Corona / United States: Armed forces invade parliament – special drug approval granted


The coronavirus is spreading massively in the United States. President Donald Trump remains optimistic. There is a stir in New York for a grand funeral, after which the mayor receives criticism.

Update May 1, 10:49 pm: The USES allow the limited Use of Active ingredient Remdesivir at Covid19thPatient in hospitals Exemption face the corona virus pandemic “At the speed of light” It came up, Food and Drug Agency Chief Stephen Hahn said Friday at the White House.

A clinical study had previously shown that the drug originally developed for Ebola in patients with Covid can shorten recovery time by several days. The director of the drug maker Gilead, Daniel O’Day, said the company would donate 1.5 million cans of remdesivir to US authorities.

New York overwhelmed by crown deaths: military in action – decomposing bodies in trucks

Update May 1, 9:13 p.m.: 18,069 death count alone New York regarding coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins University (as of May 1). New York State’s normal system is at the immensely high Mortality rate apparently overwhelmed. That informs the New York Times.

Consequently, crematoriums are currently burning four times more bodies per day than before the crisis. However, the mortuaries are crowded. According to the report, a funeral director stored dozens of bodies, some of them decomposing, in two trucks because he had no longer found a place. Authorities have now withdrawn their license.

Now the US military has been asked for help. Soldiers rescue the dead throughout the day in their homes. In this way, they alleviate overburdened private funeral homes.

Corona in the United States: Armed protesters stormed Parliament – Senator depicts violent scenes

Update May 1 at 12:00 p.m. The anger of some citizens for Crown protection measures leads to United States scenes to be depressed to questionable: Im Michigan State are armed protesters He stormed the parliament building in the capital Lansing on Thursday.

Several hundred people gathered, according to the US media, during a demonstration in the entrance area of ​​the Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s official residence. Partly armed and waving posters and flags, they called for the end of the Emergencyin the state “Men with guns are yelling at us directly above me,” said Senator Dayna Polehanki, who was present, in a tweet. Some senators even wear bulletproof vests. Parliamentarians met Thursday for a parliamentary session in the building, but the governor was not in the house, according to his office.

In fighting the spread of the coronavirus, Michigan has like other US states. USA long-range exit restrictions imposed However, Democrat Whitmer must enforce provisions against the increasingly bitter opposition of the Republican majority in Parliament. The curfew was initially established until the end of April, but had already been extended until mid-May last week. On Friday, Whitmer signed an executive order for one. Extension of the emergency until May 28..

Crown crisis in the United States: New York mayor apologizes

Update April 30 3:33 p. M .: After harsh criticism of one in the midst of Crown crisis The Mayor of New York attended a large number of people who attended the Orthodox Jewish funeral. Bill de Blasio sorry “If I said something in my passion and emotion that was somehow hurtful, I’m sorry,” de Blasio said at a press conference. “That was not my intention. But I want also be clear: I don’t regret calling this a danger and saying that we will treat it very aggressively. “

De Blasio had it great funeral service previously criticized as “absolutely unacceptable” (see below). Several representatives of Jewish associations then attacked the mayor himself to emphasize the incident and to generalize “the Jewish community” as responsible for it.

Sweden, on the other hand, follows its own path in the Corona crisis. After much criticism, it is now surprising that Sweden received praise for the Corona course from the WHO leadership. *

Coronavirus in the USA USA: New York funeral home unprepared for large numbers of bodies

Update April 30 at 9.45 a.m. The city NY is with more than 14,000 deaths regarding the virus crowns one of the trouble spots in the United States. After New York Mayor Bill de Blasio had to close a funeral on Wednesday (update April 29), the second scandal comes in no time. According to media reports, near a funeral home in the Brooklyn neighborhood Dozens of bodies in several Carriers It has been found

The funeral home had rented the vehicles because the space capabilities in the company through the many dead They were already exhausted. Also, the funeral home’s cooling room had failed as well New York times Wednesday the Police cited The collection of corpses was noted because residents Putrid odor noticed and informed of the vices.

Dozens of bodies were found in various trucks in Brooklyn.

© dpa / Craig Ruttle

There are various numbers regarding the exact number of bodies. TV station CNN talk up 60 lifeless bodies, ABC informed of 100 dead. Lying on ice, the body bags were piled on the transporters and should probably be cremated. If the deceased in Corona virus * died, but I’m not sure. The funeral home also received the current situation. permittedstore bodies in refrigerated trucks, but at least one vehicle without cooling Later state, the bodies were transferred to a refrigerated truck as well New York Times reported.

Update April 29, 9:20 p.m.: Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio has attended an orthodox Jewish funeral in the midst of the Corona crisis like many people “Absolutely unacceptable” criticized After learning about this, he headed to the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn on Wednesday night to make sure the massive build-up dissolved, de Blasio wrote on Twitter.

“What I saw will not be tolerated as long as we fight the coronavirus.” The time for warnings is up, people in large groups are now being warned or arrested.

Virus crowns in the United States: New York looks at Germany with “concern” – “… if it opens too fast”

Update April 29, 7.44 p.m .:The particularly violent of the Corona virus-Pandemic affected state of EE. USA New
York also look to the future by easing your exit restrictions Germany. “There is a situation in Germany that we must observe and learn,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said at his daily press conference on Wednesday.

Cuomo referred to the so-called reproduction number, which had slightly increased in Germany after loosening. “This worries us, it shows that if you open too fast, the infection rate can increase”Cuomo said. “You have to be careful”. The number of reproductions indicates how many people are infected by an infected person on average. However, after the slight increase in Germany, it had recently fallen slightly again.

Corona virus in the USA USA: sad broken sound barrier: Trump still sells numbers as a hit

Update April 29, 2:42 p.m.: President of the United States Donald trump It has responded to the dramatic number of coronavirus infections in the United States. The case numbers were Tuesday night. exceeded a million – and therefore represent a third of world cases. Do not panic, it seems the motto of the President of the United States. Rather, they are Crown tests in the United States “sooo much better than in any other country in the world,” Trump writes on Twitter. Other countries lagged behind USES back in the test and therefore also recorded fewer cases.

There are also dramatic figures at the economic policy level. Due to the crown crisis, the American economy it fell by almost five percent in the first quarter. Economic output decreased 4.8 percent during the previous quarter, the Commerce Ministry announced Wednesday.

Crown crisis in the US USA: more than a million cases, a third of infections worldwide

Update April 28, 8:40 p.m.: According to scientists, there have been more than one in the United States since the crown pandemic began. one million infections tested with the new virus. That came out Tuesday afternoon (local time) from data from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. According to this, more than 57,000 people died after being infected with the Corona virus.

Update April 28, 4:08 p.m.: The USES They are the country with the most crown deaths worldwide. And this number may be even higher than previously thought. New one Study of American Yale Elite University according to Number of deaths in the United States since March this year he got up abruptly. Many so far these dead have been not associated with coronavirus.

Corona in the USA USA: Study Suggests More Covid 19 Deaths Than Previously Thought

The study by New Haven scientists was based on data from the US Department of Health. USA Therefore From early March to April 4, about 15,400 more people died that in previous years, the Washington Post Monday During this period, however only 8,128 deaths from coronavirus were reported state

Until now However unknown, yes the additional deaths Really associated with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus standing, said Dan Weinberger, an epidemiologist at Yale University who is participating in the study. According to him, however, the data suggested that the death toll was “significantly higher than previously reported.” It is important to get a fuller picture of the true impact of the pandemic to give politicians a solid basis for decision-making, he emphasized.

First report of April 28, 10:15 a.m.:

Sacramento – Keep your distance, Exit restrictions and it applies in some places Mask requirement * – Due to the Corona crisis *, people around the world are taking strict measures to slow the spread of the new virus * as much as possible. But especially in the USES, the country that until now has highest number of kills Many people seem to care relatively little about restrictions.

Corona virus in the United States: Despite the pandemic, many people are crowded on the beach

The scenes that happened last weekend are different. Huntington Beach in California played, just to explain. I spent the summer days many people there crowded on the beach – no trace of masks and compliance with distance rules, as in a video of It can be seen

For many, this behavior is absolutely incomprehensible. According to current data from Johns Hopkins University, so far there have been in the US. USA 988,469 people infected with the coronavirus, 56,253 people are after a crown infection * died.

Corona virus in the US USA: many people on Coney Island don’t follow the distance rule

Still, countless people seem to be whistling for the crown rules. And not only in California, but also in other parts of the United States. Because there were photos similar to Huntington Beach Coney island to see in the particularly affected state of New York by the pandemic.

There are some Beaches in the United States meanwhile also officially reopened No one wanted to provoke a massive avalanche with tens of thousands of bathers in Huntington Beach. And that’s not all: Many Americans apparently not only find it difficult to follow the applicable crown restrictions wait – some of them also demonstrate against. And in the meantime, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has even fueled these protests.

It remains to be seen if Covid 19 infection numbers will skyrocket after the summer weekend.

Image of rubric list: © dpa / Nicole Hester
