prime Minister Weil (SPD) is calling on the people to celebrate New Year’s Eve on a much smaller scale than usual. 1 minute

Education Minister Grant Hendrik Tonne (SPD) speaks during the state press conference.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

2 minutes

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Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) speaks in front of a camera.  © Lower Saxony State Chancellery

3 min

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil comments on the Crown conference resolutions by the federal and state governments. 3 min

The head of the crisis team, Heiger Scholz, speaks at the state government press conference on the current situation of the crown.  © NDR

1 minute

The Scholz crisis staff wants to prevent a further increase in infections by continuing with the measures. 1 minute

The head of the crisis team, Heiger Scholz, speaks at the state government press conference on the current situation of the crown.  © NDR

1 minute

Crisis team leader Heiger Scholz advocates a quiet New Year’s night to preserve the capacities of hospitals. 1 minute

Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) speaks at the state press conference.  © NDR

1 minute

The vaccination campaign is an opportunity to regain more sovereignty to face the coronavirus. 1 minute

Health Minister Carola Reimann (SPD) speaks at the state press conference.  © NDR

1 minute

Since the doses of the vaccine are initially limited, distribution should be prioritized, the health minister said. 1 minute

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 01.12.2020 | 16:00.

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