Corona – Trump rejects expert warnings: “Unacceptable”


President Trump contradicts his Corona adviser: Anthony Fauci’s views are “unacceptable”. Fauci had warned at a Senate hearing that the economy would reopen too quickly.

United States President Donald Trump views health advisor and consultant Anthony Fauci’s warnings about the risks of reopening the economy too quickly as “unacceptable.” “For me, it is not a viable solution,” Trump told reporters at the White House. I was surprised by Fauci’s opinion. “

The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had previously testified before the Senate Health Committee that the state, until a vaccine is available, should focus on proven measures and restrictions to slow the spread of the virus. A premature relaxation of restrictions on public life could endanger not only people, but also the recovery of the economy.

Trump: open schools again from fall

Schools and universities in the Trump believes the United States should reopen for classes in the fall. The new school year should start as planned, especially since the corona virus has “very little effect” on younger people, Trump said Wednesday night (local time) at the White House. The decision to relax crown requirements rests with the governors of all 50 states, but schools are important, Trump said. “A state is not open if schools are not open,” he said.

Trump is pressuring governors to loosen the exit restrictions they are imposing so that the United States economy can recover. Many states have relaxed their requirements since early May, although the pandemic is not yet under control in many parts of the country. Other states and cities, including the capital Washington and the badly affected metropolis of New York, don’t want to loosen their requirements until June at the earliest.
