Corona vaccination centers in Rhineland-Palatinate open earlier – SWR Aktuell


The vaccination centers in Rhineland-Palatinate open a little earlier than planned. This was announced by the Minister of Health Bätzing-Lichtenthäler. And even with the vaccine replenishment, it now seems to work without a hitch.

The planned delivery of the corona vaccine in the first week of January 2021 will not be canceled, but will only be postponed four days until January 8. The Federal Ministry of Health initially announced on Wednesday morning that the delivery of about 34,000 doses of the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine, which was scheduled for January 4, had been canceled without replacement, according to Bätzing-Lichtenthäler. However, late in the afternoon, the ministry announced that the handover would take place after all, four days later. However, he did not provide information on the amount.

The second delivery in January is due to arrive on January 18, it was expected seven days earlier in Rhineland-Palatinate, on January 11. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, a delivery must be made every week on Monday or Tuesday.

Vaccination centers start earlier

Now it is certain that the vaccination centers in Rhineland-Palatinate will open on January 7, four days earlier than last announced. Appointments can be made by people who, according to federal guidelines, are in the first priority group as of January 4. This was announced by Bätzing-Lichtenthäler and the state vaccination coordinator Alexander Wilhelm (both SPD) in Mainz on Wednesday.

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Appointments are made by phone at 0800 5758100 or through the website www.impftermin.rlp. Everyone must be vaccinated twice and therefore have two appointments, at least three weeks apart. The vaccination center near the place of residence is assigned, there are 31 in total.

People over 80, caregivers and rescuers are the first to go

When scheduling appointments, callers should explain why they belong to the first priority group. Also, the date of birth is sufficient for people over 80 years of age. Employees of emergency services, ambulatory care services and intensive care units – also in group one – must indicate their occupation on the phone and present an identification card or a certificate from their employer at the vaccination appointment.

So many people from Rhineland-Palatinate have already been vaccinated

Along with the residents and employees of nursing homes, between 450,000 and 460,000 people belong to this priority group, according to Bätzing-Lichtenthäler.

Federal Health Minister Spahn admits bottlenecks

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) admitted today that continued vaccine delivery remains “uneven” in some places. However, Spahn assured that every effort will be made to have as much vaccine available for Germany as soon as possible. The vaccine is scarce at the beginning of vaccinations worldwide.
