Corona / United States: Trump’s disinfectant tip has consequences: Former White House spokesman gives advice


The researchers are working intensively on medications for the coronavirus. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has specific suggestions.

Update April 27: Later in the Disinfectant tips of Donald trump A protest followed and then his announcement, his Corona press conferences decrease, says Joe Lockhart, White House Press Secretary from 1998 to 2000in CNN Advice on how journalists should better deal with the PKs of the President of the United States.

At Lockharts Opinion article He says, “First, stop talking directly to the President. He is adept at avoiding questions and participating in campaign speech. Instead, ask the scientists and doctors in the room: They have the experience and none of them is as capable as the president of lying or avoiding a question, “he believes.

Crown / USA USA: CNN on Trump briefings on Corona: “Never say the Washington Post”

As a journalist, you must also work with the other reporters in the briefings. “My biggest fear has always been losing control of the situation because journalists are monitoring together,” he reveals of his work experience as a press officer at the White House.

Lockhart also strongly discourages Trump’s interruption, and at the end of his comment, writes: “If the President asks you who you work for, you never respond. CBS News or Washington Post

Trump with absurd crown tips: the press reacts horrified

Update April 26, 12.06 p.m.: More than 50,000 people in the United States have died after being infected with the Sars Cov2 virus. Among other things, the New Zurich newspaper comments on the current behavior of Donald trump: “Right now, the President of the United States says on camera that you should try to inject disinfectants into people. Maybe that will help.”

The newspaper continues: “Die Civil Protection Agencies Several member states had to warn their citizens about taking disinfectants. However, Donald Trump tried his words Sarcasm fire but he was serious. It would be better if Trump did nothing and said nothing in this great crisis. And this wish is part of the great American Tragedy

Many Americans follow the tip of Trump’s “sarcastic” crown – absurd emergency call expert reports

Update April 26, 7:08 a.m.: As a result of the declarations of the president of the EE. USA Donald trump about possible Disinfecting injections against that Corona virus have the Poison Control Center in the US state. USA Illinois There has been an increase in emergency calls. In the past two days, there has been a “significant increase” in calls to detergents compared to the same period last year, said the director of the health department, Ngozi Ezike, Saturday (local time) at a press conference. For example, a mixture of bleach and mouthwash was used to gargle, “in an attempt to kill the crown virus.” Ezike strongly warned against taking Cleaning products.

Trump had encouraged investigators at a press conference Thursday to look for ways to inject disinfectants directly into people fighting the virus. Your resolved statements Indignation outside Some authorities were forced to publicly warn citizens. The following day, Trump presented his statement as “sarcasm.” He did not want to call citizens to take disinfectants, he said Friday.

Ezike said: “I hate having to do this, but I want some of the myths, rumors, and generals. Disinformation on how to deal with Covid-19 can protect, appeal. ” Taking household cleaning products could have “fatal consequences.” “This is not recommended and can be fatal.” He asked citizens to listen to scientists and health professionals.

According to Trump-PK: Americans drink aquarium cleaners for fear of the crown; soon after is dead

Update at 6:08 p.m.: Donald trump had proposed at a press conference to protect people from the Coronavirus disinfectant inject and received a lot of criticism for it (see update 3:43 pm). In another PK he also spoke about it Hydroxychloroquine malaria remedies,that against him Crown could help These statements not qualified by the Presidents of the United States they are increasingly becoming a problem.

Gary Lenius († 68) and his wife Wanda watched the speeches Wins in TV. Wanda told NBC TV: “We were afraid of getting sick. We were really concerned. We saw your press conference. It was actually a lot. Trump kept saying it was a cure. I was in the pantry (…) and I said, hey, isn’t that what they’re talking about on TV? ”

But what he discovered in his pantry was not Hydroxychloroquinebut Chloroquine phosphatea Aquarium cleaner, which is supposed to fight fish parasites.

She and her husband mixed a teaspoon of cleanser with sparkling water. They did not expect that Crown to infect 20 minutes after taking both were extremely bad. They called the emergency doctor. Her husband died in the hospital.

However, it is not the only case of this type in which USES. According to Image have for Crown crisis The poisoning hotlines of the United States are significantly more called. Especially in children there would be more poisoning. Disinfectants.

From January to March, there were a total of 17,392 reported emergencies related to Disinfectants. This corresponds to an increase of about 35 percent compared to the same period last year.

Disinfectant against the crown? German virologist surprised and dismantled Trump’s proposal

Update at 3:43 p.m.: Science has come under fire for Trump’s proposal to inject people to combat Covid-19 disinfectants. German virologist and head of a medical laboratory, Dr. Martin Striker to speak. Front of Image He dismantled theories of Trump’s wild crown. He also emphasizes once again that the method proposed by Trump is life-threatening: “This is definitely outrageous. I can’t inject disinfectant into anyone, “says Striker.

Since disinfectants can only be used externally, ingestion by drinking or injecting the liquid would lead to death. Therefore, his criticism of Trump’s competence on these issues is clear: “I don’t think he understood the context of how the virus spreads in context.” Every word about it is wasted. “

USA / Corona: Trump has an absurd excuse for a disinfecting proposal

Update April 25, 9:06 a.m. At a White House press conference Thursday night (local time), Trump encouraged investigators, among other things, to investigate ways to fight the coronavirus to inject disinfectants directly into people. The reason for his statement had been given by a government expert on the matter: William Bryan of the Department of Homeland Security had previously explained that bleaching and disinfectants quickly killed the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 on dry metal surfaces like a doorknob. of the door.

Corona: Trump wants to avoid disinfectant statements

Trump He had also reflected on Thursday night about options to bring a strong light “to the body” for Crown infections To treat Bryan had previously described that the life span of the virus was dramatically shortened when exposed to direct sunlight. I stayed here Trump Friday at his post. Perhaps there is something that helps with light and the human body, he said. You have to look at this. However, that is a problem for doctors. “I’m not doctor”.

Medical professionals and Health officials outside the United States also warned immediately urge to inject or swallow disinfectant. At his daily Corona press conference at the White House The president rejected any journalist questions on Friday. While Trump pandemic press conferences typically last between one and two hours, sometimes even longer, they ended Friday after less than half an hour. Trump left the room despite being asked questions by reporters.

Corona / United States: Donald Trump with a strange excuse

United States President Donald Trump wants his controversial comments on possible therapeutic approaches to the coronavirus after much public criticism such as Sarcasm understand “I sarcastically asked reporters a question just to see what would happen,” Trump said Friday at the White House in Washington. “I thought that would be clear.”

Trump said he had not wanted to call Americans to take disinfectants. He only has one Question “very sarcastic” to an “enemy group” asked by reporters.

Trump with abstruse crown idea: investigators must test methods that threaten people’s lives

First report of April 24, 2020: Washington – The proposals of the President of the United States are highly idiosyncratic: Donald Trump * has encouraged investigators to fight the novel Corona virus * examine people directly Disinfectant inject

Such a procedure would be very likely life threatening. Trump told the White House on Thursday night (local time) in front of reporters that it would be “interesting” to investigate.

Corona in the USA USA: Trump wants to let infected disinfectants inject

Immediately before, a government expert at the press conference said the causative agent was bleach and disinfectants. Sars-CoV-2 * For example, it kills quickly on dry metal surfaces like a door handle.

“Is there any way we can do something like that? By spraying or almost cleaning … it would be interesting to check that,” he said. Trump *. That should be left up to the doctors, of course, he added. “But I find it interesting,” said the president.

“Trump is considering injecting people against the bleach virus.” Pray for America, “commented the British satire magazine The push.

Trump’s Corona virus therapy ideas: “This is pretty awesome”

The expert of United States Government in the fight against Corona * He also described that the useful life of the pathogen when exposed to direct radiation Sunny
t dramatically shortened. Trump also used this to discuss possible problems. Coronavirus Therapy Approaches * speculate “Let’s say we treat the body with an enormous amount, either with ultraviolet light or just strong light,” Trump said.

He then continued to speculate: “Assuming you could bring light into your body, what you can do through the skin or in some other way,” he said, adding that the researchers also wanted to investigate this possibility. “It is quite formidable,” Trump said.

Sars-Cov2 control with soap & Co. – externally please

According to experts, soap, disinfectants, and bleaches can reliably kill the virus when used externally – that is, by washing your hands or cleaning. So far, however, there are no proven medications or techniques that can kill the pathogen in infected patients.

dpa / frs

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

The Federal Minister for Transport has presented his new traffic regulations for Germany: traffic violators must now expect higher fines.

Markus Söder, meanwhile, gives insight into the roadmap for business and the catalog of fines for violations of the mouthguard regulation.

In China, however, there is new knowledge about infection with Covid-19: a restaurant’s air conditioning system has favored the infection of two families.

A European study on mortality reveals in which countries the death toll from the Corona crisis is particularly evident.
