Corona: Trump is upset by the journalist’s question: “A disgrace”


US President Trump admitted that he deliberately downplayed the crown pandemic. It caused a lot of outrage. When asked about the matter by the press, he responded with a fit.

US President Donald Trump has denied lying to Americans about the danger posed by the coronavirus. “I didn’t lie,” Trump said Thursday at the White House when asked by a reporter about it. “I said we have to stay calm, we must not panic.”

Then Trump attacked the journalist: “The way he phrased his question is a disgrace. It is a disgrace to ABC broadcaster. It is a disgrace to his employer,” Trump said, visibly upset. The journalist had previously asked him why people in the country should continue to believe him when they now knew that he had previously lied about the virus.

Woodward’s book worries Trump

In interviews with investigative journalist Bob Woodward in March, Trump said he had downplayed the danger posed by the virus. The corresponding passages were published in the US media on Wednesday. The remarks put Trump in danger shortly before the November presidential election.

Trump argued Thursday that if Woodward thought his statements were problematic, he should have made them public immediately rather than waiting months. Trump avoided critical questions about the trivialization of danger by addressing what he believed to be his administration’s successful crisis management. “We did a phenomenal job,” he said. Soon there will be a vaccine.

The president of the USA continues to downplay the problem

Trump presented the situation in the United States as better than in Europe. “If you look at the European Union right now, they have outbreaks like you’ve never seen them before and frankly their numbers are at much worse levels than the numbers here,” he said. He cited Italy, France and Spain as examples. Although the number of infections has risen again there, they are still at a high level in the US.

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However, Trump was confident that the United States would soon overcome the crisis. He ruled out another closure. He accused his rival in the November 3 election, Joe Biden, of using the pandemic for political ends.

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, more than 191,000 people in the United States have died after being infected with the coronavirus since the start of the corona pandemic. The number of new infections each day was more than 34,000 on Wednesday. In absolute numbers, the US has the highest number of corona deaths in the world, but not relative to population. The United States ranks seventh in this category. In the EU, only Spain has more deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.
