Corona vaccination dispute? Spanish rule raises concern among vaccine opponents: Spahn is suddenly attacked


She is vaccinated, she is allowed in. He is not vaccinated, he is not. These special rules for people vaccinated with corona are being discussed again. Many reject them, but they are not entirely new.

  • Health Minister Jens spahn speaks out clearly against the privileges of people who have been vaccinated against Corona.
  • Experts note that there is still very little about the long term immunity and Contagion risks is known.
  • In the long run he wants Weltärztepräsident Montgomery but don’t close the discussion.

Update as of December 28, 9:30 pm: A message from Spain could turn the debate around special rights by Corona vaccinated fire in Germany: There they want to keep a central registry for those who refuse to be vaccinated. The data must be stored in accordance with data protection regulations, but must also be made available to EU partners, for example.

Meanwhile, there are debates in this country about the foreseeable shortage of at least in the medium term Vaccinations: Has Germany Bet on the Wrong Horse? The 300 million doses of vaccines that the EU – and Germany on a pro rata basis – obtained from the French company Sanofi-GSK are particularly criticized. Yours Vaccine development it is now delayed due to a lack of evidence of effectiveness.

“The question to be addressed to Mr. Spahn is: Why couldn’t he get to the Vaccine manufacturer Biontech and Modern Order vaccination contingents so large that we can now move faster to the start of vaccination? “Criticizes the health policy spokesperson of Parliamentary group FDP, Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus.

For his part, the editor-in-chief of the also expressed his doubts about the permanent equality of treatment of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Munich Mercury *, Georg Anastasiadis, in a comment.

Immediately after the start of vaccination: What rights will people vaccinated with corona have and what rights will they not? The discussion burns

First report on December 28 at 10.45 am: Berlin – The Crown-Impfstart is done, then the following discussion appears: Should vaccinated people special rights to receive? In the spring, the company was still concerned about whether there should be a crown immunity card. The idea of ​​giving more rights to people when they are already in COVID-19 * they were sick, it was ruled out. Especially since it was not clear how long sick people are immune to the virus. The Federal Minister of Health takes a position if people who have been vaccinated against the crown can meet again in larger groups or enter restaurants. Jens spahn (CDU) now clearly.

“Many jointly hope that some can get vaccinated first. And those who have not yet been vaccinated hope that those vaccinated will be supportive patients, “he told the newspapers. Funke Media Group. “No one should demand special rights until everyone has a chance to vaccination had. This mutual respect holds us together as a nation. “

Special rights for people vaccinated against the crown: Seehofer and Lauterbach, like Spahn, are against

The federal interior minister spoke on Sunday Horst seehofer (CSU) against such privileges. He justified in the Picture on sunday your attitude that a distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated Mandatory vaccination same. That should not exist in Germany, as many politicians regularly emphasize. Greater rejection comes from the SPD health expert * Karl Lauterbach. “The privileges of the vaccinated are not controllable or easy to justify,” he also said. Funke-Travel. Also, it has not yet been conclusively clarified whether vaccinated people can still infect other people with the coronavirus.

World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery For his part, he does not rule out special rights for vaccinated people or disadvantages for unvaccinated people, as he said in Deutschlandfunk. “Right now, when you can’t offer the vaccine to everyone, that procedure is out of the question.” discussion You can start right now. Later, when everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated and when more is known about whether they are really immune to it Crown variations and mutations * It remains “, then conclusions can be drawn in this debate.” That wouldn’t be news to Montgomery, either. As an example, he cites that some countries prohibit the entry of people who are not vaccinated against yellow fever. Or possible restrictive measures for children who are not vaccinated against measles.

Special rights of people vaccinated against the Crown: other countries are also discussing it

There are also discussions about special rights in other countries. Britain For example, there is a discussion about the so-called “Freedom Pass”, which should allow vaccinated people to live a daily life without restrictions. But collecting petition signatures already works against the project. Qantas airline also debated whether corona vaccines are mandatory for connections Australia It should be.

The weekends were in Germany and the EU vaccines with the approved vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer started. In Bavaria there were occasional delays at the moment due to problems in the cold chain. Vaccination teams were established across the country to initially vaccinate people over the age of 80 and those in need of home care. Nurses and hospital staff particularly at risk also participate in the first priority level mainly vaccinated. Initially, there were 150,000 doses of vaccines available in Germany. By the end of the year it should be 1.3 million and by the end of March more than ten million doses of vaccines.

Spahn spoke of the start of vaccinations Hope and trust. “Vaccination is the key to getting out of the pandemic,” he wrote on Twitter Sunday. He spoke of one on the Bavarian radio “Giant step” in the fight against coronavirus. (cibo) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.
