Corona treatment at the hospital: Trump “still hasn’t gotten over the mountain”


US President Trump’s personal physician is “cautiously optimistic”: Despite “considerable progress,” Trump “has yet to get over the mountain.” Trump explained in a video that the next few days would be decisive for the course of the corona infection.

Donald Trump’s personal physician has not given the go-ahead for the US president’s health status despite “considerable” progress since the corona diagnosis. “Although it is not out of the woods yet, the team remains cautiously optimistic,” said Dr. Sean Conley in an update. Trump still has no fever and does not need extra oxygen.

He worked on Saturday and moved around his hospital room without difficulty. The oxygen saturation of Trump’s blood was 96 to 98 percent, Conley said. This is an important value: if Covid-19 attacks the lungs, the body receives less oxygen.

Second dose of remdesivir

Trump received a second dose of the drug remdesivir without complications, Conley said. It inhibits an enzyme in viruses that is necessary for them to multiply. The doctor had previously announced a five-day treatment for Trump with remdesivir. His condition will be monitored today, the doctor said.

Hospital video message

The President of the United States, Trump, had previously commented on his health in a four-minute video message. In it he said that when he entered the military clinic, at first he did not feel so good. But now it’s getting better.

The next few days should be decisive for your fight against the coronavirus, so the “real test” is imminent. Assume “will be back soon.” In the video, Trump wears a blue jacket and an open white shirt without a tie. He looks tired.

Previously, after the first night in the military hospital, there had been different, sometimes confusing, information about his condition. Conley sidestepped the question of whether Trump had not received additional oxygen during the course of the infection. The doctor only said that Trump is currently not receiving additional oxygen. According to the AP news agency, Trump received supplemental oxygen before being admitted to the White House. Conley declined to give a date for Trump to be released from the hospital.

Trump was taken to the hospital by helicopter on Friday night (local time). The White House spoke of an injunction on the recommendation of doctors.

More and more infections in the Trump environment

Meanwhile, more and more infections are known in the Trump environment. His campaign leader, Bill Stepien, also tested positive for the virus. The center of attention is the presentation of conservative attorney Amy Coney Barrett as a candidate for the vacancy on the Supreme Court on Saturday a week ago in the Rose Garden of the White House. More than 100 people gathered there in a small space. In the photos and videos it can be seen that few wore masks or kept their distance. The participants hugged or shook hands.

No Senate meetings for two weeks

The United States Senate suspended its plenary sessions for two weeks after corona infections of at least three members. At the same time, the judicial committee should continue with the hearings of the candidate for the United States Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, stressed the leader of the Republican majority, Mitch McConnell. Democrats criticized this decision.

As of Friday, three senators, Republicans Mike Lee, Thom Tillis and Ron Johnson, had announced positive corona tests. Lee and Tillis are also members of the Judiciary Committee. President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans want Barrett to take office before the November 3 presidential election.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 4, 2020 at 4:05 am
